Any one on here for a lifestyle change instead of a diet!?



  • Yes. Long story short - I was 50 lbs overweight 4 years ago. Started doing triathlons and marathons. Lost all the weight and kept it off. Used RunKeeper and LoseIt. Ours is such a positive and enriching community. It's definitely become a way of life. Using MyFitnessPal now because I like the macro breakdown and it's supposed to integrate with Polar FlowSync in the future.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member's the same thing to me. /shrug
  • I 100% agree with all of this, you have to learn how to re-live and gain control again, with cooking and everything.i am a new me
  • I am here for lifestyle. I am overweight but actually healthier than when I was thinner. My problem is portion control. That is what I want to work on in my life. Eat as good and better than I am now, but *not quite so much of it*. :)
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    Definitely here for the lifestyle. While it will be a while before I'm at my ultimate weight loss goal, I rather enjoy training in various sports and seeing what my body is capable of achieving along the way. :)
  • queencelina
    queencelina Posts: 68 Member
    its always been a lifestyle change for me and i'm gradually winning at it! 10 lbs in about 1.5 years instead of like 6 months and then gaining twice as much! WOO HOO!
  • izzugmas
    izzugmas Posts: 6 Member
    I think understanding that you have to change your lifestyle (including food choices, portion choices, and activity level) is pretty much the linchpin for success.

    The Diet Industry doesn't really want anybody to understand that once we lose that 10 pounds in a non-sustainable fashion, odds are we will go back to the exact same behavior that put on those excess pounds.

    I'm a slow learner, but I finally figured that part out. :/

    Oh yeah, I feel the pain.. The quicker you try to lose it the worse off it usually is :x I've had my hydroxicut phase.. Not judging anyone but that's something I'll never do again :)

  • izzugmas
    izzugmas Posts: 6 Member
    Definitely me! I've tried all the diets and have lost weight successfully and then gained back with even more success :smile:. I'm here now because I want to / NEED to change the way I live my life from a food/exercise perspective. And I need to make changes that are sustainable.

    It's definitely working because this morning, when my bus got caught in traffic my thought wasn't "Yay! That means I don't have to exercise!" but instead was "Dammit, now I won't have time to exercise!". And then I snuck in 15 minutes anyway. That's siginficantly different from 6 months ago when I started!

    That's an awesome any to go about it! Something is always better than nothing!!