Just had a truly horrible day, and I need help.



  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Track you calories accurately and the weight will fall off. And make the decision to stop seeking the understanding or support of anyone outside yourself. This is YOUR body. You don't need anyone to care, understand, support, cheer, or whatever. You're the only one that can do the work so you have to be on board.


    I decided to start losing weight between lunch and dinner. I just could not go on feeling the way I did, and my weight was actually the easiest thing to change.

    I stopped overthinking things like the right foods. I stopped pressuring myself to exercise (although I do now and enjoy it very much). I stopped thinking about anything other than how I was going to stay under my calories for the day.

    I don't feel motivated to count calories or work out now, any more than I feel motivated to do laundry. I do it because it has to be done.

    You can do this.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ps if i can walk three miles with a 4 wheel walker and both knees in braces, and after falling down 4 times last year and shaking my fist at the sky and screaming bring it on goll dang it... cleaned that up wink,, so can you

    That's the attitude!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    ps if i can walk three miles with a 4 wheel walker and both knees in braces, and after falling down 4 times last year and shaking my fist at the sky and screaming bring it on goll dang it... cleaned that up wink,, so can you

  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    So, you hit your "line in the sand"? That is a good thing believe it or not.

    Turn your horrible experience into something positive for yourself. Buy a food scale. I got mine at WalMart, it is "The Biggest Loser" scale. Get some measuring cups and spoons.

    Start logging your food into My Fitness Pal. See how many calories you are eating and drinking on a day to day basis for at least a week.

    The next week, you go back and start tweaking your diet to try and reduce your calorie intake. The next week you "tweak" and so on until you get to a level where you are eating at your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

    Once that is in hand then you start eating at a calorie deficit. Even if you set your loss for .5lbs/week, that will be enough to begin lose weight. It is a slower weight loss rate however key here is that it is something that is very doable.

    If you feel you can tweak your diet some more, set your loss for a 1lb/week.

    My technique is really "baby-baby steps" but just moving forward to a healthier goal is what it is all about. You can do it!
  • davis978
    davis978 Posts: 103 Member
    I am really sorry you had such a terrible day. Sounds like it was painful. I want to correct one thing you said though.

    We were running late to the musical, and everyone was running to get there, but I couldn't run. So we all ended up being late because of me.

    The group was late to the musical because the group didn't leave the restaurant on time! You do not have to take responsibility for the whole group being late and put it on yourself. It's fine that you couldn't run. Lot's of people (even lots of thin people) can't. You are not the cause of the group being late. The group bears responsibility for being late.

    I understand it felt to you like it was your fault. I am not arguing with that feeling. I just often see overweight people - I think because of their shame about themselves - take on blame for things that they aren't actually the cause of. It was not your fault! It was everyone's fault!

    Anyway, glad you are here. Congrats on setting an intention to make a change. Good luck!
  • lectric102002
    lectric102002 Posts: 19 Member
    Track you calories accurately and the weight will fall off.


    I log every single thing I eat, including things you wouldn't even think of like ketchup and other condiments, gummy vitamins, etc. It all adds up. Using MFP and the 3-hour diet, I've lost 24 pounds since Dec. of last year.

    You got this. :D

  • 111june
    I am sorry you had a bad day. It makes me sad that you feel so bad. I know it's easy to say, but please try not to be so hard on yourself. It's a long journey - don't stop! Baby steps! Practice positive self-talk. Someone shared this line with me once and I've found it to be helpful: "Let the still small voice inside of you be a kind and gentle encourager. Shut down mean and hateful thoughts. Love wins over hate."
    - I hope you have a better day today.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    For what is worth...

    Baby steps are fine I guess. Seems to work for some people.

    Both times I've lost weight, I went with the "total earth shattering change" method. Fits my personality better.

    My point is, there are many ways to de-fat a cat. Try to find one that fits you and that you enjoy.
  • Bukeelaka
    You're here now, you're doing this so you never have to feel that way again. About the picture, it'll make a great "before" photo. You can use it in your future success story to help motivate others.

    Take it one day at a time, like others said, baby steps. All the little things add up.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    I am there with you and feel your pain. How about being told you have to buy 2 seats on an airplane, AFTER YOU ARE ON THE PLANE AND EVERYONE CAN HEAR, then you know it is time to do something. Couple that with losing your ability to do your job because you don't pass your Federally Mandated medical requirements. So, been there where you are. But, I have lost 78 pounds in just over 9 months. I am the weakest when it comes to will power (specifically a shelf of donuts), but I did it. I got on a bicycle and rode until it started falling off. Move, eat, love.....stay away from crap food. There is no physical body that can not lose weight, only the person inside the body keeps us from doing it. Friend me and I will help.
  • Bukeelaka
    For what is worth...

    Baby steps are fine I guess. Seems to work for some people.

