what are you all eating ?

what are you all eating for food. I am a very big eater so I have set my goal to 1500 calories, trying to fit enough food in one day tuff. I find I am sitting at about 500 a meal. I needs some different ideas or some thing cause I am about to flip if I eat any more salad or chicken....I have to fit a lower (350 - 400) for breakfast and lunch so that I can fit some thing else in along the day cause I feel like I am going to get sick if I dont eat. I need some milk in my diet and find I can't drink anything other than 2%, if I drink one glass ,there's 130 calories for liquid....grrrr please give me some ideas....


  • Darlene - I absolutely love Dannon's Light 'n Fit yogurt - sixty calories per serving. It really fills you up too! If you feel yourself getting hungry throughout the day, just have a cup. Can't go wrong with a serving of dairy and sixty calories!
  • thanks, I will try that. at 60 calories maybe i'll have 2 day ....lol
  • kathyvdh
    kathyvdh Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the tip on Dr. Praeger foods. I just checked out their website & am interested in trying them. Unfortunately there are no stores carrying them in our area. Do you order online? I guess I am a little sceptical about ordering food online. I have never done it before. How does it come to you?

  • pagett1969
    pagett1969 Posts: 31 Member
    You all should try slim-fast chocolate mint crisp snacks they are great. 120 cal.
  • dragonfly183
    dragonfly183 Posts: 73 Member
    I eat boiled eggs for breakfast and coffee with creamer, I love fish and fresh salads. My fresh lettuce will be picking size in the garden soon so this is awsome. Lots of fruit and veggies are good too. Multi grain breads if you simply must have bread.
  • AndrewCols
    AndrewCols Posts: 5 Member
    I eat a nutri-grain bar for breakfast around 10:30am, then around noon I eat a healthy choice meal then after i leave work i go to the gym and burn off around 425 calories, then I go home and usually eat some lean turkey, a little amount of mashed potatoes, and a can of carrots/whatever.

    sometimes i'll eat some fat free pudding in the evening if i'm feeling adventurous.

    So it goes

    140, 3

    210, 5 (Xenical)

    (WORK OUT BURN ~400)

    then I eat 630, 7. (xenical)

    so its roughly like 980 cal/ 15g - 400calories - whatever the xenical shaves off of me.
  • Breakfast: Kashi Cereal
    Lunch: Tilapia (100 calories) with Edamame, cucumber, and tomato
    Dinner: 2 slices of Ezekiel Bread with Smart Buttter

    Workout: 3 miles of walking and 30 minutes circuit training.

  • elmowoof
    elmowoof Posts: 10 Member

    Even though high in cholesterol such things as crabmeat and shrimp are also a great source of protein. I bought a Weight Watchers cookbook and they have some decent recipes that are low cal (but really any low cal recipe cookbook will do).

    I know that you are all bored of salads but i make a salad from those cans of tuna (flavored tuna) which is delicious and tasty. I add fresh parsley, lettuce and other veggies. I also sometimes add mixed beans (which are extremely healthy and a good source of protein (although incomplete). A little olive oil, lemon juice...it's very low cal and very healthy.
  • I usually have a cereal in the morning with fruit like strawberries or blueberries. Lately, I've enjoyed Special K with protein . Then a cup of coffee with fat free creamer.

    For lunch I always make some kind of cold deli sandwich on light whole wheat bread with some fat-free chips and usually some veggis, like carrots or bell pepper strips or a salad.

    For snacks I always love fresh veggies or fruits. And then for dinner I make something out of Cooking Light! I love their Super Fast Suppers cookbook because I am usually pressed for time in the evenings or busy studying. Also, their website is great and you can get really good recipes for free.

    I find that getting in a routine of eating the same boring things for breakfast and lunch is good for me and keeps me on track.
  • I am more on maintenance than weight loss but it is just as hard as when I lost my weight. There is less motivation and I still eat like I did when I was losing weight--just about 400 calories more.

