Sugar addict! Oh my gosh I'm a sugar addict!



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Alright, already! For those of you who really, really hate sugar threads, you don't have to post in them. Just sayin. If you DO decide to post in this sugar thread (or any other thread), please remember to post POLITELY and ON TOPIC. NOT doing so could result in post deletions and warnings.

    This thread has been cleaned up a little to remove impolite or off-topic posts.

    I leave you with this:

  • ecmjawad
    ecmjawad Posts: 4 Member
    Sugar the legal drug..anyway I have a hereditary heart condition and all the cardiac specialists say cut doe on the sugar... When I do it right I breath better, have more energy, skin looks better! Yes I love sugar but as many have said I have learned how to incorporate it into life; trivia, dark chocolate over 85, and berries. I know and pay dearly when I purposely go off my sugar plan. Just keep plugging along and read up all you can on the subject.
  • cjr1
    cjr1 Posts: 13 Member
    I get "snacky " late in the afternoon at work and have recently found that cocoa covered almonds will get me through a craving. It may not be the best alternative, but it satisfies me, and since a serving is over 20 almonds I rarely "need" more.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    I always used sugar in my tea, but discovered Truvia ( from Stevia ) which is a perfectly satisfactory solution.

    I also now control my sugar and carb intake using MFP within my deficit and it 100% helps. Possibly its scientific but also I think once you reduce sugar from your diet it's easier to feel like you get more value from your calorie allowance. Kind of the bowl of ice cream vs chicken breast argument above.
  • Indecisivgirl
    Indecisivgirl Posts: 13 Member
    I right there with ya. And evenings are the worst for me. Im busy between working all day at my barbershop (I don't ever sit and Im booked solid all day), to grad school on weekends. Im wonderful at these times. Give me an evening Im home (I live alone), and its complete chaos in my brain between fighting off the evils of wanting something sweet and being smart with my choices. It almost seems like it can all be laid out in front of me and if I don't have 1, I am fine. If I tell myself Ill just have 1, I lose control immediately while justifying that "tomorrow Ill be good". So you're not alone. I am doing atkins right now and being the 3rd day....and stuck at home in a blizzard, the cravings are getting less and less. Im not new to the up and down of the scale, but Im new here. Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey!
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, you were immobilized and no doubt in pain. As for being addicted to sugar, I don't know how much value that word has applied to food, but I do know I prefer to just not eat it at all rather than try to moderate it. If I don't have a sugar addiction, I do have a sugar obsession. Better to avoid and let my brain forget about it after awhile.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't like to eat a lot of sugar. I know most people on here say it's no biggie but my body does not like a lot of sugar. It just makes me feel kind of yucky. I get really tired in the afternoons and I don't have a lot of energy. It's just what I've noticed. What I did was I stopped drinking all sugary drinks (I only drink water coffee and tea. I put half a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee a day and nothing in my tea) and I stopped eating all sweets. No cookies or ice cream or chocolate, etc. I find that after you haven't eaten those things for a while you stop craving and wanting them. I do not miss eating those things. I don't know if I will catch grief for saying all this but I don't care. I am doing what I feel is right for my body. I still eat sugar in my food - like I put it in my oatmeal for example. But I'm eating a LOT less than I was before.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Lol, Kaki fruit? Doo-doo fruit.
  • I got honey coated nuts such as almonds and peanuts to curb my sweet cravings. I also enjoy honey with a little bit of soy or almond milk. Hope this is helpful :-)
  • fitjulz40in12
    fitjulz40in12 Posts: 32 Member
    Misty, I too have a serious sugar craving. After some painful health issues - I realized that I needed to cut back on sugar because of the inflammation it causes in my body. I talked with a nutritionist friend of mine, and she recommended that I increase my fruits (even though they have natural sugars - it's easier for my body to process).

    She also gave me a great tip and said that eating steamed vegetables and brown rice cuts the sugar cravings as well. It was odd, but I tried it, and now I crave the vegetables. It's been super helpful. I don't always say no to the refined sugars - but I can say that I definitely see a huge reduction in the amount I eat.
    - So, try brown rice and vegetables - it may help you too!

    Good luck my dear!
  • ireneblackwell
    ireneblackwell Posts: 17 Member
    Don't watch Fed Up, seriously. It's a stupid 'documentary' made with broscience for scaremongering.

  • ireneblackwell
    ireneblackwell Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I've just been researching the healthiest sugar alternatives, it seems stevia is tops but I find it's very bitter, have just come across xylitol which has a G I of 7, anyone tried this ? Also there seems to be praise for organic raw cane sugar, organic raw honey, purely on the health side , these obviously have to be calorie counted, just have to weigh it up to suit your taste.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    Alright, already! For those of you who really, really hate sugar threads, you don't have to post in them. Just sayin. If you DO decide to post in this sugar thread (or any other thread), please remember to post POLITELY and ON TOPIC. NOT doing so could result in post deletions and warnings.

