tracking my progress........ with questions......

Day 1...
So I officially switched to Water, Naked Smoothie Juice, Raspberry tea. So far so good with NO withdraws...
I found a belly dancing program on Youtube that looks very fun and interesting so Im hoping this will be good...
I also started at night listening to a hypnotist before I sleep it is very relaxing and it is suppose to keep my mind on the winning goal...

Question... has anyone dealt with the skinny wraps?
and I am Bi polar/Depressive with post hyperthyroidism which switched to hypothyroidism I am on like 7 meds a day I was wondering if there is a safe Diet pill that I can take with my meds...
I was thinking that Cambogia Garcina has anyone ever taken it and if so what was the ending result? I also have an appointment to see my doctor to talk to them about the lap band surgery......

wish me luck....


  • I read an article about the garcina. Thought it sounded too good to be true. So I found out that prolonged use can break down the liver since it is an extract that targets sugar and blocks carbs. Problem is it over stimulates the liver. Also, I read an article where a lady was on antidepressants and was using this without telling her doctor first and she ended up in the E.R. twice with severe respiratory issues. It's been in my experience and seeing others that anytime you use any type of diet pill holistic or not it works until you stop using it so you must stay committed to it as long as you wanna maintain those weight loss results. I have friend who lost 180lbs. And she told me her natural go to pill that worked is "calcium pyruvate". It is a vitamin and will not affect you while on meds. It is a natural fat burner and energy producer. I just picked up a bottle tonight. Go to a health food store if ones near and pick it up for about $12 they will have it everywhere like walgreens, Walmart etc. But you wanna make sure there are no fillers. Also be encouraged my friend is 34 years old was almost 300lbs. Refused to do the lap band, changed her eating only started walking at first and added the calcium pyruvate and she is my hero!now she weights 145lbs. And works out at the gym 6 days a week and is doing 5k runs all the time!

    We can do this!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Pills and wraps are a waste of money. Skip looking for a quick fix and eat at a calorie deficit and get some movement in - that's all you need.
  • Skweezd
    Skweezd Posts: 18 Member
    Hello D Thomas,

    I am a sleep technologist and have been to many conventions talking about bariatric surgery. Yes they are safer today then they were in years prior, with the newest and least invasive procedure being the sleeve. However, I have also seen many patients put on weight 5 years post surgery, sometimes gaining up to where they started at. No matter what your decision, I would take the time to consult a nutritionist and really learn better eating habit, really cut out the bad carbs, cut way back on processed foods/sugars, and try new healthier recipes (one of my favorite websites is Skinny Taste).

    After a few weeks your body will stop craving the bad stuff. Try not to overwhelm yourself with crazy amounts of exercise in the beginning. Remember, this is a marathon, not a 5k. Also please feel free to friend me on here and check in any time for motivation or a push. I find that if someone helps you stay honest and stay on track, then you feel more obligated to stay in check.

    And to finally answer your question, there is no magic pill. I use B-12 for energy and helps with my mood. Load up on vitamins. I also make protein shakes with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and I add 2-3 tablespoons of chia seeds. Chia seeds are magical, throw them in the blender with your shake and let it stir for two minutes. The chia seeds swell up a little and are a great belly filler.

    Stay in touch and stay strong!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Get pills from your doctor only. Ask about Belviq and Wellbutrin.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Day 1...
    So I officially switched to Water, Naked Smoothie Juice, Raspberry tea. So far so good with NO withdraws...
    I found a belly dancing program on Youtube that looks very fun and interesting so Im hoping this will be good...
    I also started at night listening to a hypnotist before I sleep it is very relaxing and it is suppose to keep my mind on the winning goal...

    Question... has anyone dealt with the skinny wraps?
    and I am Bi polar/Depressive with post hyperthyroidism which switched to hypothyroidism I am on like 7 meds a day I was wondering if there is a safe Diet pill that I can take with my meds...
    I was thinking that Cambogia Garcina has anyone ever taken it and if so what was the ending result? I also have an appointment to see my doctor to talk to them about the lap band surgery......

    wish me luck....

    Don't take anything OTC that may interact with your prescriptions, and see your Dr before you start loading up on vitamins as well. No one here knows what medications you are currently on SO no one here should be advising you to take anything. They are all good questions for your Dr.

    Calories in calories out is working for me, and the majority of the people on this forum who are using it for weight loss. Read some of the success stories, people losing 100+ lbs with nothing but eating less, moving more, and some patience.

    I wish you well whatever you chose.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    This is advice from Mayo Clinic's website regarding weight loss products, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.

    Really, the only thing that really works for me, it eating less calories than I burn. I lost over half of my body weight and have been maintaining for 15 months. I am 63.

    VERY IMPORTANT! What laurend224 says, talk to your doctor and advise him/her what you want to try. You should not look for advice like this on an internet forum.

