I know I'm doing the right thing - just need some reassurance :)

Ok, let me start by saying this: I take full responsibility for my weight - me and me alone - I got me here and I know that. Right now I'm just really needing a "you can do this" and not a butt chewing. :) And I really just needed a safe place to put this out there, in writing where I can feel like I have told someone - can you relate?

I'm 5'1" and prior to 2006 my weight was always at 110-115 lbs, even after having kids I went right back to my active, healthy self. Then I lived through a real tornado (as in I was home with the kids and our home was gone) and I just spiraled out of control. Stress eating, etc. Then I started dieting, would get to about 130 and spiral again, up and down 150 to 130, etc. Read that as any excuse to eat things I shouldn't eat...

Then in 2009 a friend introduced me to the Herbalife shakes. It worked really good for a while, but then it didn't matter what I did the weight just keep creeping up. And then it would go down but then back up.

So late last year I decided to make a permanent change - to exercise and eat healthy. I signed up with MFP and when I started I started at 178lbs. I am currently at 169lbs, I am doing Turbo Fire, following the schedule (have completed 4 weeks without excuses) and I am in a group here that I really like, I feel accountable - BUT, I have still been doing those gosh darn shakes in the AM.

Last night, it occurred to me that I have been doing those stupid shakes since 2009 - almost the entire time, everyday for breakfast and where has that gotten me?!? Where is my weight? Perhaps it is the soy and sugar that is keeping me from really losing this weight?? I don't know. The main thing is that I fully realize how STUPID I've been in relation to those shakes and that I can't keep going down this road.

So, I have taken EVERY shake I have and thrown them away. Away as in, opened them up and dumped them in the dumpster where I can't get them back out! I am going to eat real food and I am in this for the long haul. This is no longer a "diet" to me. I want to be healthy, not just "smaller".

Here's where I need the encouragement. I am freaking out!! What in the world will I eat for breakfast?? I haven't had a real breakfast in 6 years... And I'm also petrified that the weight will really come on with a vengeance now that I've stopped those shakes. (seems like that's what I've real a lot of...)

Okay, there it is. I just needed to say to someone - here is what I have done, I know it was so very stupid, and I know deep down I can do this, without that crutch.

Please have mercy on me - :'( That's all - thanks to anyone who took the time to read that. It has been through reading MFP posts that helped the light bulb go in - although now I want to bang my head against the wall....


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. The shakes don't help, but I can't imagine they hurt either--it's just wasted money. For avoiding weight gain, if your current calorie level is appropriate, just don't increase it--are you logging?

    For breakfast, what do you like? Was the appeal of the shakes in part that they were fast? How many calories are they and how many calories do you want to use on breakfast? You may just want to experiment a little.

