Dudes eating below 2000 calories

So I've had trouble breaking below 225lbs. It just flat out doesn't seem to work. Last year, eating 2300 calories I went from mid 240 to 225. Then nothing. I didn't change one thing and the losses stopped. Same thing a few years ago when I went from 300ish to 225. Randomly stopped losing. For. No. Reason. So I'm trying again. 2100 calories I've decided, which basically feels like starving BTW.

So, now the real reason for the thread. I've noticed in a few guys diaries I'm seeing guys eating below 2000 calories. Some way below. Some 1800. Some 1600 even. I know what you're thinking. "Maybe they're short dudes." One guy was 6'4" eating 1800. So, dudes doing this, why? Did you find eating more stopped working? Did you start with your low number or try a higher one then scale back? It just seems like I see those numbers thrown around for girls who are WAY smaller. Trying to figure out if this type of thing is something I should do.


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's a lot of trial and error, man. I would say try it for a week and see how you feel and if you break your plateau. Definitely gotta get plenty of protein and bulky/fiber-y foods so you don't feel like you're starving to death. I am not sure exactly how many cals my husband is eating because I can't get him to log. X( Baby steps with him I guess, teaching him what are the low cal high satisfaction foods and how to make them taste their best with preparation. I forget; how tall are you?
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    After 5 pounds lost you should recalculate your calorie goals. Right now, my goal is 2550 or so because I'm an enormous blob of gross, but I lowered it a bit further. I seem to actually be eating around 1300 - 1600 calories a day right now, because for the time being it's definitely working. I'll up my calories after another month or so or if I don't like the results I'm getting.

    I guess to answer your question, I'm eating under 2000 because I'm happy and full and getting my protein with under 2000.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I'm currently eating 1800 to lose .5 lb a week. But I'm only 5'8 and 153 lbs.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Okay. Let's see, what else: Experiment with 1800 calories, and is there a feasible way to switch up your workout? Sometimes that works also. Challenge your body with something different that it's not used to?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I'm eating 1600 because I want to lose weight at around 2lbs per week. I eat more when I exercise, but on days I don't, 1600 or less. Since I am 6'5" 238, there is no fear of 2 lbs being too much.
  • jayhughes8181
    jayhughes8181 Posts: 5 Member
    I have just started using MFP and got a goal of 1450cals/day. I'm 5'9'' and about 67kgs, just looking to lose a bit more before I start a sloooow bulk. I typically eat around 1600-1900 though as 1450 seems a tad low. Still lost a bit in the 4 weeks I've been going so seems to be OK.
  • benmarcum
    benmarcum Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 6'3 currently around 260 and I am at 1750 calories a day (sometimes less).
    I have found that if i eat "real food" I dont get hungry until meal times. If it is in a can or a box, most of the time i dont eat it
    I am doing a lot of lean protein (chicken, lean red meat, blah blah) and veggies. I will also eat a couple pieces of fruit throughout the day if i need a snack. (helps keep the blood sugar level for me)
    ...and lots and lots of water. I get a good amount of exercise just walking to the bathroom.
  • Qorvus
    Qorvus Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 6', eating 1900 daily to lose 1 pound per week. I eat throughout the day to stave off hunger, plus lots of water. I rarely feel hungry, much less often than I did when I was putting away over 1000 calories per meal. Feel free to add me if you'd like to browse my diary.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You stopped losing because you were eating at maintenance, and/or metabolic adaptation lowered your maintenance enough that you were now eating at maintenance. Or you changed your activity without realizing, thus having a lower maintenance. Or despite your assumptions, you are eating more than you realize (especially if you are rounding your servings up, you really cannot be entirely sure how much you are eating or how much you SHOULD be eating because you are not tracking your true intake).

    Some guys eat too low because they think that's how they need to lose weight. Others are probably light for their age/height/gender. Others still may have started out eating too low to begin with , which is why they had to eat even lower to continue losing. Others might just want to lose at a low number for a short time before going back to more reasonable intake for their needs.

