New mom/breast feeder

any other new moms or breast feeders trying to lose baby weight and get toned?


  • Hischell30
    I'm still pregnant and trying to get back into the habit of keeping track to it feels natural again. I'm planning on breastfeeding and will be induced on Monday.

    I'd love to be friends, we can never have too much encouragement and support. In this case someone who'll be going throw the same thing.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Hello to you both- I am currently pregnant (due April 21) and plan on breast feeding, try to lose the baby weight (plus my own weight) and build more muscle. Feel free to friend me either of you and Hischell - good luck on Monday!
  • amber32707
    amber32707 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 7 weeks post partum! Add me. I need encouragement to stay on track. I'm worried about restricting too much because I don't want to affect my supply.
  • 11Brandi11
    Ftm to a 9 week old! Exclusively breastfeeding, tracking food now to see what foods might be upsetting his lil tummy. Any weight loss without affecting milk supply will be a super happy awesome bonus!
  • livefitwithjess
    livefitwithjess Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 3 weeks postpartum and breastfeeding. I haven't lost any weight since delivering. Kind of depressing but it is what it is. I'm looking for other breastfeeding moms to add as support/motivation. :-)
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    I never thought it was possible, but I'm down 37 lbs! I'm a mom of 4! You can do it too! Add me as a friend.
  • Ywilliams82
    Ywilliams82 Posts: 55 Member

    Yvonne here, I had my little boy on the 1st January 2015 and I'm breastfeeding too.

    Feel free to add me as I need motivation to lose this baby weight of 1 1/2 stone and additional 1st on top :D
  • melifairy
    melifairy Posts: 19 Member
    I have three kiddos :) My youngest is 8 months and I'm still nursing him a few times a day. You can do it!
  • NafisahHouston
    Hello Everyone,
    I am new mom my baby is 7 months and I nurse at nights and pump during the day. I am noticing a change in supply so I still pump and have used soy formula when my baby is still hungry. Has anyone noticed a drop in supply?
  • suzy_c84
    suzy_c84 Posts: 4 Member
    My baby girl turns 2 months next week. I'm also breastfeeding
  • suzy_c84
    suzy_c84 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started today but I've heard of supply decreasing if not careful with calories, hydration and type of exercise.
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    You got this! Just drink mothers aid tea to help keep supply up. I have had no issues with supply lowering due to exercise.
  • Hischell30
    suzy_c84 wrote: »
    I just started today but I've heard of supply decreasing if not careful with calories, hydration and type of exercise.

    I can admit when I started slacking on eating myself out of being busy with my son and we'll keeping up with the house and well keeping others happy. ( I know I know but idk I'm a but of a people pleaser) anyway point is my milk supply dropped and it was hard to pump anything at all after breastfeeding. So I kinda started well taking care of myself like I did while pregnant.

    I don't think the exercise will affect it, unless your sweating so much your dehydrated