Grocery store nightmare



  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited February 2015
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Nope. But then again I eat all of these "bad" foods and I've lost 27 lbs, because food doesn't make people fat. Eating too much of ANY food makes people fat.

    And "healthy" is subjective and changes throughout history, as well as general physical health being based on diet context and not the individual foods you eat.

    It doesn't matter how much vegetables and fruit you won't make you fat at all. Eating processed chemical junk, excess oil and dairy can however make you fat!

    Actually, it does matter. You will gain weight eating ANY food in excess regardless of the type of food. A calorie surplus makes you gain weight, not a certain type of food.

  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    What are these "bad foods"? The only bad foods for me personally are overly processed foods and foods that purport to be healthy options when in fact, they aren't.

    It's true that shopping the outer aisle of a grocery store results in a healthier cart full of food and ingredients to make your own meals. But I shop the aisles too, and I often chuckle sanctimoniously at a lot of the stuff -- and especially at the prices of the foods that promise to be the healthiest and most slimming.

    An avocado is very calorie dense and I need to limit my intake of them. Does that mean avocadoes are "bad"? Is a Snickers bar bad? Karamel Sutra ice cream? (OMG, that is SO not bad!) I really dislike the words "bad" and "cheat" when I'm losing weight. "I was so bad today, I cheated today.." -- no no no no, don't say those things!

    Those foods aren't bad; they're just not going to move you toward your goal. They are bad choices when they're not incorporated sensibly into your daily meal plan. Sure, have a half a Snickers bar if you are passionately craving it and nothing can turn your mind off it. Try to avoid the temptation, and know that sometimes, you can't. Compensate for it somewhere else, and don't feel guilty afterwards and feel defeatist. That is what the deceptive part of your brain WANTS you to think -- that you're a failure.

    Well, you're not.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    melifairy wrote: »
    Is the grocery store a nightmare for you too? Its not surprising at all that so many people are overweight. Every corner you look around is designed to lure you into buying something unhealthy! All of the junk food is cheap and easy to cook. You actually have to search out the healthy options. The more I discover about what's in the food we eat is just crazy. I feel like I have to force myself into tunnel vision just to get through the store. Don't look around too much or you might see something calling to you. O.O Anyone else have this problem or realization?

  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    There are things I won't buy if I realize I'm not ready to eat them in moderation. I was at the store and I saw red velvet oreos with cream cheese flavored frosting. I looked at the package and I saw that 2 cookies was 140 calories. I didn't buy them because I thought they were "bad" I just didn't buy them because I know myself and I am not ready to stop myself after eating just 2 oreos. I will eventually try those oreos though, I promise you that :)

    What makes the grocery store cause me anxiety is that I never did any grocery shopping for myself until very recently, and I am just now starting to learn to cook at age 26. I never really know what to buy, and I'm always freaking out because I don't know how much I should buy for a 2 week supply. Currently I go shopping every other weekend, but it's always with my best friend or with my mom. Eventually I will be comfortable shopping on my own once I get the hang of it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The only store I find a nightmare is Wegman's- that store STRESSES ME THE EFF OUT.

    Not sure why- just the lay out- and the packed- yet weird open feeling it has- I just- i hate it.

    but otherwise no.


    The advice to not shop when hungry is true.

    The advice it shop the permiter of the store is actually pretty solid.

    The advice to realize that the store lays things out purely to make money and to catch your eye.

    Use your big hooman logic to recognize that and then stick to the man and buy what you need for YOUR needs and what fits in your budget- not what's been splashed in front of your eyes.

    At some point you need to move past being a wide eyed 5 year old who gets starstruck with EVER advert in the store. Seriously- why do you think they put kid foods at kid eye level???
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited February 2015
    melifairy wrote: »
    Is the grocery store a nightmare for you too? Its not surprising at all that so many people are overweight. Every corner you look around is designed to lure you into buying something unhealthy! All of the junk food is cheap and easy to cook. You actually have to search out the healthy options. The more I discover about what's in the food we eat is just crazy. I feel like I have to force myself into tunnel vision just to get through the store. Don't look around too much or you might see something calling to you. O.O Anyone else have this problem or realization?

    It isn't really a problem for me. I write a grocery list and stick to it. I group like items together on my list so shopping is easier and faster.
    My goal is to stick to my grocery budget and get out of the store quickly because I want to do other things. My purchases are mostly carefully considered.

    Some stores offer online shopping for a small fee where you can pick up or have your groceries delivered. You might check to see if any stores in your area have that if it would cut down on your impulse buys.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    @sympha VERY nice post, agree with everything there!

    +1 Boom
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    No, it's not difficult for me. I don't demonize food, and I don't demonize the grocery store for trying to make money, that's just how capitalism works. If I can't learn how to eat all foods in moderation than as soon as I stop using MFP I will baloon back up. And I'm not going to deprive my family of the foods they love, just because I havn't learned how to control myself.

