Considering Intermittent Fasting to bust through plateau! Thoughts?



  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    SLappe wrote: »
    Don't do it! It's called an eating disorder, if you think about it. I tried it. Had to go for an ultrasound bcuz I had a period (menopause). I was perfectly fine. It messes with your hormones!

    I had just the opposite problem. I wasn't having periods at all !(going to be 31 in a few days) I started intermittent fasting and now I'm having regular periods! This has been a problem for me since starting puberty! Seriously! When I got pregnant the first time I didn't figure it out until I was 6 MONTHS PREGNANT! I mean how do you tell if you've missed your period when you're not having one to begin with right?! Then, after my second child, I STILL wasn't having periods! I was clearly ovulating though! I started intermittent fasting and BAM! I have periods and I've lost 20lbs in less than 2 months!
  • squirrlt
    squirrlt Posts: 106 Member
    Here's a bloggy article about intermittent fasting having different effect on women vs men, if you are interested. As a female, it made me decide against trying it (among other reasons--I like to eat!). But it looks like the hormonal effect may have actually worked in the above poster's favor!
  • angelarene626
    angelarene626 Posts: 32 Member
    I found IF to simply be a good guide on when to eat which in turn helps most people stay within their caloric deficit. IF made me realize I would graze on a lot of unnecessary calories throughout the day even late at night just cause I was hungry all of a sudden. I followed something similar to the lean gains method when I did IF, so after my 8 hr window closed at 8 or 9 pm I knew I was done eating for the day and it really helped. You still need to watch what you are eating tho. IF also helped me plan my meals better because I knew I needed to get all my calories in by a certain time of day otherwise I would hate feeling hungry until the next day....but I rarely felt hungry during my fasting window
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    It is NOT an eating disorder, but I was mostly eating within a 5 hour period and had my period stop after two days . . .and then restart. Did you know the human body could do that because I did not

    So now I try for 14:10, end up at 16:8 usually, and am waiting until next month to see if it messes with my hormones. BUT they have barely studied IF and females, and someone on my friends list says she didn't experience any of this because she's on birth control.
  • shaneenmnoble

    I'm an intermittent faster but at the end of the day it's still all about calories. IF could possibly help you. It depends on what you are eating like any other diet. You would need to give us more details on your current diet. How long have you been dieting? How many calories are you eating a day? How much you weight? (can help because sometimes we are eating too little or too much) Are you measuring your food? (using a scale for everything?) Are you getting enough vegetables and protein or are you just eating junk? I'm not saying you can't lose on eating junk but eating more raw vegetables are better. Are you drinking enough water? Are you Drinking alcohol while on your diet? Also you said you've given up all grains? Are you low carbing or something? Ok that's enough...we just don't know your diet well enough to give a good answer.

    I started my weightloss journey from around September last year. At first it was just about weaning myself off sugar, refined carbs and meat. Now my daily calorie intake is 1260 since being on MFP(I weigh 85kg; goal weight is 65kg). I exercise 30min 6 days a week, but I've been doing it for so long, maybe I need to do more? I really don't want to eat any less though.I do admit I don't do strength training consistently, so that might also be part of the problem. Clearly there's so much information out there that's confusing the hell outa me, the IF issue though I'm conflicted about!
  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    I love mfp. It's like various offshoots of the same religion squabbling over doctrine.

    You have the orthodox faith (calorie counters) with paleo, low carb, timing, fasting, pull taking, offshoots.

    LOL and some people get seething mad when you disagree with them. It's like, they believe they're holding PhDs in nutritional science just because they were once overweight. They also do everything they can to uphold some sort of MFP reputation. The know-it-alls. Hilarious stuff.

  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    edited February 2015
    Got about 7 PMs from my thread stating how much of a grouch/troll this dude is who somehow believes he's an expert and right about everything. Pretty sure there are more out there.

    34 years old. 12K posts. Uphold that, player!

    Thanks for all of the advice btw, PMers. :)

    Learning to differentiate between "your/you're" might help your credibility a bit.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Got about 7 PMs from my thread stating how much of a grouch/troll this dude is who somehow believes he's an expert and right about everything. Pretty sure there are more out there.

    34 years old. 12K posts. Uphold that, player!

    Thanks for all of the advice btw, PMers. :)

    Learning to differentiate between "your/you're" might help your credibility a bit.

    I'm not taking sides here, but grammar trolling and personal attacks are likely to get this thread closed. Chill out.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    dawn0293 wrote: »
    SLappe wrote: »
    Don't do it! It's called an eating disorder, if you think about it.

    Exactly! WTF!?
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I am sooooooo proud of everyone that no one spouted any nonsense about "starvation mode." Good science may someday win the battle after all.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I am sooooooo proud of everyone that no one spouted any nonsense about "starvation mode." Good science may someday win the battle after all.

    Well... someone came close, because they said "eat more".


  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    I read up on how to get past a plateau and this was one of the suggestions. But I'm unsure. I've given up all grains, I've upped my exercise, but after losing 10kg, nothing! !! ! What's going on?

    How long have you been on this "plateau"? How did you lose the 10kg and long did it take? Have you changed anything in your routine?

  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    Try eating whatever you want to eat for however many days you want (I usually do like 3-5 days of anything and everything whenever I've hit that "plateau") and then go back to whatever it was you were doing that made you lose the weight off. This has happened to me like 2-3 times in the past 6 months or so.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    SLappe wrote: »
    Don't do it! It's called an eating disorder, if you think about it.

    Utter nonsense. There is nothing about IF that makes it an "eating disorder".

    If anything, based on human history and evolution, eating regularly schedule meals is the"eating disorder".
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    SLappe wrote: »
    Don't do it! It's called an eating disorder, if you think about it.

    Utter nonsense. There is nothing about IF that makes it an "eating disorder".

    If anything, based on human history and evolution, eating regularly schedule meals is the"eating disorder".

    so true!! :smiley:

  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    I love my progress. I love my regimen. Works so perfectly!
  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    From 28% BF to 14% today. TWO different physicians performed (required) physicals and blood-work on me within the past 8 months and both said everything looks good.

    I luuuuuuuuuuv it.