    For me, I tend to get up early and like a fuller breakfast (400 calories or so) and what's most important for me is staying full through lunch, starting the day with some veggies, and having a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs, so I tend to have a veggie omelet with some other things. But there are many options that work for different people.
  • rkmeyer41
    rkmeyer41 Posts: 58 Member
    Add friends with open diaries....I am a diary stalker! You'll find all kinds of good ideas from what everybody else eats. Good luck!
  • JasonH_DFW
    JasonH_DFW Posts: 63 Member
    edited February 2015
    Think its a good step you're analyizing your diet, 90% of the work is in the food intake. Its not that shakes are bad, depends on whats in them, but food in liquid form is never as good as a whole source. Get back to basics, whole veggies, cut back on the starches, eat sensible portions. Lastly dont beat yourself up, Make this Day 0 of a fresh start. You can't change your past but no one but you can change your future. Good luck, we're here for you.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I have oatmeal with blueberries, chia, psyllium and sometimes some hemp seeds. Keeps me good and full. Sometimes I have an egg on toast with tomato and avocado. Sometimes I have a nutty granola. What kind of food do you like? Those shakes weren't the worst thing you could have done, but personally I think you will find it a lot easier to have filling foods than the shakes. I wish I had an inventive way to state the oft used phrase, calories in need to be less than calories out. No matter what you are eating. If you set yourself up with an appropriate goal and log all that you are eating (minus exercise), you will get to where you want to be. Just don't set too aggressive a weight loss goal. Sounds to me like what might be most important here is to be good to yourself.
  • CandyMonster160
    CandyMonster160 Posts: 153 Member
    I don't know much about shakes or meal replacements because for me, I like to eat my calories (to be clear, this is not to reflect negatively on those that do shakes or whatnot... it's just not for me).
    I think you need to do what you feel comfortable doing, if you like the shakes than keep doing what you're doing.
    Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day and I eat anything eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, fruit, muffins, etc. There are so many great options, just find what you love and eat it. You don't' have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast. Eat what fits your macros and what you enjoy because at the end of the day it's about incorporating foods into your diet that you can maintain eating down the road.
    Feel free to take a peek a my food diary if you need any ideas or add me as a friend.. whatever! :smiley:
    Best of luck! You'll be great, so try not to stress about tossing those shakes!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Hi! Breakfast is my favorite meal! I eat dinner leftovers sometimes! eggs, oatmeal,chicken sausage, breakfast sandwiches, yogurt, granola, whatever you want! Like someone else stated, I eat around 400 calories for breakfast. Just stick to a modest calorie deficit, and remember this "number" is just a guess...you may have to tweak it depending on your results.
    I started out at your weight and stayed around 1400 calories/day. Now on maintenance I can eat around 1700-1800/day. Everyone is different.
    I use protein shakes to help reach my protein goal but, if I were to have it as a meal relacement, I am pretty sure I would feel hungry and deprived, which would cause over eating... Enjoy your new breakfasts!!

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Honestly, you sound like you're at a great place to really dig into this.
    As far as breakfast goes, eat whatever you want, or don't eat at all if you don't want to.
    Just eat within your calorie limits for the day, however you spread them out.
    I personally never eat breakfast, because I am not emotionally prepared to deal with food first thing in the morning, AND it saves calories for later in the day, when I really wan them.
    If you do eat breakfast, I recommend something high in protein, as it will stick with you longer, and leave you less likely to be snacking (not that snacking is bad, but calories...) before lunch.
  • mbender719
    mbender719 Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2015
    My diary is open and I eat breakfast every morning before work. I don't have a lot of time so it is usually something quick (under 5 mins to make) and around or under 300 calories. Feel free to add me!
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I have a protein shake for breakfast with berries or spinach and a fiber boost powder. I also exercise in the morning, so it's a win-win for me. If I'm not having a shake, I might have hard boiled eggs. If we go out to eat for breakfast, I usually get 2 scrambled eggs, some fruit or tomato slices, and a piece of wheat toast.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I personally like egg based dishes for breakfast because I seem to stay full longer. I would agree with what most are saying here, just experiment, eat what you like "breakfast" doesn't have to be traditional breakfast foods.
    You've been doing shakes for so long they either were a comfort or a convenience. If for convenience of drinking your meals try some smoothies made with fresh/frozen fruit greek yogurt and maybe even a little peanut butter or pumpkin depending on your personal tastes.
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    It sounds like your weight gain was due in part to your experience surviving a tornado. Have you considered going to see a counselor regarding it? Without dealing with the underlying issue, it could be difficult to get healthy.

    In terms of breakfast choices, what about cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt with granola?
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    It sounds like your weight gain was due in part to your experience surviving a tornado. Have you considered going to see a counselor regarding it? Without dealing with the underlying issue, it could be difficult to get healthy.

    In terms of breakfast choices, what about cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt with granola?

    This + other great advises posted here.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    My breakfast varies based on the day.

    Mon-Fri typically is a combination of items, spread between about 7:30am and 11:00am. I graze. A small breakfast sandwich, a piece of fruit, some cheese. Maybe even a snack bar of some sort. (Some of my 'snack' logged entries are midmorning.)

