Same weight for 3 weeks

Hoping to get some advice on what I'm doing or eating wrong. I've stayed the same weight for 3 weeks straight. I'm 5'2 and eating around 13-1400 calories a day plus 30 min workout every day.


  • Hey! I was stuck with the exact same problem! It can be very frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything right and nothing changes! I just recently plateau'd and couldn't lose anymore weight. I found an amazing support group though that helped me figure out what I was doing wrong. What do you have your macros set at? That's your protein, carbs and fat in My Fitness Pal goals section.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    My guess - just taking a quick glance through your diary - is that you're eating more than you think you are. Lots of entries in cups, tablespoons, etc. Weighing all non-liquid food can be an eye-opening experience.

    That said, it could just be an anomaly too. Weight loss is never linear - there are ups, downs, levels, etc. As long as the overall, long-term trend is downward, then you're doing well.

    Have you changed up exercise regimen recently? Is it close to your TOM? All could cause water weight fluctuations.
  • kristendeweese
    kristendeweese Posts: 4 Member
    I'm going to weigh more food, good idea. I changed my exercise at the beginning of January but same since then. My macros are set to carbs 50%, protein 20 and fat 30. I don't really follow it though. I do have FB.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I agree that weighing your food would probably help. At the very least you'll have an accurate picture of your serving sizes in case things don't get moving again.

    I would also watch out for things like recipes. I make a lot of recipes from other people, but I never seem to make them to the exact same specifications. That can throw my calorie counts off. You might try weighing your ingredients and putting them into the recipe builder here to be sure your recipe and theirs match up.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Definitely start weighing everything, as it makes a huge difference. Were you losing regularly prior to that and have you adjusted your goals to the new loss? After all that, just be patient and it will come.
  • Hello everyone! I am having the same issue as well. Pretty much 3 weeks with up and down mostly going up and I am eating less calories now? Not sure what kind of advice you can give me. My macros are now set up to 40,30,30 and for the past two week I'm stuck at 62.4 and not moving. Perhaps I am eating too little? 1320 calories is my max per day but I do work out 5 times a week 30 minute min.
  • kristendeweese
    kristendeweese Posts: 4 Member
    Last year I lost 50 pounds and kept that off. Started MFP halfway through that loss. Just started back up again Jan 5th. Lost 5 pounds in January and then nothing for 3 weeks. Looked up my TDEE and BMR and it looks like I'm in the right calorie range. Could be water retention but for 3 weeks??
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    try varying your workouts. Take a rest day at least once a week. Make one or 2 of your other workouts longer to make up for this.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Water retention can mask weight loss for months in some people. Start weighing all your food to get the most accurate idea of your intake (as mentioned above) and watch things like sodium. While not horrible for all people, sodium can cause a spike in water weight that can take a few days to even out.

    How often do you weigh yourself? I ask because I know I have been pretty flat on my weight when I weigh in on Mondays, but am able to see a more consistent loss if I weigh in on Thursdays....the difference? I don't log my weekend eating (I do take mental notes), and my sodium is much higher Sat/Sun than the rest of the week so I wasn't seeing any loss on Monday because I was retaining water. I eat far less sodium during the week and the weight levels out by Wednesday, allowing me to get a clearer picture on Thursday. I was able to see this because I weigh every few days, but only track one day. If you can mental/emotionally understand the rollercoaster that weight likes to do, then try weighing more frequently to see if there are times that you see a more consistent picture.
  • kristendeweese
    kristendeweese Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh once a week on Mondays. I think you're right, weighing on Monday isn't helping me. I tend to have more sodium on the weekends.
  • genie172
    genie172 Posts: 11 Member
    Picking up some interesting points here, ive been using mfp for 4weeks and initially lost 4lb first week, then nothing since. I try and measure accurately and usually weigh on sundays, sometimes go over my calorie goal 1300 but not often and only eat back around half of excercise earned if at all. However I dont drink a great deal of water, unless you include tea and coffee. My diary is ppenif anyone wants to take a look and advise