How many other 70+ year olds here?



  • Three years ago I weighed 216 lbs ( I am 6'1" tall) and knew I had to lose weight. I made some good food choices, but mostly controlled my diet through portion size - small plates, small portions. I lost about 40 pounds, but was weak, having balance problems, and generally felt that I was just sort of timed out, waiting for the end (I am 79). When I started contemplating purchasing a cane, I realized that it all had gone too far. I decided I had to do something but really didn't know what, so I started research. I learned that because I had not exercised while dieting I had lost lean every bit as much as I had lost fat. That was it--I joined the YMCA and got an outstanding personal trainer. It has been 6 months now and I am in better shape than I was when I retired from the Army over 30 years ago. I use this site to track my diet--what a breeze! My incredible (and beautiful) trainer established a complete program for me and I see her for just 30 minutes twice a week. She monitors my progress and changes the exercises to keep the program fresh. My BMI has dropped significantly so, while I have gained 5 pounds back, the calculation is that I have lost 10 pounds of fat while gaining 15 pounds of muscle; I am now starting to lose weight again at @.5 lb/week. I feel great! Glad to see that there are others who haven't given up. I can't get younger, but I certainly can feel younger. All this costs me about $40 a week, including membership fees. I couldn't have spent it better. Good luck to all of you. [By the way - I did it without giving up my lovely glass of red wine each night with dinner.]
  • rafikiphoto
    rafikiphoto Posts: 35 Member
    By the way - I did it without giving up my lovely glass of red wine each night with dinner.

    I do allow myself just half a liqueur glass of anis before bed. It helps me sleep!
  • rafikiphoto
    rafikiphoto Posts: 35 Member
    Some wonderful and inspiring posts from people 'of our age'. Thanks and keep them coming.

    Update: Yesterday's weigh-in showed I have lost 9 kg (about 20 lbs) in just over 2 months. I'm happy with that. Just another 6 kg to go to my optimum BMI.
  • bjgrimjo
    bjgrimjo Posts: 1 Member
    rafikiphoto! WOW you are STILL very active and seem to be in great shape! :o I will be 70 in October. LOL...Anyone at or over our age, is to be COMMENDED for doing the right things to be "here" in the FIRST place!

    I hope you keep up the most EXCELLENT work as you are a great inspiration!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I am not in your age bracket will be 50 in July but am so happy to read you all are taking control. No matter your age eat as healthy as possible and exercise. I highly recommend the book "Younger Next Year". It's about being as healthy and fit as possible in your older years. Excellent easy read with great information.
    Very encouraging to see you all making the positive changes. :)
  • rafikiphoto
    rafikiphoto Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks both. I just finished a bike ride of 45km (28 miles). My total distance for February is 473km (296 miles). At my weigh-in today I have lost 11.2 kg (25lbs) in under 3 months. I am just 9lbs off my target weight and I'm wondering how to put the brakes on when I do reach my goal. I won't stop cycling because I love doing it so I guess I'll just have to eat more! One thing I don't want to do is go back to my old drinking habits. I feel so much better without it.
  • rafikiphoto
    rafikiphoto Posts: 35 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just a note to mention that I reached my target weight of 80kg this week. I am switching my goals to maintenance on a sedentary lifestyle to see how that goes first. I shall continue my cycling and dog walking regimes because I enjoy them so much so the 'sedentary' setting will probably not be sufficient but I'd rather work up to a correct level rather than start gaining quickly and getting disheartened by it and have to lose it again. I don't feel hungry anyway these days.
  • BEwinnin
    BEwinnin Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 71 living in Houston Texas "the fattest city in the US of A". Got 100 lbs to loose and looking for some sympathetic buddies to help make this fun along the way.
  • Claudiag19
    Claudiag19 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this. Turning 69 next week. Wondering if you ALL are still out there. :)