    This thread has been cleaned up a little to remove impolite or off-topic posts.

    I leave you with this:


    OMG I want that puppy.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Thank you MelonFlower! I'm almost afraid to post anything. I can't imagine being someone who needs to lose weight for the first time and are looking for honest help. They would be eaten alive. I just don't understand why people feel the need to belittle others. I'm going to read through everyone's posts when I get home and make a grocery list! woot woot!

    I think people respond to the word "addict" pretty ferociously on this site. Some, who have themselves or have had relatives struggling with addiction, feel that throwing the word around as a synonym for "craving" is belittling. This can provoke some visceral reactions with people and starts a lot of arguments on here. People here like to get worked up about almost any slight.

    Take what useful information was shared, and ignore the rest. It's not worth getting upset or angry over.

    I agree with your last sentence. However, I think the word "sugar" upsets far more people than the word "addict." Some folks around here seem to take it personally when some random stranger on the Internet considers reducing their sugar intake. And God forbid they ask for suggestions on how to do it and control the cravings for it.

    OP, you might consider checking out the Low Carb group for some ideas on beating sugar cravings. Even if you aren't an "addict" you may have stronger cravings for it than other people. People on that board will get where you are coming from.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I have been on MFP for a long time. A looooonnnnngggggg time... I had an account before the wonderful App. Last year I had lost over 20 pounds and was kicking butt until I fell and broke my foot at a mud run. 5 months non walking, surgery and 3 months of physical therapy allowed me every excuse I needed to gain it all back and more. Anyway, I am back at it and walking further everyday. After a week of logging and being careful I noticed this time is different. This time I am not losing weight. Week one yielded zero results. I was concerned and frustrated because after all, week one is usually a good week! Your body is in shock right? Well.... I noticed a big problem. I was over on Carbs and Sugar every single day! Not by just a little either. I KILLED IT! And worse, I craved sugar so bad by Friday that I would have walked barefoot across a bed of nails and rolled in hot coals to get it.

    So who else is a sugar addict? How are you dealing with it? What are your substitutions? And for the love of all things tasty, what do you do for breakfast?

    I'm a sugar addict, I'm also a fibre addict. It all works out nicely.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    OP: If you want to curb your sugar in take then do it.

    If I buy packaged foods I watch the added sugar. If there's a lot then I don't get it. I also don't do the artificial sweeteners.

    Since I have been conscious of added sugars and staying away I feel loads better (and notice I said added. I'm not talking about the sugars in fruit although it's winter so I don't consume fruit in mass quantities this time of the year any way). Sugars -- and gluten actually -- wreak havoc on my digestive system. Since December I have cut out added sugars, sweets, candy and the like. I don't eat bread or pasta and I am conscious of items that contain gluten (I also take pre and pro biotics and I try to eat fermented foods as well). I also have a relative in my family with celiacs and although I was tested for it several years ago and it came back negative I do find that if I steer clear of gluten and since doing this I haven't had stomach issues. Once I eat any of these things I feel like crap. This weekend for example I had candy and quite a few foods that contained gluten and I paid for it the entire weekend. I'm still paying for it today. :(

    If you find that the more you consume the more you crave then gradually wean yourself off of it. After a while you won't miss it and you won't even crave it.
  • jacksonzombie
    jacksonzombie Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing this since the new year started, and I have been trying really hard to eat healthy. I worked some cookie dough dip into my daily calories after not really eating any sugar for close to five weeks, and even though I had very little, I've been almost crawling out of my skin craving sugar of any kind. After 4 days, I'm starting to feel normal again, but it's made me realize that even a little is not worth it. I don't look forward to not eating sugar, but eating it kind of scares me now.
  • JessDickman72
    JessDickman72 Posts: 26 Member
    So, I've struggled with sugar my whole life and finally a few months ago I gave up on trying to manage it myself. I seen a more natural based doctor and what she told me is this - sometimes people have more yeast in their stomach then they are supposed to. Yeast requires sugar to feed it. And it grows and grows until you have no control over these horrendous cravings. Okay wow. So I'm not crazy? What she did for me was put me on. Yeast clearing diet for a week. Zero sugar. That means zero carbs etc. Also a couple of yeast clearing antibiotics for a month. Then after that I needed to go to a Paleo Lifestyle. For the first time in my life I can go all day - I mean all day and not need to have sugar. Please look into this. I know this battle is such a bad one. Good luck to you.