Better with friends

hello friend. I'm looking for support and a little competition too u guess. I find it easy to exercise, I love Jillian micheals, Mr Shaun T25 focus and bob harper workouts. I'm terrible at weighing myself as muscle weighs more than fat so I can get discouraged when that needle doesn't move often . love to meet likeminded people. Please add me


  • drkancurly1
    drkancurly1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Lainey_66, I also enjoy working out but more of the gym machines. I love the elliptical. I recently lost 9 pounds with diet bet .com and i am looking to make new friends with goals similar to mine. A little competition is what motivated me to lose weight this past month. Anywhoo its nice to meet you.
  • Awakenher_Wellness
    Hi Lainey! So many similarities to my own story. I started this journey the last week of December and to date I've lost around 15 lbs. I achieved the majority of my success by changing what I was eating then about 3 weeks ago I started doing cardio. As of a few days ago I've began some weight training which is kind of making me anxious when I think about the weight I'm going to gain back. Maybe we can motivate each other past that point and beyond. I look forward to seeing you on the other side. And I'm always down for a good challenge
  • lainey_66
    lainey_66 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi awakenbeauty51, Im glad you hear my pain! I don't own any scales for that very reason I get way to anxious before stepping on it. but yeah be great to have some friendly competition and we both end up at our goal
  • lainey_66
    lainey_66 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi drkancurly1, well done your recently weight loss and yes im happy to provide you with some friendly competition. does anyone own a fitbit? ive found this really useful as my target steps is 10,000 a day. it does get you moving and this myfitness helps my with my diet as we both know both are just as important