    Both times I've lost weight, I went with the "total earth shattering change" method. Fits my personality better.

    My point is, there are many ways to de-fat a cat. Try to find one that fits you and that you enjoy.

    Yes, there's that too! Absolutely find your own way. I guess the term baby steps can be subject to many interpretations. I meant it in the sense that if you want to run a marathon or lift heavy weights, you must work your way up to it instead of jumping right in.

    For me baby steps is just another way of saying don't bite off more than you can chew at one time. Keep it realistic and sustainable.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You sound like you are ready. Start logging and moving and you will do it. Dont make any drastic changes and never give up. You will look back at those pictures one day and smile to yourself. Good luck.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Use this as your motivation. All thats required to lose weight is a caloric deficit.

    This. I know how you feel, and it's this kind of experience that can be the thing that finally motivates you to decide that it's time to take charge and lose weight. It was a photo for me too, plus not wanting to be the person on the airplane everyone dreads sitting next to. You can definitely do it!
  • nightglo
    nightglo Posts: 33 Member
    You're not alone, and it's great that you're here and wanting to make a change. When I try to go out, I have the same thoughts and feelings about being too large to sit somewhere or being very aware that I'm much larger than anyone I'm with. Once I started doing something to deal with my weight though, I started feeling different. Not because I got instant results, but because I could counter those thoughts with, "and I'm doing what I can about it."

    I don't feel so powerless. Find whatever method to lose weight that works for you, and use it to empower yourself :)
  • I want to sincerely thank each and every person who replied to my post, and especially to those who sent me a friend request. I have read through all of your replies, and they really have made me feel a lot better.

    I've been overweight since I was eight years old. I have tried Weight Watchers twice - once when I was 12 and once three years ago. I have also tried Lite N Easy twice. I have even tried MFP before, but I didn't use the forums and I didn't add any friends. Every time I have tried to lose weight, I have been successful in losing ten to twenty kilos, but I then gave up and I eventually put every kilo back on and then some. I am at the biggest I have ever been. And I am ready to really do something. I really have had enough of being fat.

    This time feels different, because of all the support that I am receiving. This truly feels like a community, and I feel as though I can post anything here (whether I am having a good day or a bad day). And I know there will be bad days. Lots of them. But I know there will be a lot of good days, too.

    I will keep that photo as my before photo. I will weigh in and take all of my measurements today, and I will go out and buy healthy foods today. And I will start tomorrow.

    Thank you again, everybody, for your support and encouragement. I will update my status regularly, and keep you posted.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Keep positive! You can only start from where you are right now. There is more to you than your size. I agree with finding a few pieces of clothing that flatter you now. Look for simple pieces in colors you love that you can wear several ways. I know a great website, pm if interested. As far as weight loss goes start tracking your calories just to get a good starting point. Take a walk if you can or just try increasing your steps throughout the day. Good luck!
  • barby6011
    barby6011 Posts: 21 Member
    This too will pass. Bless you and your endeavors
    Big hug for you.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    The good thing is you are YOUNG your body will act faster to any program than those of us over 50. I gained weight after a car accident ..and the advice I got was "lots of good carbs, avoid fats like butter, avocado, etc."

    But years ago I tried a LOW carb diet, and I was your age then, lost 25 pounds fairly quickly..

    I cut out all the breads, sugars, including apples and watermelon..switched to berries of all kinds, Had scrambled eggs with butter, low carb veggies like cauliflower ( which can be cooked/whipped and tastes a lot like mash potatoes)… and melted cheese on top. real hamburgers.

    There is a lot of new research confirming that avoiding good fats and severely limiting calories is falsehood.

    For no cook-low cook:
    do some reading on ketogenic diet, there are some amazing recipes like 'single serve' cake in a cup' made with almond flour, not wheat, and is low carb. or a strawberry/almond milk /kale/smoothie is thick and delicious…and low calorie

    Smoothies are popular for on-the-go people, you can drink your veggies, get the benefits, but NOT use cow or soy milk..plus unsweetened almond and rice milk taste great. and Stevia is a natural, no calorie sugar to sweeten any foods.

    a journey of a thousand steps starts with just one step forward!
  • jennylea70
    jennylea70 Posts: 57 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been there. Going out with the girls and always being the fat one, feeling uncomfortable and self conscious the whole time instead of enjoying myself. It sucks. But that is why we are here, to make a change. I've only been doing this for a few weeks and it's tough to change but we can do it. Even today, I went to the gym and even though I did what I needed to do, I was still feeling discouraged. I felt like I was the only one struggling so much with a bright red face! But I had to remember that everyone starts somewhere. We can do this!
  • sarahjoy10680
    sarahjoy10680 Posts: 2 Member
    Btdt with an embarrassing Facebook photo! Let that be your motivation, as others have said. A perfect "before" photo!