    If you aren't losing, either take a break and eat at maintenance for a month then do a 1lb/week deficit, or lower your calorie goal.
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    Just don't give up - Personally as a female, 5'11" eating around 2000 calories works for me if I am not exercising. If I exercise I have to eat more or I will literally gnaw off my own arm in the mornings I am so famished. I still lose weight when I up my calories on workout days (because I am simply eating back those that I have earned - MFP already sets you at a deficit so eating back exercise calories shouldn't hinder your progress unless you are really overestimating your burn)

    I say don't "starve" yourself if 2100 leaves you feeling really deprived and less likely to stay on plan then eat a little more, progress might be slower but you will be happier in the long run.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    1) progress is a great motivator.

    2) faster cuts = less time spent at low-ish intakes

    3) I generally think they whole "don't lose weight too fast, you'll lose all your muscle" mantra is greatly overstated, especially when on a legit lifting program.

    FWIW... I'm 5'8", 175ishlbs, 38yrs old... 1850cals is a great intake for me when cutting, at least based on all my estimates.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited February 2015
    gothchiq wrote: »
    It's a lot of trial and error, man.


    I've been doing this for 7+ years. I'm 5' 10" - so not big, but not short either.

    I started at 240 & got down to 199 in about 3-4 months following the Nutrisystem plan. That was the easy part. NS got old quick & started doing research on my own.

    So, when I'm in weight-loss mode, I average around 1500-1800 cals a day; what I did was figured my BMR - without the "activity factor", because FOR ME anyway, if i ate 2,000+, I gained - no matter what. You can find free BMR calculators everywhere online, I checked 3-4 to make sure I came up with an accurate number.

    So, the formula that I found that works for ME is: (cals in) - (cals burned) </= 1,500.

    If I stay under 1,500 net, I seem to lose about a lb a week, which translates to about a 500 cal deficit per day, 3,500 deficit per week, 1 lb weight loss.

    Following these guidlelines, I've stayed at 170 +/- 4 lbs for the last 3+ years.
  • steelerfan1967
    MFP put me at 1730 cals.. I entered that I wanted to lose about 11 pounds and a pound a week im 5 ft 7. I thought it was normal but idk now.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Men's Health February issue has a great article on the lean muscle diet. I'm trying to incorporate part of that diet with my weight loss program. I'm 6'61/2" started on January 1st 278 currently 259 and now if I eat less than 2000 calories I have less energy. Feel free to add me.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    1) progress is a great motivator.

    2) faster cuts = less time spent at low-ish intakes

    3) I generally think they whole "don't lose weight too fast, you'll lose all your muscle" mantra is greatly overstated, especially when on a legit lifting program.

    FWIW... I'm 5'8", 175ishlbs, 38yrs old... 1850cals is a great intake for me when cutting, at least based on all my estimates.

    I've seen this repeatedly. Lots of people (especially men it seems) cut fast and hard. Not that I would recommend the program per se, but the intro to the ultimate diet that Lyle McDonald wrote explains the logic behind it and how it doesn't lead to muscle loss. The key being that it is short term. (His diet is very extreme and is often used by competitors to hit competing weight.)
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've been averaging around 1600-1700 daily since last May. I have gone from 245lbs down to 195lbs averaging about 1.3 lb per week loss. I watch my numbers pretty close so I don't get too low in anything (fats, carbs, protein, etc...) and do light strength and cardio exercises. I have a desk job with lots of meetings so very little daily activity aside from my nightly exercises. I feel really good and I'm never hungry. Sub 2000 is working for me but... everyone is different.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I'm eating way below 2000 and I'm 5'11". Personally I think most of us underestimate the actual amount of calories. I also have proven many times that calorie counts from many food manufacturers are not accurate. I use MFP as a basic guide but I never trust that the amount logged is the actual amount.