what kind exercises routine are u doing???

I want to know what kind exercises routine are doing during week?? I trying to finger out what to do?? Thanks


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Your goals and personal preferences should dictate what you do. What we are all doing should be of little importance.

    But to answer your question -
    I lift (modified 5/3/1) 3x week
    I play pick-up basketball 2-3x week
    I run and bike whenever I can.

    I'd like to say that I stretch 2-3x week, but that's more like 2-3x month.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Myself, I run 3 times a week, followed up by some core/torso body weight exercises.

    Tuesday and Thursday runs are about 4 miles each of varying types (intervals, tempo, hills) with a long run on Saturday (currently 12 miles).

    For the body weight exercises I do 3 sets each of pushups, bridge, planks and pullups, most I can perform or longest I can hold out on each set. Might work some more in eventually.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I generally just do some weight training for about an hour or so a week, and will be adding in some light cardio shortly.
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    Group fitness classes: Piloxing, Zumba twice a week, TRX HIIT Circuit Training, and Spinning. I get in my cardio and my strength and it's always FUN!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday - Lift heavy for 1 hour from 11:30am - 12:30pm and more accessory work in the evenings from 6-7pm.

    20-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week (minimum)
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    Usually running, but just started P90x3!
  • rckystnfrd
    rckystnfrd Posts: 7 Member
    treadmill 5 days a week for an hour each
    bootcamp 3 days a week for an hour each
    HIIT 1 day a week for an hour
    Finally, a work out I found online I do with my kids each night
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    During a typical week, I will do the elliptical for 30 mins for 3-4 times a week, weights and body weight exercises 2-3 times a week such as stretches, bridges, lunges, squats, military press, bent over rows, upright rows, curls, triceps extensions, and a few different workouts on a bowflex. I just started lifting about 2 weeks ago, sometimes I add in different things as I go along.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I run, weighted hoop, insanity, and my bo staff training.
  • fireguychris
    fireguychris Posts: 58 Member
    5 day split.. shoulder monday,legs Tuesday,back Wednesday, chest thursday, arms Friday.. cardio on mon,wed,fri,sat...
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Upper/lower weight split 4x a week (full body, even modified ABA BAB, just doesn't work for me recovery-time-wise), followed up 10-15 mins cardio, usually another 30-40 minutes of cardio once a week but this is optional. I've been trying to include it for improving my cardiovascular health and I do think that the cardio (including the stuff after weights, which I hadn't been doing efore) has helped.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    edited February 2015
    I walk 4 miles a day Mon-Fri. I also do three classes a week: 15 mins Abs Blast, 60 min Stretch, and 30 min Metafit. I will also do 30 mins on the elliptical or treadmill twice a week, and try to fit in a DVD twice a week if I am not aching too much :)
  • adiamond100
    adiamond100 Posts: 12 Member
    I run 3 times a week and I also use a program called Body Beast to work 6 days a week. However jacksonpt is correct in stating you need to find what works for you and your schedule. Stay fit!
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    What do you LIKE to do? Honestly, I personally dislike exercising for the sake of exercising, so I had to figure out what I could tollerate doing everyday (well almost everyday) to stay on track with my program. I discovered I liked walking outside on the local highschool track (free, sun, fresh air) which was easier on my knees and hips. I also was on the swim team in my youth and remember really enjoying that, so I joined my local YMCA and I try to lap swim as often as posssible. I fill in with my tread mil at home when I fall short of the other two things. My feeling is to select what YOU want and LIKE to do. In my recent experience I have had more success with this approach more than anything else. Good luck to you!!!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I do Brazil Butt Lift and Zumba DVDs most days (5-6 days a week). Hike when the weather permits, which is not often in Feb! And chop / stack wood on most Saturdays.
  • sarbear112084
    sarbear112084 Posts: 19 Member
    I do HIIT for 20 min followed by moderate to heavy lifting for another 20 min, making sure my HR stays up during lifting, 4 days a week and then 1 day of 30-40 min cardio only. When lifting i focus on 1 muscle group each time (shoulders, arms, lower body, and back). Not sure what you goal is, but my goal is to be curvy/fit/have some muscle definition. I have done mostly cardio stuff in the past and all it did for me was make thin. I like the look and curves that lifitng gives better, defined shoulders, legs, and a nice round butt that doing straight cardio won't give.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    Spin class monday - friday (pending this awful new england weather lately), lift monday - friday. Weekends rest. Sometimes double sessions if I feel inspired.
  • roxannecarriere
    roxannecarriere Posts: 30 Member
    I've been going to OrangeTheory 5 times per week and interval training every morning on my treadmill at home
  • i try to get in 60min of cardio 3x/wk...i get bored easily though so i'll often mix it up with elliptical, running, rowing and sometimes swimming along with throwing in some interval work, tempo training or hills. cardio days are always at a gym.

