Losing weight to make babies ❤️

After multiple miscarriages, the doctor says that the only factor that could be affecting my ability to stay pregnant is my weight :( so I begin my weight looss journey again. I did it once before and lost 70 pounds but stress and fertility treatments caused me to gain it all back. Looking for anyone out there for support, this is always a long and lonely journey when you are doing it alone.


  • Dang! Sorry to hear tht
  • Stay positive and focused.. We got this!!
  • Kelli_pussehl
    Kelli_pussehl Posts: 5 Member
    ;) thanks !
  • I'm in the same boat Drs told me try all natural fertility pills and loose lots of weight
  • MythicalMe84
    MythicalMe84 Posts: 80 Member
    Having another baby is one of my goals. Finally after a year and a half I was pregnant with my daughter who is now 3. I believe my weight is a factor in why it's hard to conceive but I'm also diabetic. We have been trying for about 9 months now with no luck. I'm hoping by losing weight and getting my blood sugars under control it will finally happen.
  • Kelli_pussehl
    Kelli_pussehl Posts: 5 Member
    Me and my husband tried to have children for 8 years. Finally we decided it was time for some help. So we did IVF and the first time it took right away. Before I did IVF though I lost 70lbs on recommendation of the doctor. She said since I was paying for the IVF, it was best if I did whatever I could to get the best results and that was to lose weight and be healthy so I could prevent miscarriage. I got to 12 weeks and lost the baby. We did IVF again three months later and I lost that one even sooner. The more I failed at staying pregnant, the more depressed I got and the more I ate, gaining all my weight back on top of the weight I had gained from fertility drugs. After the second loss I said I wouldn't so this anymore because I couldn't stand losing another baby, then my sister had her baby... Holding my nephew I realized I needed to change. I want to be a mother, I want to give birth to a human being, I want to be better for my baby. So I started my journey again :) this time I will stick with it for my unborn child and for my husband. He wants to be a father just as badly as I want to be a mother :). So that's my story in a nutshell, I'm just looking for some friends to help me along the way :)
  • Kelli_pussehl
    Kelli_pussehl Posts: 5 Member
    Mythicalme84 please add me as a friend, I haven't figured out how to ask people to be friends on here yet :(
  • CarlaSEvans
    CarlaSEvans Posts: 66 Member
    best wishes on your journey! I am sorry to hear about your losses, as a mother who almost lost my daughter at 28 wks...I understand. But now she is 19 and healthy! happy to help in any way I can! :)
  • Kelli_pussehl
    Kelli_pussehl Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Carla !! Add me as a friend if you would like, I haven't quite figured out how to add people as friends yet :)