    Personally I love walking up and down every single aisle, whether I need to or not, in order to add to my daily steps.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member

    I actually enjoy grocery shopping! Sure the sweets look tempting but I am able to walk right by them without feeling the need to put them in my cart. Plus I perimeter shop so that saves me from having to go down the pre-packaged food aisles.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's really easy for me now. I know most of what I want to buy before I go. I skip entire sections of the store since I don't buy all the boxed processed stuff. Most of my items are staples I buy almost every week...chicken, eggs, yogurt, fruit, veggies, peanut butter. I am in and out very quickly and efficiently. I don't waste my time in there.

    If you find yourself being tempted by things you don't want to purchase, perhaps making a shopping list before you go and sticking to it might least it is worth a try. Think about what you want to have for meals that week and plan accordingly. If you have a plan, it is much easier.
  • lyndseypjohnson738
    I agree that modern grocery stores are a nightmare. I am very grateful to my local market for being a small space with produce, meat counter, dairy, and a very small dry goods section. For those of you reading this that feel they should leave me a critical reply, I'm not listening.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    edited February 2015
    I think when you just start your diet and really learn about nutrition your eyes are opened a bit and you realize just how much fat, calories, and sugar are in food, even in some "healthy" foods. It can seem overwhelming and a bit horrifying. As you get used to buying healthy food you will feel more in control and will feel less bombarded by all the crap that is out there. Maybe you will buy some foods that aren't exactly healthy and learn to have them fit into your calories. Maybe you will avoid them all together. Whatever works for YOU is the most important thing to do. Good luck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Never. Always hit the ice cream aisle to see if they came out with a new kind of ice cream or poptarts. Moderation is what got me to lose 121 pounds!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Nope. But then again I eat all of these "bad" foods and I've lost 27 lbs, because food doesn't make people fat. Eating too much of ANY food makes people fat.

    And "healthy" is subjective and changes throughout history, as well as general physical health being based on diet context and not the individual foods you eat.

    It doesn't matter how much vegetables and fruit you won't make you fat at all. Eating processed chemical junk, excess oil and dairy can however make you fat!

    This the dumbest thing I ever heard of!!! LOL
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    The grocery is not a nightmare for me. I plan my meals ahead of time and make a list. I then go to the store and shop my list. I don't need to look at things I am not planning to get. The only things I "shop" are fruit and cheese and maybe meat. I have them on my list but I wait until I get to the store to make my final decision based on what looks good and/or is on sale.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    The only time grocery shopping is a nightmare for me is when it's too crowded, like if I make the mistake of going on Senior Citizen's Discount Day, or before a holiday or snowstorm. Somehow it's an anxiety attack trigger for me.

    But the food is never a problem. Unless their out of my favorite chocolate milk.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    memelendy wrote: »
    There are things I won't buy if I realize I'm not ready to eat them in moderation. I was at the store and I saw red velvet oreos with cream cheese flavored frosting. I looked at the package and I saw that 2 cookies was 140 calories. I didn't buy them because I thought they were "bad" I just didn't buy them because I know myself and I am not ready to stop myself after eating just 2 oreos. I will eventually try those oreos though, I promise you that :)

    What makes the grocery store cause me anxiety is that I never did any grocery shopping for myself until very recently, and I am just now starting to learn to cook at age 26. I never really know what to buy, and I'm always freaking out because I don't know how much I should buy for a 2 week supply. Currently I go shopping every other weekend, but it's always with my best friend or with my mom. Eventually I will be comfortable shopping on my own once I get the hang of it.

    Do you menu plan? Try making a menu plan for the week or two between shopping. Write down the foods you need for your menu and don't forget breakfast and lunch. For some reason menu plans only ever seem to include dinner. This really helps to make sure you're getting enough food and it can save you money as we'll.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited February 2015
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Nope. But then again I eat all of these "bad" foods and I've lost 27 lbs, because food doesn't make people fat. Eating too much of ANY food makes people fat.

    And "healthy" is subjective and changes throughout history, as well as general physical health being based on diet context and not the individual foods you eat.

    It doesn't matter how much vegetables and fruit you won't make you fat at all. Eating processed chemical junk, excess oil and dairy can however make you fat!

    Not sure if serious....

    It's all about consuming less calories than your body is burning...

    On topic- The only time I hate going to to the grocery story is when its the day before a snowstorm and people act like its the end of the world. Like come on people..we live in the northeast.. it's going to snow at some point.

    Make a list before you go to the store and keep yourself to that list. That helps me keep in budget.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    melifairy wrote: »
    Why don't they make it harder to find the "bad" stuff and easier to find the good stuff? :)

    Because prepackaged shelf stable foods are where they make the most profit.

    ps: there are no bad foods.

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    OP: Shop primarily around the edges of the store. They lay them out so that the produce is to one side and the dairy is to the other, and the meat is on the back wall. Of course when I buy sugar/flour/oil/yeast etc to make bread, that's on one of the aisles closer to the center; I'm not saying totally avoid anything there but just primarily when you're choosing most of your staples that principle should help you keep to the types of foods you've indicated you prefer.