9 days post op VSG

hi I'm looking for fellow vsg'ers! Plz add me as I would love the food ideas! I'm now in the puréed stage


  • mizzvickie720
    I feel you there girlfriend I feel like that's mine hardest Challenge.
  • SweetJulyRoses
    Added you! I'm 8 days post opp and still on full liquids. I need food ideas for the pureed stage too!
  • dynamine
    dynamine Posts: 3 Member
    I am 12 days post-op, and still in liquids. It's crazy hard to get in the protein, and stay under in carbs, while eating cream soups. :( Fooey!

    Good luck to us all!
  • cmpleonard
    cmpleonard Posts: 15 Member
    hi! I am 7 days post op. I'm down 14 lbs so far. Doing ok so far. Transitioning into soft foods now. For some reason the MFP app isn't letting me friend people right now. Feel free to add me :)