    Saturday I tend to have a bigger breakfast. Hubby & I often go to Waffle House. 1 egg breakfast, grits, raisin toast and a couple slices of bacon.

    Sunday its typically cereal, fat free milk and a banana before a run. Then after a snack or an early lunch.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You can eat any food you like at any time of the day.
    I don't like to cook in the morning so I choose things like cereal, a sandwich, granola bar, yogurt, fruit or leftovers for breakfast.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    My breakfast is the same every day (except on the weekends). It just makes it easier on me that way and I don't get tired of it.

    Total about 364 calories:

    2 egg whites (I don't like the yolks...thankfully my dogs do :) )
    .5 oz of cheese for the eggs
    1 packet of oatmeal
    2 slices of wheat bread
    jam (I will change this up each time I am out of it.)

    On the weekends we will make some yummy whole wheat pancakes or waffles or I will have English muffin with almond butter and bacon or something like that depending on the day.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Honestly its really straightforward. Dont worry about what you did in the past.
    You dont have to have breakfast and youlll get many suggestions of what to have.
    I just like porridge, even a big bowl, because its quick, filling, nutritious, slow energy and has fibre. There are a zillion ways to add variety as well.

    Try and worry less, stop stressing yourself out (its counterproductive) and the journey you have to go on is manageable.
  • tequila5000
    tequila5000 Posts: 128 Member
    I have an idea if you want a quick breakfast...cottage cheese! Full of protein so it keeps me full.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I have two pieces of whole grain toast with a tomato.. recently began adding 8 almonds for a total of approx. 300 calories for breakfast. 5 days/week... weekends I let the wheels off the wagon because I won't be sitting at a desk for 8 hours... typically out walking or working in the yard so I don't manage my diet quite as rigidly as I do during the week.

    ONE thing.. any weight loss plan should not rely strictly on what you are dropping into your belly... fitness and healthy.. requires you to use your body for what it was designed to do... hunt and forage...sadly... modern convenience has helped reduce our need to do that to survive BUT we should all find ways of moving and exerting ourselves as often as possible... walk, take the stairs... crawl around the house... play with your children... walk your dog, your cat, your mouse... jump rope... run...climb, anything to move... and if you have time to watch your favorite program... YOU have time to exercise...HOW much time have you spent in the last week staring at moving pictures on a TV? wouldn't that time be better spent... out walking and getting to know your neighbors?
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Girl, get a grip, lol! It's OK. You can add me as a friend and check out my diary. There are plenty of options for breakfast and you may find that you are more satisfied with solid food as opposed to liquids. I am always hungrier if I drink my calories! Off the top of my head, Jimmy Dean makes some sensible breakfast sandwiches (around 220 to 250 calories) for when you're in a rush. Otherwise, pan fry an egg or two, have some whole grain toast and call it a day. There's always oatmeal. I'd add some protein to that, though. Like eat it with an egg or add protein powder or some lean ham or turkey or chicken.

    Good luck!!!
  • Crea77
    Crea77 Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was having a protein shake in the mornings with fruit and flax..this also worked for a while. I found myself starving after the gym and not putting full effort in my workouts. Protein shakes are not bad...but they should be used in a time crunch or when you need to get in more protein as a snack. Eggs are hands down a great way to build lean muscle. I make omelets and add in some veggies and a sprinkle of cheese, so I'm not depriving myself of what I like. You should enjoy food, not dread eating it. I also have a healthy grain, one slice of vegan or sprouted toast, oatmeal etc... Carbs give us energy for the day. If you want to cut down on them, don't do at breakfast. Try cutting down or eliminating them at night, when they will cause you cravings. I might have a little fruit some berries, a cutie or 1/2 banana. I also make my omelet in a teaspoon of olive oil for fat or eat a tsp. of coconut oil before each meal to get in my healthy fat. So important for metabolism. If you are anything like I was when I was shake consumed...your metabolism probably just needs a little bit of a makeover and some lovin' Also enough sleep at night and tons of water will curve unwanted calories and junk food.