    Good luck.
  • thank you for all your input everyone..... i think i am going to stay away from the pills for i am already am on quite a bit however i think i will try the couple mentioned here. i do have a doctors appointment and will ask for some guidance on which way to go. I looked on youtube for some suggestions and I came across a weight loss hypnotist so at night I go on youtube and listen to a hypnotist it does keep me motivated and focused so far it is working you could maybe give that a try. its under Ultimate Weight Loss Hypnosis-- 30 day challenge lose weight fast. I started it 2 days ago and each time I fall asleep to it and I wake up refreshed and ready to do what I need to do as far as exersize and eating right.... The other thing I am trying is an online course for belly dancing. there is regular belly dancing and there is belly dancing for workout. Thanks again everyone...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    thank you for all your input everyone..... i think i am going to stay away from the pills for i am already am on quite a bit however i think i will try the couple mentioned here. i do have a doctors appointment and will ask for some guidance on which way to go. I looked on youtube for some suggestions and I came across a weight loss hypnotist so at night I go on youtube and listen to a hypnotist it does keep me motivated and focused so far it is working you could maybe give that a try. its under Ultimate Weight Loss Hypnosis-- 30 day challenge lose weight fast. I started it 2 days ago and each time I fall asleep to it and I wake up refreshed and ready to do what I need to do as far as exersize and eating right.... The other thing I am trying is an online course for belly dancing. there is regular belly dancing and there is belly dancing for workout. Thanks again everyone...

    Do not try any of the pills mentioned here. Many prescription drugs can interact with supplements, and these interactions are not stated anywhere. Do not start any supplements without talking to your doctor.

    That said. YOU DO NOT NEED ANY PRODUCT TO LOSE WEIGHT. This app works. Log your calories accurately, stick to your calorie goal, and have patience. If you have questions about where to start, this is a good read:
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    are they really allowing bariatric surgery for people who have less than 100 lbs to lose? That sounds so crazy to me! Granted I may just be horribly uneducated. I'd never give up all the eating you have to give up to get that surgery, and it sounds terrifying to me in general (I am horribly afraid of throwing up, so suppose I am highly biased since those surgeries seem to lead to people barfing).

    I hope that doesn't sound rude, it's just that if that is you in your pic you do not in any way shape or form look the level of morbid obesity I imagine people who need surgery to look.

    Other than that my thought was I'm not sure what you are cutting out but watch that Naked Smoothie Juice, unless whatever you are replacing with it is more calories it might be doing you more harm than good. Like, if you used to eat a pint of ice cream but instead now drink 8 oz of juice, it may be worth it, but last time I looked at those bottles that juice is super high calorie. I'd rather eat a gazillion different things for 250 calories than drink a glass of juice.

    Basically just practice being super mindful of your calories/calories per gram so you can get used to what is the most bang for your buck, learn what you can eat that keeps you satiated so you can stay in calorie goals, etc. Congrats on your progress so far and good for you for keeping in close contact with you Dr! As others have mentioned even vitamins, etc can interfere with the actions of some meds so contact with your Dr is essential.
  • I had to re schedule the doc appointment for next Monday due to the doc having a family emergency they gave me the literature on the 3 possibilities of what i can do and that is
    1) Gastric Bypass
    2) lap band
    3) Gastric Sleeve
    I have a lot of thinking to do on if I am going go with any of them the information says that there are several steps I have to take before I can even be qualified to receive any of the surgeries.. there are like 5 steps you have to take...
    so i have some stuff to think through...
    anyways so i am doing a weigh-in
    (AM) wake up Weigh in- 239 pounds
    (PM) before bed weigh in 240.6 pounds...
    I think this is the way I am going do it from now on. how ever i don't know if this is gonna be a good idea..
  • I had to re schedule the doc appointment for next Monday due to the doc having a family emergency they gave me the literature on the 3 possibilities of what i can do and that is
    1) Gastric Bypass
    2) lap band
    3) Gastric Sleeve
    i did ask about the weight requirement on this procedure and i was told that she believed it was 100 pounds over weight however i will find more information out from my doctor when i see her on monday... I have a lot of thinking to do on if I am going go with any of them the information says that there are several steps I have to take before I can even be qualified to receive any of the surgeries.. there are like 5 steps you have to take...
    so i have some stuff to think through...
    anyways so i am doing a weigh-in
    (AM) wake up Weigh in- 239 pounds
    (PM) before bed weigh in 240.6 pounds...
    I think this is the way I am going do it from now on. how ever i don't know if this is gonna be a good idea..

  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    Please don't take any pills not prescribed by your dr. I really suggest buying a food scale and logging everything that goes in your mouth. You can truly lose weight by eating things you like in moderation, just track them. Unfortunately, many people that have weight loss surgery eventually gain their weight back because they didn't learn to eat in moderation. I'd suggest seeing a dietician, one that can help you learn portion sizes and proper nutrition. This isn't a quick fix but many people have been in your shoes and have succeeded without pills and surgery, you absolutely can too!
    Also, just log your weight in the morning to get the most consistent reading, weight fluctuates throughout the day.
    I wish you all the best on your journey.