How do you deal with work?



  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    You don't really need to be vocal about it if you don't want to. I mean, fine, that works for some people. But if it's in your personality to be more reserved and not to want to draw attention to your weight loss efforts, that's fine too. In fact, it's probably more professional in most office environments.

    Don't apologize, don't explain. Just smile and say no thank you. You don't owe them any explanation beyond that.

    My only issue with this part is they're the type of people who ask "why not?" if you decline their offer for food. Definitely not to be rude or nosy, if that makes sense. They're feeders, I guess. I don't really know how to explain it. I think it's more they know that most people are just saying no to be polite, and they genuinely want you to have some. I don't know if that made sense.

    Option 1
    Bring in food for everyone one day. Make sure it's something bland, boring, and tasteless. Tell them when you pass out the food that you have to eat even more healthier sometimes to counter all of the unhealthy food they bring you and that you would like to do this at least once a week.

    Option 2
    Let them feed you, because it is obviously something that they want to do and would more than likely be upset and offended if you didn't let them. This family has a big heart and consider you part of the family. Tell them you're grateful for their hospitality and ask your work family if they can order you healthy options instead of unhealthy options. I'm sure that wherever they order from they can find a salad or something grilled instead of deep fried and breaded.

    That's definitely the kind of advice I need, option 2. I feel bad because they're so kind and warm and friendly, and that's why I struggle with saying no to them. They're like a whole other family to me. I don't want to hurt their feelings or have them think that I don't appreciate the offer, because I absolutely love it here. Thank you for helping me :)
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I know that can be hard as I work in a place like that. I bring my lunch and snacks to work with me. When they break out the cookies or cake I just say "no thank you" and eat my apple or nuts or cheese. Good luck!
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I bring my food with me to work 95% of the time (time permitting, some mornings are harder than others), so I'm definitely never lacking in healthier choices. I just feel bad when I come to work and they walk in with smoothies or burritos for everyone and then I have to either eat it or throw it away. There's only four of us in the front office, so they buy one for each of us.

    There is your problem. Understand that you are under no obligation to take what is offered to you, if you did not ask for it. It's not on you if someone takes it upon themselves to buy you something. It's not your responsibility to keep others happy. If they get butthurt, ok. Let them. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? If it really bothers the buyer they'll eventually stop buying you stuff, and isn't that the end goal, anyway? Still a win.

    I understand it's not my responsibility to keep others happy, but I'm definitely a people pleaser. They treat me extremely well here, it's by far the best work environment I've ever had, and I don't want to jeopardize that or make them unhappy/hurt their feelings. I know it's definitely not a big problem or anything, I just wanted some advice. I'm not too good at standing up to people or possibly hurting their feelings.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited February 2015
    Maybe they can buy you an expensive fruit basket every morning then
    Or when they order things in, part of the order can be healthy (like, yes, fruit).
    Respond very positively when they get you things that are appropriate. Praise, praise, praise. Overdo it showing how happy you are that they remembered you.
    I feel bad when they buy me things and I say no. I hate being wasteful
    You're not being wasteful. They're the ones buying things they know you won't eat.
    When it's left on your desk, put it in the breakroom for someone else to take. Put a sign on it saying "free to a good home".
    they're the type of people who ask "why not?" if you decline their offer for food
    Then explain it, again. And again. And again.
    "I'm trying to improve my health."
    "I'm trying to eat lighter."
    "I'd be happy to give you some suggestions of things I can eat." (Go for that fruit bowl!)
    "I don't care for any right now, thank you."
    "I appreciate the offer, but it's not really fitting my goals."
    Coffee cups are great social props. You're performing the socialization behavior of consuming. No-one ever looks to see what is in the cup, but you're participating, so you're part of the group.
    I love this response. :heart:
    Ask your boss to only get you something on Fridays
    That's good too.
  • CObluegrass
    CObluegrass Posts: 61 Member
    My office is across the hall from the breakroom where someone is constantly putting leftover food and treats from meetings. they usually stop by my office to offer me something before putting it in the breakroom and it usually goes like this:
    "want a cookie?"
    "no thanks"
    "are you sure?"
    "yes I'm sure"
    "they're really good"
    "they look good but no thank you"
    "just one?"
    "no thanks"
    "take it home for later?"
    "no, I appreciate it though"
    "bring one home for your son?"

    Sometimes this conversation lasts longer than others before the person offering gets it. I don't need to explain my diet or eating habits to anyone, but just politely decline. they might think I'm weird or rude by not accepting, but I don't care. I pre-track my days and stick to the plan 90% of time. If it's really delicious or a rare treat, I may have some and fit it into my day. Occasionally someone gives me chocolate as a thank you and I graciously accept and bring it home and either work it into my calories or have my husband bring it to work. But I'm not eating food just to be polite or to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Maybe if you reciprocate by bringing a crudité tray with carrots, celery, etc. for all, they will expand their offering to include things you would actually enjoy. Without guilt.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I'm lucky. When the office buys food (pizza, cake, etc), they do it twice. Once for the 7am-330pm shift, and once again for the 330pm-11pm shift. I work a completely random shift in between (11am-730pm) so I get to tell the day shift that I'm not eating it til later, and then I tell the evening shift that I already got it on the first shift.
  • nissanmama
    nissanmama Posts: 26 Member
    See if you can get them "enable" a specific goal. "Eating healthier" is kinda vague. Sounds like it is for you as well. Perhaps if you were training to ride a specific distance or work up to a 5K or half marathon, they would be first in line to assist in your food regimen. It releases them from feeling guilty about their bad choices when you are making good choices.
  • mbender719
    mbender719 Posts: 17 Member
    HA! My landlord always brings over a box of chinese bakery sweets when I pay rent, and it sits on my counter tempting me. Last night as I stared at the box trying to resist, I had the brilliant idea to just bring it to work to share with my coworkers. Maybe your coworkers are like me, just paying their temptations forward! Sorry about that!!