Needing support before I cry

Where do I start :neutral_face: have had a weight problem since maybe 15. Bulimia for years but dieted that two years ago after counselling.

7 yrs ago had a horse riding accident and broke my back. All healed ok but since DD1 came along it moved the fracture and now have permanent pain down right side. Then when she was one I developed a brain infection and lost my eyesight for a year, again that's all ok now nut gave a flicker in the left eye :(. Then dd was 3 when we found that she was born without a hip socket and had to have major surgery and crashed in recovery. Luckily someone up there took pity on us. She was left in a wheelchair while having to learn to walk again. Because of her 24 hr care needed we put trying for Dd no 2 on hold. Then in 2009 I miscarried twins and then again 4 months later. In 2010 we were finally blessed with our second child.

After having dd1 my back problem increased so much I'm now on crutches and a stick to walk and last year diagnosed with fibromyalgia, hence my mobility isn't great and I've gave put so much weight on now I just don't know how I'm going to keep motivated. I feel sorry for myself mist of the tine so it's going to be hard. I font have any family it close friends, just hubby who doesnt get it, his philosophy is to just get on with it as I know what to do. So it's just me on my own


  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    You sound like you can use a mentor ... go here and request one

    Good luck!
  • misslinz2315
    misslinz2315 Posts: 1 Member
    Life can be very, very difficult at times. It sounds like when you went to counseling in the past that it was very helpful. I think you should reach out to a counselor and see if you can get in-person support to help you through this. Although their are supportive people on the internet, there isn't the human connection- something that is so important for healing. Please, go and talk to someone... know that you're not alone and I wish you the very best.
  • kismea
    kismea Posts: 45 Member
    Keep your chin up and do what you can do when you can do it. Push yourself as much as you can. Unfortunately when it comes down to disability - while others can be wonderfully supportive, our journeys really are our own. I think counseling is a great suggestion. Meetup groups are good ways to socialize. Find activities you like and do them when you feel well enough to do it. Understand that weight loss for us IS harder... and try not to make yourself crazy with stress. I know I can only do so much in a day and instead of focusing on all that I can't do - and how hard it is, I focus on how much I can do - and that for the last 6 yrs I have gritted my teeth and pushed through more things than I ever thought I would.

    We are alive.
    Live your life :)
    Don't focus on what you don't have/can't do - look at how far you have come, and keep on pushing. :)
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    OMG......I would be crying too.

    Have a cry, sweetheart. My God what a load you are much worry, so much pain.

    Please get support IRL, there is only so much that words can do to help. I wonder if this is the first time you have reached out??? Mothers are such tough people.....we soldier on and on, when really all we want to do is drop, curl up in a ball and have someone else take care of us.

    This was a mistake I made.....I was trying to be too strong for my own good, or anyone else for that matter. Too exhausted and worn down by pain and worry, to realise that there were services and others that would willingly help.

    Again, please go to you Doctor, Church, Hospital etc and tell them how you feel, even show them what you have written here....see what comes of it. Get help with your pain and mobility, perhaps just if you have the energy try to make the most healthy choices in diet that you possibly can, feed yourself well to give you the most strength to keep going, right now that is the most important thing along with effective pain management and home support.

    Take care. Hugs to you all.
  • mikeRVA88
    mikeRVA88 Posts: 8 Member
    at least u dont have a hippo as your avatar
  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    I would definitely seek some medical counseling... not a counselor on here. There is so much emotional pain and guess what... crying is healthy! It's ok to cry! But talking it out and having someone work through your problems with you is the first step. When you are happy with your life and with yourself you can finally be in an emotional state to loose weight in a healthy way. Otherwise it comes from a place of anger or sadness. Keep your chin up and find a medical professional to help you :)
  • Radium1898
    Radium1898 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm gonna cry now! Have the same problems.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    you have been thru a lot, MFP is great support for losing weight. You can do it and then can really enjoy your family.
  • Sammieamfa
    Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to get that from people. Especially when I have to be the strong all the time at home. I am under the Dr and gave been fir the last 7 years but fir the last 5 months see him every two weeks to sort some sort of pain management out. Geeze I already take 18 tablets a day and morphine in between so Lord knows when it will be sorted. I just want to play with my kids while they are still young, don't want them looking back on their childhood and just remember me in pain all the time.

    Anyhow to try and give myself some commitment I've just bought the Fitbit flex and downloaded ever positive happy app going lol.

    Mike - no not brave enough to put a pic up just yet, otherwise it would be a hippo pmsl

    I know that by losing waiting it will help ease some pain and the biggest thing of all for me is that it will make me happy being me - at the moment that is the only thing I can wish for knowing I have a chance of it being forfilled.

  • Sammieamfa
    Need to crack this going to sleep malarkey now lol. Night everyone, or have a great day - wherever you may be xx
  • gabbydog1993usea
    We allow have our struggles. Lord knifes you have had enough of them. It is okay to let loose and cry every once in a while. It actually can help a great deal. I would love to become pals on here and help keep you motivated. I know what it is like to try to work through the pain. No one understands unless they have been there. My husband is very supportive of me losing weight, but he does not grasp that exercise hurts. Hope things level out for you soon.
  • Sammieamfa
    Bless you gabbydog1993, it helped so much getting my head screw on by being on here. Husbands ah lol, they mean well .... Sometimes