Curry, and other Indian/Thai style foods

Hello, this is the first post I have made to these boards. I apologize if this has been covered before or does not convey much information.

I wanted to know about people experiences with Curry's and other foods found in Indian type cooking. Anything from red coconut based sauces to the traditional brown styles, samosa's, and everything else.
Are these good for weight loss and nutrition?
Is there any truth to the idea that spicy foods will help in weight loss as well as staying healthy?
Any good recipes for such food for people looking to loose weight?


  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I had Thai yellow curried chicken at a local restaurant the other day and it was delicious and didn't throw off my calories but I have heard the coconut use in that type of food isn't good for the arteries. I just tried some Indian food lately and really like that too. I think both types are pretty healthy. I'm not a pro on this though.
  • thomasblum
    thomasblum Posts: 4
    I've always loved Indian, Thai, Sri Lanken, Filipino, ect ect type foods. And, for the most part have always heard that they are very good for you. Of course a lot of this could just be hearsay especially when you get into the "always eat with a lot of hot spices" and so on.
    Thanks for the info =)
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I love Indian foods but have NO idea about their caloric content, etc. I just enjoy half of whatever they bring out or go with a friend and split the meal! Sometimes my friends and I don't like the same foods though ... SO I end up with leftovers that I bring home as a treat for my youngest daughter who has very similar food tastes as I.

    Maybe check out some of the recipes from the Cooking Channel's 'Spice Goddess' show and enter the ingredients in here and see what they come out as?