Stressed already :(



  • pippin44
    pippin44 Posts: 34 Member
    Before you join a gym, and stress out..... check out The first month is free. In the simplest of descriptions -- it is an online workout video library with every time of work out available. See if it works for you during the free trial month....
    (I use it in addition to my gym memberships, for night time yoga or when I don't want to go to the gym).

    Another alternative to the gym, is buy a piece of exercise equipment for your home. The fitness stores usually sell used pieces for a fraction of the original price. And you might even find listings at craigslist.

  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    If it is going to be a financial stress then no - you will just feel guilty about the money every time you don't go, and resent it when you are there. Can you find a cheaper gym, or a pay as you go? My gym is £15 a month - no pool but everything I need, and I don't feel guilty about spending that if I don't get there much some weeks. Is it a long contract, or can you cancel easily if its not working for you? I have had a couple of short term memberships at places with pools, and me and hubby have accepted it will be crazy for a couple of weeks while I go out most nights to swim, but it is a limited time so we can deal with it.
    You can always find ways to find the time if its really important to you, but if you feel you SHOULD but don't want to you will resent it, so save the money and find other ways to exercise.
    For time saving, as others have suggested crockpots are great. We batch cook and freeze a couple of times a month, so on busy nights we just have to heat up.

    good luck whatever you decide!

  • aemech97
    Have to agree with the peeps here, if its that stressful DONT DO IT!!!!!!!! There are many programs that are free that you can do at home to help. Intimate time with your other half is great exercise too. Yes I just said that. Why not have fun, instead of stressing? Right? Two birds with one stone as well. You get exercise and time with the other half. And everyone of these posts so far has really great info from these peeps! You are not alone, we as a community are here, and we as a community have done, tried, failed, excelled at very many different things, so hit us up!
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    The gym is my happy place so if it stresses you out don't sign up. You are less likely to want to go. Try looking on Pintrest or online for some workouts to do at home. You can check some thrift shops for weights or sporting goods stores for sales in your area and do body weight exercises. Our cable company even has a fitness channel on demand that can give you some workouts as well for free.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    Watch craigslist for equipment instead. My husband and I bought a bike, brand new that just sat in someone's house being a clothes hanger CHEAP! People will be giving up on their new years resolutions soon so watch for some. We bought a weight bench and weights for less than 100 too. You can find lots that way and then you can exercise at your convenience.

    so much this! I had totally forgotten about the "after christmas sales." hahahaha!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Look for other solutions that work better for you. Lots of people do not go to a gym to exercise.
    Maybe it would make more sense to invest in some home exercise equipment (that maybe the whole family could use) than a gym membership.
    Use free workout videos on you tube. Lots of variety. No commute time.
    Walk or run outside. Dance around your house.
    Do 30 minute workouts at home most days a week instead of hour long workouts 3 days a week.
    Use a slow cooker. Prepare double the recipe when you cook and freeze the exta for another day. Divide chores among family members.