Looking for motivation & support? Join one of my challenges (Not Beachbody or anything)

I have been actively running challenges on this site since July 2014. I wanted to invite anyone on the boards to participate in them, too, because that has been where I have gotten the most support..and friends!! I wanna help keep others in track too :-)

The XO Challenge group is a beginner's strength training group. It's the last day to join!! For the official rules check out my Instagram or this link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/103006-the-xo-challenge

#BikeFebruary is part of the monthly biking series I run. You can sign up at:http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/102973-bikefebruary

Some new faces would be great! Feel free to add me & msg me with any questions. There is a prize for the winner..I have no association with Beachbody or any of that other crap. I just am giving back because this site has completely changed my life

