30 lbs to lose or more?

Kikurs Posts: 15
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Join me on this site for motivation, support, questions...anything to get us through to our goal weight!

A little about me: I joined a couple months ago and have lost about 18 pounds so far. Ive struggled with weight since I can remember but in the last years of my 20's it became more than just, 10-15 pounds that I needed to shed. I lost a lot of weight in 08 and 09 but then my husband and I decided to have a baby. All was well and I didn't gain much in my pregnancy but once I had my daughter, it slowly went up and up until I reached my biggest number yet. After having my daughter in 09 it's been harder than ever to get in shape but here I am! Almost halfway through and looking for [women] who are on the same journey. Let's do this!


  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I need to lose about 34lbs now, lost just under 8lbs since starting about 3 weeks ago.
    I can't exercise due to physical health issues so I'm losing weight strictly by calories counting.
    Congratulations on your half way mark!
  • 812sara
    812sara Posts: 72 Member
    I need to lose A LOT! but I am all for having more friends I really think it helps and this site is full of great and inspiring people!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I think I have about 48lbs left to loose! Well done on loosing everything you have so far! I think its been about 6 weeks and i have lost 14lbs. I love this site! It has helpped so much! I have a new found love for exercising now too....
  • I am there with you! I need all the support I can get but also want to give support. I have about 50lbs to lose! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i would like to loose 30lbs, joined in october but didn't really knuckle down to it until march and i'm not doing very well i'm afraid, i'm easily lead into temptation, but i am getting better than i was so hopefully i will start to see some better results, i'm in a gain 2 loose 2 cycle at the moment despite only aiming to loose 1 a week.
  • chrissy_824
    chrissy_824 Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 49 lbs since joining this site in September. It's a great place to give and get support from others. I have 28 more lbs to go and I know that I can do it with the help of this site. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'll try to help you stay focused and motivated. :happy:
  • Kikurs
    Kikurs Posts: 15
    @87sarah - 8lbs is great! Have you seen what 1 pound alone looks like? Keep up the good work! I imagine it must be harder to do without exercise.
  • Kikurs
    Kikurs Posts: 15
    @sarasara82 - having friends really does help. Everyone has different experiences and even though I have a few friends on here still ive learned a thing or two from them that has really helped keep me going. This site is awesome. I dont talk about my weight much outside of here and I don't have a workout partner so this really helps.
  • Kikurs
    Kikurs Posts: 15
    @hype thank you and congrats on your weight loss!

    Thank you all for the response and for offering support. I hope I can be of help as well :) good luck to all of us!
  • Kikurs
    Kikurs Posts: 15
    i would like to loose 30lbs, joined in october but didn't really knuckle down to it until march and i'm not doing very well i'm afraid, i'm easily lead into temptation, but i am getting better than i was so hopefully i will start to see some better results, i'm in a gain 2 loose 2 cycle at the moment despite only aiming to loose 1 a week.

    Do you have twitter? Jillian michaels and Jeanette Jenkins tweet inspirational messages that have also helped me get by. And I quote "there's nothing fun about falling on you *kitten*, but it's an essential part of your ascendance, both personally & professionally. As I've said, you will fail. At least I hope so, because it's a foregone conclusion if you're really living, really reaching. Failure is integral because it ultimately teaches you how to succeed. When you learn what you've done wrong, you can take steps in the future to get it right. And the key is overcoming it, using failure as an entry point for learning, a way into wisdom. With the right attitude, you can transform any setback into a guide for growth." -Jillian Michaels
  • nyreesm
    nyreesm Posts: 6
    I need to lose a ton of weight...one step at a time though right....my short term goal is to lose 50lbs by the end of July. My current weight as of now is 288lbs....my long term goal is to get down to 145lbs. I just start my diet an exercise last week. I excercise 5 days a week 30 mins to 45 mins on the treadmill can't quite make it to an hour yet lol.
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    yes i have around 35-45lbs to lose i lost 28lbs so far now im stuck and having a hard time now so i def need the motivation too ! good luck
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I have 25 left to lose and I keep gaining! SO frustrating!!!!
  • Kikurs
    Kikurs Posts: 15
    yes i have around 35-45lbs to lose i lost 28lbs so far now im stuck and having a hard time now so i def need the motivation too ! good luck

    I've heard that changing workouts can help on a plateau or trying a different workout to challenge your body.
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