Good carbs bad carbs



  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Read " the China Study by T. Colin Campbell. Meat and dairy cause your blood to become more acid and your body has to compensate, so it leeches through your bones to bring it back to normal PH. Therefore those that eat the most meat and dairy have more acidy blood and as a consequence have more brittle bones.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Read " the China Study by T. Colin Campbell. Meat and dairy cause your blood to become more acid and your body has to compensate, so it leeches through your bones to bring it back to normal PH. Therefore those that eat the most meat and dairy have more acidy blood and as a consequence have more brittle bones.

    Your Ph is very restricted in range and diet isn't really going to alter it or you would be dead very quickly if you could.
  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Read " the China Study by T. Colin Campbell. Meat and dairy cause your blood to become more acid and your body has to compensate, so it leeches through your bones to bring it back to normal PH. Therefore those that eat the most meat and dairy have more acidy blood and as a consequence have more brittle bones.

    Your Ph is very restricted in range and diet isn't really going to alter it or you would be dead very quickly if you could.

  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Well, I don't know about that. I just try to go by science and not by propaganda. Read it for yourselves.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Well, I don't know about that. I just try to go by science and not by propaganda. Read it for yourselves.

    That book is pure raw food propaganda. You need to do some basic research on human physiology and you'll discover that your body just doesn't work like that.
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    But it's Sunday
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    But it's Sunday

    And Sunday on MFP.
  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Well, I don't know about that. I just try to go by science and not by propaganda. Read it for yourselves.

    That book is pure raw food propaganda. You need to do some basic research on human physiology and you'll discover that your body just doesn't work like that.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Well um....

  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Sure, if you feel it's your ticket to preventing heart disease go ahead but that doesn't mean you need to drop your protein and fat to near nothing, which isn't good either. Oh, and if you say that it's the only thing then I guess you haven't heard of a thing called exercise?

    ETA and you really need to stop with the raw food propaganda and as I said never give anyone advice on nutrition for their sake since you have no idea what you are talking about.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Pretty sure a plant-based diet is not the only proven way to prevent and reverse heart disease. I mean, assuming Mayo Clinic website is reliable, ways to prevent heart disease include:

    1) No smoking
    2) Regular exercise
    3) Dietary consumption, where they mention regularly consuming fish (high fat and protein)
    4) Healthy weight
    5) Getting in enough sleep
    6) Health screenings.
  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Well um....


    I'm not sure where you got that but everything I've read shows the complete opposite. Example:
  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Pretty sure a plant-based diet is not the only proven way to prevent and reverse heart disease. I mean, assuming Mayo Clinic website is reliable, ways to prevent heart disease include:

    1) No smoking
    2) Regular exercise
    3) Dietary consumption, where they mention regularly consuming fish (high fat and protein)
    4) Healthy weight
    5) Getting in enough sleep
    6) Health screenings.

    Those things will cut some risk but will not prevent and or reverse heart disease.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Pretty sure a plant-based diet is not the only proven way to prevent and reverse heart disease. I mean, assuming Mayo Clinic website is reliable, ways to prevent heart disease include:

    1) No smoking
    2) Regular exercise
    3) Dietary consumption, where they mention regularly consuming fish (high fat and protein)
    4) Healthy weight
    5) Getting in enough sleep
    6) Health screenings.

    Those things will cut some risk but will not prevent and or reverse heart disease.
    Together, they can all help.

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    It may help... but there are other things people can do to prevent their risk.
  • mrjansanman
    mrjansanman Posts: 22 Member
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Sure, if you feel it's your ticket to preventing heart disease go ahead but that doesn't mean you need to drop your protein and fat to near nothing, which isn't good either. Oh, and if you say that it's the only thing then I guess you haven't heard of a thing called exercise?

    ETA and you really need to stop with the raw food propaganda and as I said never give anyone advice on nutrition for their sake since you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am not on a raw food diet. I eat a whole food plant based diet. I eat pretty as much what I want and keep my weight down. I have plenty of energy to ride my bike hard several times a week. And although exercise is great it doesn't come close to having the same effect as eating a plant based diet.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Well um....


    I'm not sure where you got that but everything I've read shows the complete opposite. Example:
    Are you basing all of your searches on websites that only validate what you erroneously believe to be true?

    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Sure, if you feel it's your ticket to preventing heart disease go ahead but that doesn't mean you need to drop your protein and fat to near nothing, which isn't good either. Oh, and if you say that it's the only thing then I guess you haven't heard of a thing called exercise?

    ETA and you really need to stop with the raw food propaganda and as I said never give anyone advice on nutrition for their sake since you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am not on a raw food diet. I eat a whole food plant based diet. I eat pretty as much what I want and keep my weight down. I have plenty of energy to ride my bike hard several times a week. And although exercise is great it doesn't come close to having the same effect as eating a plant based diet.

    Wow, hey, me too. I also eat cake and chocolate regularly and buy hundreds of dollars worth of meat.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Wow! Even though it has been proved for a while I still believe the earth is a sphere and I won't fall off the edge. A plant based diet is the only proven way to prevent and reverse our number 1 killer (heart disease) here in the US. Whatever we need to do to prevent our top killer I want to do it. If you or someone else needs to take the chance fine.

    Pretty sure a plant-based diet is not the only proven way to prevent and reverse heart disease. I mean, assuming Mayo Clinic website is reliable, ways to prevent heart disease include:

    1) No smoking
    2) Regular exercise
    3) Dietary consumption, where they mention regularly consuming fish (high fat and protein)
    4) Healthy weight
    5) Getting in enough sleep
    6) Health screenings.

    Those things will cut some risk but will not prevent and or reverse heart disease.

    Oh, so you are saying that ONLY a plant-based diet will. Cool, okay, can you contact every single cardiologist and scientist in the world to receive conformation on that?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Another day. Another day of folks battling each other with other people's research (probably taken out of context).
    And all this on a thread that wasn't supposed to exist. lol