    on the alternate days, i try to do a workout video or two...i use the website fitnessblender.com or the youtube channel BeFIT for a variety of videos...rarely lift weights since using your own body weight can be just as challenging! occassionally, i'll add a quick stretching routine/yoga poses to the end of one of these workouts.

    i also give myself 1 full day of recovery a week
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm doing some ag/ant-ag work right now. I've got some soft tissue injuries that aren't healing that I needed to step back some from my heavier work.
  • sebenza512
    sebenza512 Posts: 42 Member
    Right now, I'm in a training class 4x a week using kettlebells, TRX and medicine balls. Awesome strength training with a good cardio component. I should add on some other activity for 2 other days, but haven't figured out what that is yet.
  • yokii29
    yokii29 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank u everyone for info and advise...
  • I think I am doing something completely wrong lol I am on week 5 of P90. I do that 6 days a week which I did P90X a few years back and it was so intense that nothing I do feels like it is worth my time. I also do a Zumba class twice a week if there are no snow delays and I ship my kids out the house! The class has older ladies so I am afraid that even tho we shake it and move it for an hour, that its maybe low key to accommodate them. I feel muscles form easily and I feel like I'm bulking up instead of slimming down. I sweat my *kitten* off, but I'm so over weight, I expected that. My oldest son says that I need to do all cardio before I can tone. I am very overweight but not out of shape if that makes sense lol I don't know what's wrong with my knees but they grind going down stairs and I ache at night so the insanity and HIIT type stuff seem out of the question for me. I could bike, walk, and lightly jog until the cows come home tho. Have stamina, just still have fat in the problem areas! Sorry for the novel!
  • Anjera
    Anjera Posts: 26 Member
    I go for classes like: Piloxing(Mon), Aerobics(Tues), 45mins Rope Skipping or 60minutes Jogging(Wed), Hatha Yoga(Thurs), Abs Buns & Thighs exercise(Fri) and Aqua Aerobics(Sat). I will try to go for a 60minute jog on Sunday, if I'm not tired.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I do whatever my programmer comes up with for me. Sunday's are team training and a lot of fun (well, my definition of fun includes some combination of boards/bands/chains for bench and either squats or deads). Monday through Friday are individual training sessions - sometimes I meet up with a teammate but we are all on different cycles so doing different things. Sum total of 7-10 hours a week most cycles.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited February 2015
    Rehab exercises from PT + matwork & bodyweight stuff (glute bridges, partial squats, step-ups, touchdowns, back extension on roman chair) + some weighted moves (cable kickbacks, anterior leg raises, leg curls) - 20-30 mins, 4/7 days

    Elliptical or stationary cycling - 45-50 mins, 4/7 days (after the other stuff)

    For the cycling, I've been doing intervals for speed in the first half (up to 160 rpm at level 5, now) and for resistance in the second (up to level 11 this week :) ). I usually do 1 minute on and 1 minute off, going up in resistance every minute. I'm trying to also increase the duration of "on" intervals to 2 minutes when I can. I'm talking a lot about this because I'm happy I'm making progress on something :/

    On the elliptical - which I hate btw, it's just what I'm stuck with - I do the "leg" routine & keep my heart rate above 140

    I swim every now and then (the schedule is a pain)

