Have to lose 100 pounds !!!...

So I just turned the Big 30 !!!!! And I'm morbidly obese I have to lose100 pounds !!!!! I just want to be Healthy again so I can enjoy my family an be the best mom I can be to my 5 kids !! I wanna feel good about myself


  • wjcordero
    wjcordero Posts: 3 Member
    Great first step! You can do it. Just stay focused and committed and you will see the results.
  • Good for you! I have much respect for people like you that know they need to work really hard to be a healthy weight again and really go for it. You will definitely provide inspiration for more to do the same. There's no denying it'll be a difficult task but I wish you and your family all the best and I hope they support you all the way. X
  • Thank you so much !!! Im trying to stay focused gotta take it one day at a time ... The struggle is real !! @wjcordero‌
  • Hello! I'm here to lose 80lbs!! 7 down and tons to go!! Day by day and no guilt when I mess up, try again tomorrow. I have a plan, so far its looking good.
  • Thank you so much @Bonders85‌ .. It really gives me a boost to get all this support xo !!
  • Good for you !!! My starting weight was 230 and I weigh now 221 !! It's so hard but the end results will pay off ..I joined the gym today worked out for 30 minutes gotta start slow !! @LuciaL430‌
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs in the past year, and I didn't take any super drastic actions to do it. I don't eat rabbit food or salads all day, or exercise to excess. My diary is open if you'd like to have a look at the changes I've been making over time.
  • Thanks @DataSeven ! I haven't been doing any of that. Thanks @lilasmall30! I stated out 232 and now 225, its a long journey but I know I can do it. Hope all goes well with your workouts. I started going a set of squats every bathroom break, its not much but its better than nothing. I need to exercise more and soon.
  • *started
  • Yes that is Amazing !! It's women like you that inspire me @DataSeven‌
  • sheesh *doing not going
  • Guys if you can add me that would be great @LuciaL430‌ @DataSeven‌ @Bonders85‌
  • Good luck Hun! I have 70 to lose! Xx
  • urainacooper
    urainacooper Posts: 10 Member
    @lilasmall30‌ Happy belated birthday!! We're in the same boat. I am trying to lose 100lbs in a year. I just switched WW to MFP and love the app and support everyone gives you here. You are in good hands :)
  • Thank you so much !!! I'm glad there is women on here to encourage and push you and help you get through this !!! It's so easy putting the weight on and so hard getting it off !! We have to take it one day at a time and we can beat this !!! @urainacooper‌
  • Good luck to you as well xo @vickypalfreyman471‌
  • If only it came off as easily as it goes on! I've got about 60 to lose myself. I'm just trying to focus on one day at a time doing the best I can. As mothers, we tend to put everyone's needs ahead of our own but we need to be our best to better take care of our families. Let's do this thang.
  • Very true @prlbradshaw‌ ! We need to care for ourselves because they sure need us at home. Good luck!
  • @prlbradshaw‌ I'm with you ..I know myself between my husband and my kids including their sports and taking care of your home ..I'm always last on the list ..I'm too young to weigh this much I mean I wanna feel good about myself I wanna be able to enjoy my family so I am determined I'm getting all this extra goodness off of me !! I weigh 221 right now I was 230 my Goal is 125 !! I'm just basically setting up 5 20 pound goals I just gotta lose 20 pounds 5xs !! You have to take day by day !! We can be skinny again