
Hi Everyone! My name is Christina and this is my first time at this site. From what I can tell it looks pretty thorough! Thank goodness. I am 38 years young and have a goal to look like Jennifer Aniston by the time I am 40! Ok I may not get down to 115 or 125lbs, but size 9 is my goal!! I am currently up there at 16 my highest weight and size to date. I am taking this one step at a time. logging my food has always been an issue for me, but the app has helped greatly! I do hope I can be supportive to any of you. Feel free to drop me a line. Good luck to us all! :wink:


  • mowrynation
    mowrynation Posts: 91
    Nice to meet you Christina! My name is Gail, 43 I live in NY. I have a goal of size 10 maybe even 8!! Been here since January, have had great support! Feel free to add me !
    All the Best
  • rickiticki73
    Good Afternoon to all Fitness Pal members. My name is Raquel. I am 37 years old. I dated a great guy for 9 years & we got married last June. My husband & kids all love me the way I am but recently I don't "love" myself like I should. I have been eating to feed my frustrations in life. I moved to CA from MN last July because my husband was relocated for his job. I gave up a job I loved & I also left my family & friends. Since moving to CA, I have been unable to find a job. I haven't been looking as hard as I should be but I feel part of that is Self Esteem issues. I have been overwieght for many many years. I have always just accepted that I will always be this way. About a year & a half ago I lost 53 lbs. I felt like a whole new person, but as it always does... the weight went back on & a little extra too. I am at my highest weight of 294 lbs. Today i told myself this can't go on. If I don't do something about my weight it is going to kill me. I want to go on rides with my kids at theme parks. I want to be able to grow old with the most amazing man on earth. I am looking to lose a total of 130 lbs. I know this will take time but I am hoping to stay on track by using this site. I hope to meet some people with the same goals as me... I am taking a huge leap right now. I want to succeed! I am looking forward to gaining friends during my weightloss challenge. Feel free to request me as a friend :)
  • Nursebeachnut
    Welcome! Add me as a friend if you need some motivation and support!
  • connieholiday
    I love this site too. I am fairly new and it is sooo nice that the site does most of the work for you and that the people on here are so supportive. You will become an addict! I know i have already gotten addicted. And i hate, hate, hate dieting, and exercise, but am now loving it. I can actually see what i am burning, and the calorie intake. If you would like to add me, that would be great. Mutual support is sooo nice!!!! Good luck!!! Connie :flowerforyou:
  • m91932j
    m91932j Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm MJ and looking to lose about 25 pounds. I started doing Zumba at least 3-4 times a week. I love that... I try to compensate that way because I really love sweets and don't want to have to limit myself too much when it comes to eating. However, I know I need to make changes! Any support would be great. Feel free to add me as a friend. I think this application is great that it is free and this way I won't have to pay to join a weight loss program. Any one have any good recipes?
  • connieholiday
    Rickiticki, Welcome! I have seen personal success with this site, and i have only been on here for maybe a week. The support is above all else what has helped me, yet, the fact that this site has made it easy to track my calories and my burned calories through exercise has helped immensly. It has been so hard on me over the years to lose any weight, and if it by chance happened i always gained it back. I think mfp is gonna prove to be a lifestyle change....i just love it, and i am sure you will too! Good luck, and if you need some support go ahead and add me :) Connie
  • clynnc19
    clynnc19 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :happy: I'm Courtney and I'm 20 years old. Just joined this site today. My goal is to be 130 lbs, I've lost 20 lbs so far. That's 21 more to go! So far I'm loving MyFitnessPal. All the tools here make it so much easier to track weightloss. I'm getting married next year and want to look great in my dress (who doesn't want to look their best on their wedding day?). The main reason I want to lose weight though is to be healthy. I know I'm young and don't really have to worry about it now, but if I don't start making good choices now I'll have to pay for it in the long run. Good luck guys! Hope you all meet your goals!!
  • jafrapatty
    jafrapatty Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone!
    Just started this site today.


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