Would you rather...?



  • jorodri7
    jorodri7 Posts: 1,025 Member

    Would you rather kiss on the first date or kiss on the second date?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I confess I've been known to isa on the first date...but that's as far as it goes.

    WYR spend the night sharing a bed with someone who snores like a locomotive or someone who rolls around, kicks, and hogs the blanket?
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    ah *kitten* that's a hard one. I think a roller/kicker/hog.

    WYR be cold or hot?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Homeless, wouldn't last a day in prison.

    Would you rather fart in an elevator filled with coworkers or burp after eating salmon while kissing for first time?
  • jorodri7
    jorodri7 Posts: 1,025 Member
    Burp for sure.

    Would rather lost it to a 90 year woman or lose it to a goat
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member

    WYR have cold hands or cold feet?
  • sanmoos
    sanmoos Posts: 27 Member
    Cold hands,

    WYR drink maggotjuice or wipe your butt with your hands?
  • lol, i'd rather wipe my butt with my butt with my hands..

    WYR have a hairy back or hairy chest? :o
  • WMDemetree
    WMDemetree Posts: 3,923 Member
    Chest, which I do.. At least I can reach and shave it, if I so choose.

    WYR have shave it all off or leave a bit for decoration purposes?
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Shave it all!!

    WYR be lost in the woods or stranded in a strange city?
  • sanmoos
    sanmoos Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2015
    Stranded in a strange city,

    WYR fart in front of your boss in the elevator or walk in on your parents doing it?
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Would rather see them doing it.

    WYR be nude on the beach or wear an old time bathing suit on the beach???
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I love Vintage, so that!

    Would you rather jump into a river filled with crocs or into a sea with sharks?
  • WMDemetree
    WMDemetree Posts: 3,923 Member
    I'll take my chance at the sea.

    Would you rather eat less or exercise more to stay at calorie goal?
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Eat less

    Would you rather lose and arm or a leg?
  • MoriahJN
    MoriahJN Posts: 1,161 Member
    An arm!

    WYR lose internet or TV for a year?
  • decy63
    decy63 Posts: 175 Member
    tv and it's not even close.

    Would you sleep with someone for money or starve?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member

  • WMDemetree
    WMDemetree Posts: 3,923 Member
    I don't like being hungry so yeah sleep for food.

    WYR drive or take public transportation (if available)?
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    would rather drive.
    WYR be lost in a Hot desert or lost in Alaska during winter?