    I save 100 calories for after dinner. I have about lots of different snakes that help. Here are some:

    Kettle Corn Pop-corn with/out sugar (100 cal bags)
    steamed sting beans with spray butter
    artichoke (steamed) with Humas
    snack pudding -- sugar free
    French fries made out of butternut squash
    Roasted green or red peppers
    roasted portabella mushrooms in balsamic vinagar
    cooked peaches with whipped skim milks
    baked apple
    romain lettuce with spray dressing and low fat cheese
  • Wyatt
    Wyatt Posts: 14
    I have discovered a few foods that have almost zero calories, yet are very satisfying and are a great addition to my meals.

    1. SHIRTAKI NOODLES - These noodles have no taste on their own, but take on the flavour of anything you cook with them. I use them in stirfrys and as a pasta, with low carb, low sodium spaghetti sauce. For more info and nutrional facts go: to http://www.miraclenoodle.com

    2. WALDEN FARMS FRUIT SPREADS - All Walden Farms Products are Carbohydrate Free, Sugar Free, Cholesterol Free, Calorie Free, Gluten Free and Fat Free. I use these fruit spreads on GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbreads and they are amazing at satisfying my sweet tooth. To see all their products go to: http://waldenfarms.com/index.htm

    3. GG SCANDINAVIAN BRAN CRISPBREADS - I have one of these with the fruit spread at breakfast and another as a snack at night. A crisp High Fiber Food - Lowest in Calories - Low Carb - Natural Weight Loss Product , Natural Laxative - Low Cholesterol - Carbohydrate 3g per slice - 0 NET CARBS -Low glycemic index (gcl). Made with 85% unprocessed bran, it's the highest in dietary fibre ---- 50%. Yet it's the lowest in calories, with only 16 per slice. Go to: http://www.ggbrancrispbread.com

    These products are not readily available at most grocery stores (in Canada) but I have managed to find some that carry them and have requested that my usual grocery store carry them. You can also order them online. I have lost 17 pounds on the last month while using these products and I am more than satisifed. I highly recommend them.

    Also, I have added all the nutrional facts to my personal food and have shared with all users, but not sure how long it takes for it to be included in the database of foods.

    Good luck to you all!!!! I love this site and the food diary is great.
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Fit & Active make smoothies.

    They fill me up but when they don't, I have 2 slices of whole wheat bread and spray butter.

    Check out which cereals your grocery has to offer.
    Look for the healtiest one. The serving size are usually around 1 cup but that is a good amount when you pour it into the bowl.

    You can try making chicken quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas & smart balance shredded cheese or any other cheese that is a bit more on the healthier side. Or you can evern get pita pockets and stuff them with whatever you want. I usually stuff them with seafood such as shrimp, fish & langoustines.

    Have a salad with your lunch and dinner.. that should fill you right up.

    You can have your "normal dishes", just substitute the ingridients with healthier ones(lower fat, lower calories, lower carbs...)
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I have been having pitas and other greek inspired meals. Many of them have lots of vegies in them and things that are good for you in them. For my meal at night, since I am gone most of the day I throw a roast or other meat in and a jar of salsa in. It is very very tasty. Remember when you are looking at foods that higher fiber foods will make you feel fuller. In alot of the things I have been reading 50 percent of you meal should be a complex carb. that is things like vegies, bean, or whole grains. I like to eat a high fiber cereal or toast and egg, or even some malt o meal. My family loves spicy foods so we eat lots of that type of food. I don't buy many boxed foods or premade foods because they don't fit our needs.

    Hope that gives you a few ideas.
  • Drink a big glass of water BEFORE eating your meal. It will fill you up and you can take smaller portions. If you can't drink an entire glass... use a straw. -For some reason it helps me drink more fluids.
    Good luck!
  • zepeda602
    zepeda602 Posts: 18 Member
    Instead of 2% milk I have been having Vanilla Almond milk which a cup of Almond milk is half the calories of 2% milk and it is delicious too.