    I know my ankle won't ever be right, am more hopeful about my knees, and I'm not sure about my wrist/forearm. But if the wrist and knees get better, I'd like to

    - lift using compound moves
    - row, on machine and water (never tried it on the water, have only done canoeing & loved it)
    - play volleyball
    - try paddleboarding
    - get back into dancing
  • I'm lucky in that currently I don't have a car, so my commute involves a mandatory 40-60 minutes of walking each day. Additionally to that, I walk 20-40 minutes on lunch and try to stand most of the day(in spite of my very sit down job). I've had different exercise routines in the past, but I've found that doing much more than this makes it more difficult to control my eating habits. In the past I've followed Stumptuous's beginner weight lifting routines, done some HIIT, taken Bootcamp classes (which are very fun, I just injured my ankle while doing them or else I would have kept going with them), as well as Body Combat and Zumba.

    It depends on what you're exercising for - right now I get some more intense cardio and bone strength going on with just skipping rope whenever I'm home and have the energy. If you're looking to build muscle and/or look stunning, weight lifting is definitely a good means to that end. If you're looking to stay healthy and do something fun, zumba or other group classes are great. If you want to get more flexible and help calm a restless mind, yoga's quite nice. Over the next few months I'll be easing in some strength exercises, biking and yoga, partly in an effort to look better and partly in an effort to be healthier and stronger. Try different things and never go overboard, as it's going overboard that tends to find me in a lazy slump again later, possibly nursing a long term injury.

    Always make sure what you do can be sustained in most weather conditions and doesn't conflict with the rest of your life - if you decide to do something three to five times a week in the evenings, and then you keep having to turn down friends for nights out or rarely do anything interesting with your S/O anymore, you'll eventually feel pretty miserable and fall off the wagon. You can try doing any exercise first thing in the morning before you shower, but you will likely need to compensate by going to bed earlier. Short HIIT or Tabata might not be so invasive, just 5-15 minutes each morning in addition to regular walking would likely be sustainable for the long term while keeping you healthy.

    Just be careful with your heart rate - both Isaac Hayes and Rik Mayall died of heart attacks just after running, which doesn't mean "don't run" or "don't exert yourself", but it certainly means "don't go to war against your heart. Take it easy and listen to your body, increase the amount of stress slowly and give it plenty of time to calm down afterwards.
  • PurplePogoPunk
    PurplePogoPunk Posts: 14 Member
    I do a HIIT circuit training DVD like 30 day shred 4 nights a week and a longer cardio session with weight training at the weekend. Planning to add a morning cardio when I get a cross trainer bike in the next couple of weeks.
  • SirJFK
    SirJFK Posts: 49 Member
    I think I am doing something completely wrong lol I am on week 5 of P90... I feel muscles form easily and I feel like I'm bulking up instead of slimming down...

    I have been doing P90 for well... I just finished my 1st week of the C series so 53 days?... anyways while I find this a great program, I dont find it as even or resulting as the first power 90 was... When I did that one I weighed 261 and lost 22 pounds in the 1st 2 months, this one I started at 249 and have lost only 10 pounds, even tho this one is far more challenging. where in the 1st power 90 you did 3 Sweat and 3 Sculpt it balanced out and while you lost weight the flab also diminished b/c of the sculpting, so I never found the skin hanging much... it does seem that this one is created to make muscle as I have also worked my butt off and tracked my calories trying not to use any calories gained by exercise and have seen gains instead of losses at times. Lately I have been switching weeks, one week is 3 Sweat and 2 Sculpt and the next is 3 sculpt and 2 Sweat allong with the SS... thats seems to help with seeing losses, at least it has the last couple weeks... just a thought. not sure what I'm going to do once I'm done P90... maybe try T25 again as my legs may be able to handle it... might even do P90 again along with the running I am starting up in a couple weeks.... good luck!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am doing insanity max 30 6 days a week, strength training 4 times a week, elliptical trainer when I fancy it and when the weather improves I will run 3 days a week. I also take a 2 hour dance class on a Monday. Yoga occasionally. I also walk my dog twice a day.