February 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • mefoolu
    mefoolu Posts: 17 Member

    Name: May
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'
    Start weight (1st Feb): 230
    Goal weight (1st March): 224

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 230
    8th Feb: 225
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -5
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -5

    Struggles/successes this week: started adding 30 minutes of exercise and drinking more water. Also added more fruits and vegetables to my diet.

  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Good Morning!!!! Well done to everyone who posted their updated weigh ins. Some fabulous losses there. I only managed 0.5lbs despite lots of exercise and keeping within my cal goals. I guess our bodies are mysterious organisms and don't always follow the rules we expect from them! Not to worry....am just going to keep on keeping on!!!!

    So anyone else who had a disappointing loss (or slight gain)...don't beat yourself up....keep aiming for your goals, eating healthily & exercise....and those lbs will come off.

    Lets do this!
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 364 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5ft
    Start weight (1st Feb):136
    Goal weight (1st March):130

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:136
    8th Feb:136
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: nil
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week: Noro virus .means no energy to excerise or manage to eat much ,suprised I havent lost
    better now, onwards and upwards
  • Name:Belinda
    Start weight (1st Feb):175
    Goal weight (1st March):165

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:175
    8th Feb:175
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    I haven't lost any weight because i have been under the weather this last week. But i havent gained any either and thats good.
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    Name: Helen
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 8''
    Start weight (1st Feb): 201.2lb
    Goal weight (1st March): 197lb

    Weigh ins:

    30th Jan: 201.2lb
    1st Feb: 201.2lb
    8th Feb: 202.8lb
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: +1.6lb
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: +1.6lb

    Struggles/successes this week: This is hopefully just my normal monthly weight jump up. Normally I bounce back down by the end of the following week. I did also have a bit of self sabotage this week after freaking out about going bridesmaid dress shopping. I decided in advance that nothing would fit so should stop even trying to care. It meant I ate a fair amount on Friday night oops. My mood and mindset have settled down now though :)
  • FunUsername
    FunUsername Posts: 51 Member
    Name: spillano
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'6"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 174 lbs (78.9 kg)
    Goal weight (1st March): 165 lbs (74.8 kg)

    Weigh ins:
    Sun 1st Feb: 174 (78.9 kg)
    Sun 8th Feb: 168.4 lbs (76.4 kg)
    Sun 15th Feb:
    Sun 22nd Feb:
    Sun 1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -5.5 lbs (-2.5 kg) my profile has a different value (lower) as I thought I was just bloated that w/end. Am thrilled. Was going to update my goal weight, but not going to ... as this morning I weighed the same as yesterday, so perhaps the big slow down is happening unfortunately. If every week was like this, it would be wonderful.
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: week 1 above :)

    Struggles/successes this week:
    After back got better, I did 3 walks. 1 good one, 2 strolls with the kids. Unfortunately freezing fog has caused an issue with my chest this morning, so outside exercise out again for a few days. Just hope I don't get sick..... Am thrilled with week 1, 90% was grand, as I'm snacking constantly and being hypoglycemic I have to. Today it cold and I want more food!
  • drbcru
    drbcru Posts: 85 Member
    5 lbs in a week is a lot. More than recommended. Good for you. I try for 2 and have to be happy w/1 usually. Stay healthy
  • vander7679
    vander7679 Posts: 109 Member
    Count me in:
    Name: Jen
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6
    Start weight (1st Feb): 181
    Goal weight (1st March): 170

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 181
    8th Feb: 176.2
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 4.8 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:
  • robandlaura73
    robandlaura73 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love to join! Just found this today!
    Height: 5'2"
    Start weight Feb1- 166.6
    Goal weight 158.6 (for end of Feb)

    Weigh ins

    Feb 1 -166.6
    Feb 8 - 165.4

    Weight loss/ gain - loss of 1.2

    Struggles for week: Saturday night eating out and trying to fit in exercise.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Name: Lindsey
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 294.6
    Goal weight (1st March): 286

    Weigh ins:
    1st Feb: 294.6
    8th Feb: 290.2
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 3.9
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4.4

    Struggles: Still trying to find time to get to the gym. I am doing some light workouts at home, but i NEED to find the time!
  • SallyKaPow
    SallyKaPow Posts: 61 Member
    Name: sally
    Age: 35
    Height: 5 ft 7 in
    Start weight (1st Feb): 158 lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 150 lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 158
    8th Feb: 156.4
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 1.6
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 1.6

    Struggles/successes this week: I always struggle at the weekends when i'm more likely to overeat socially and drink too much!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Lost my first post from last week in this thread. :(
    Name: Karen
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'6"
    Start weight (1st Feb):238
    Goal weight (1st March): 230

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 238
    8th Feb: 234
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Lost so far in Feb: 4 lbs.
  • Is it too late for me to join in to the Feb. challenge? I need some accountability. Too much stress in my life but I want to release the pounds I have been putting on.
  • LisaMcDonald86
    LisaMcDonald86 Posts: 33 Member
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 28
    Height: 5ft 6in
    Start weight (1st Feb): 323 lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 315 lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 323 lbs
    8th Feb: 320.2 lbs
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 2.8 (lost)
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 2.8 (lost)

    Struggles/successes this week: My struggle this week would be trying to walk due to the cold weather here.
  • LisaMcDonald86
    LisaMcDonald86 Posts: 33 Member
    Is it too late for me to join in to the Feb. challenge? I need some accountability. Too much stress in my life but I want to release the pounds I have been putting on.

    It's never to late to start getting healthy. :)
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Start weight (1st Feb):191.8
    Goal weight (1st March):185

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:191.8
    8th Feb: 188.8
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 3.0
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 3.0

    Struggles/successes this week: I have just finished a seven day stretch of working evenings at work. The struggle I encountered every night was the snacking after midnight.. I was able to hit the gym for 5 out of 7 days definitely a success.. On to the next week..
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 274.1
    Goal weight (1st March): 264

    Weigh ins:
    Jan 30.: 274.1
    1st Feb: 271.0
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -3.1
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -3.1
  • somaliris
    somaliris Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2015
    drbcru wrote: »
    Good for you Carri. Don't overdo. One small step will still get you there. As the weight comes off your back will thank you but not if you abuse it. Maybe you can work in exercises for your back on days you're not doing your planned workout. MFP posted some today in fact. Be safe cuz if you hurt you won't be able to do any workouts.

    Thank you! I sometimes do get a little overzealous. :) I have been doing core exercises (not anything too crazy, planks and crunches and that type of thing) and I actually think that helped my back. But I have terrible posture, and a standing desk at work. I catch myself letting my abs and back slump, and resting my stomach against the edge of my desk, and I think that is a big part of the problem. Plus I moved a lot of furniture over the weekend and kept forgetting to lift with my knee. I took Saturday and Sunday off from working out and will keep it light today. Slow progress is better than none!

  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2015
    Arrrg.... I didn't do well at all! I am not giving up though...

    Name: Debbie
    Age: 60
    Height: 5' 1"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 144.4
    Goal weight (1st March): 139.4

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 144.4
    8th Feb: 145.4
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: +1
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: +1

    Struggles/successes this week: I lost my motivation and didn't log most of my days. It makes a huge difference when I log!

  • alabella
    alabella Posts: 36 Member
    Still early enough to join?

    Name: Jennifer
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'2
    Start weight (1st Feb): 9st
    Goal weight (1st March): 8 st 10lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 9st
    8th Feb: 8st 13lbs
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March: