ww isn't doing it for me...anyone else?

been on ww for almost a year, lost 20 lbs, and now have totally plateaued. i kickbox 2x/week, do yoga and strength training on off days, track all meals, etc. anyone else leave ww for this site?


  • newfy59
    newfy59 Posts: 10
    lost all my weight 7 yrs ago on ww program and it worked great for me....got off track ....there's extra support for when you plateau whereby you need to change some of the eating habits....it may also be that you're at your "ideal" weight...good luck.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    i personally never liked ww... felt like the points were kinda gimmicky and mathematically nonsensical. the concept is pretty much the same as the mfp plan though. it's all about restricting the number of calories in. i believe we all hit plateaus and we all get past them (eventually). good luck to ya!!!
  • krobinson1234
    I started WW back in August 2010 (at 160 lbs) and lost 25 pounds until I hit a plateau at 135 lbs for about 2 months. WW tends to not work the closer one gets to their IBW. A friend of mine told me about myfitnesspal and I started using it about a month ago. Weight started moving down again. I'm now at 129 lbs and my goal is 125 lb.
  • NiseyGerl
    NiseyGerl Posts: 3
    Hi....I've been on and off of WW for many MANY years without much luck. Yes the plan is good....yes it works.....but for some reason I kept trying to work it my way and didn't do well at all. Besides WW charges SO much money to be a member and then they want you to buy their snacks and their cookbooks and their trackers and their......well.....you get the idea. They've changed the program so many times and I simply got complacent. A friend of mine at work has been doing very well losing weight lately and told me about MFP. I like that it tracks everything for me which was a problem for me with WW.....I didn't like tracking....but like doing it on my phone. I'm hoping to make some friends here that will cheer me on and vice versa.
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    I have tried ww numerous times, but got tired of trying to estimate pts if I did not have my pts tracker. Then I would get frustrated and stop doing it...so here I am trying something new. It is much easier to count the calories!