Weight loss new to it

ok so I have worked out my TDEE with a online cal its 3289 and I'm eating 1200 cals a day and walking 30mins 2.2km 6 days a week I'm also big on protein so eat lots have I got my cals right


  • jessypug
    jessypug Posts: 142 Member
    hello :) I found that not restricting my calories too much has helped my loose weight. 1200 cals a day is quite low, I'd probably recommend eating slightly more (at least 1400 cals if not a bit more) so you don't feel hungry all the time. Plus focus on reducing salt in your diet as this has also helped me.
  • hanem101
    hanem101 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok thanks I did think it was a little low as I'm 140kg in weight and have 60kg to lose