See-Saw almost falling off! Need Help!!!

Sunday's are the *kitten*!!! For some reason, I just suck on the food intake on Sunday's! I do great every other day, but Sunday's just kick my *kitten*! I knew I was going to go over, that's just the kind of day it was I guess... Work is boring and slow right now. If it's busy, I don't sit there and think about food. I read, play on the Kindle, but I just have to munch! If I'm busy, I don't even think about having something to eat. Ok, so now that I have addressed it, what the hell do I do?! This is my biggest issue. I drink lots of water, fluids, etc, brush my teeth, do all of the "tricks" they say to do to not make you want to eat, but it doesn't work. I'm bored, I eat; I'm busy, I don't. I need help in this! I look forward to Monday's, because then I get to go back to the gym, head to work, come home, and off to bed. I'm tired, and I don't even want to eat by the time I get off work. Saturday's are ok, work is usually busy, but the damn Sunday's are just a real *kitten*! Please, if anyone has had the same problem, please tell me what you did to remedy it! I feel like I'm in the middle of the see-saw, and about to fall off! Any advice or tips of what you did is welcome! Thank you


  • vvallentyne
    vvallentyne Posts: 77 Member
    how about getting involved in a Sunday activity?
  • Sometimes a little motivation is what you need!! Also find a way to keep yourself busy! Sometimes that will help another thing you can try is chewing gum every time you crave! If you need anything I will add you and you can message me anytime :)
  • sjgoos
    sjgoos Posts: 13 Member
    Gum is a great idea! I never even thought of that! Thank you :smiley:
  • You're welcome :) hope it works
  • I use chewing gum at the moment and it really helps. I'm a late night snacker, but with some water and gum I can usually get over it. During the day I come up with a little weightloss motivational project I can work on like 9hp38rpxprqh.jpg

    I made this on a Sunday afternoon. For every kilo I loose a pebble goes into the other jar. It now serves as a reminder of what I'm doing. I'm also creating/finding motivational quotes,facts and workouts for home. I'm going to have a special box that I can just grab one of them out and hopefully firm my resolve, or tire me out of it's a home workout ( I don't have weights do it's all weight free). Perhaps they are little projects you could go? Or something similar?
  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    Sundays suck for me too. I am not crafty like Astro-Katie (such cute jars!! Love them!), but I have learned to put projects into my weekend. Heaven knows I always have an "on deck to do" list. Since starting weight loss, I finished painting my son's room, reclaimed my bonus room, and put up some metal shelving in the basement. We started on a closet weed out and are probably 60% through that project. I still have lots of "fixer uppers" to work on, and the focus on projects helps keep me off the couch and outta the snacking. I guess crossing items off my "to do" list is my version of Katie's jars - it keeps me on track for health goals and gives me a visual sense of accomplishment. I want to lose weight to make my life better, and household projects also fit into that concept for me. Good luck finding what works for you on Sundays!
  • sjgoos
    sjgoos Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for all of the responses! I will take everything into consideration, and see which method works best. My energy is finally coming back, so that will help. I will try everything, see how it goes and continue on! Thank you for everything :)