hair loss side effect of weight loss

First off. Do not judge me, this is how I feel.
Second. I am not a grammar teacher, you will find mistakes.
I'm not starving myself. I net at least 1200 calories to 1400. I pretty much healthy and drink tons of water. I am not look for a diagnosis. Just wondering if others have had a similar issue. I will be going to see my dr next week.

So this will probably sound really vain. I love my hair, always have. I have thick, long hair. Some of my best memories are with my mom brushing her beautiful long hair. I've always wanted that with my children. Now my hair is falling out really bad. In huge clumps of hair. I don't have any bald spots but when I comb my hair I have a lot of hair in my hand and on the comb when I'm done My husband says its just because of the weight I'm losing. Now totalling over 30 pounds down in 5 months..

Has anyone else had problems like this? Please share. I've been feeling really bad about it lately.

Edit! I'm not starving myself. I net at least 1200 calories a day. Lately I have been aiming for 1400 I eat healthy, I do have a treat every now and then. I drink a ton of water too! I am currently taking gummy vitamins.

After reading some of the comments, I am going to talk to my doctor and get some sort of a vitamin and hopefully that will help!


  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    It maybe because your body isn't getting all of the necessary nutrients it needs. Make sure you are taking a multivitamin daily and that you are eating at least 1200 calories. A lot of times it is hard to get all of the nutrients your body needs if you eat under 1200 calories.
  • goddessofmath
    goddessofmath Posts: 39 Member
    Any chance you're wearing your hair in a ponytail more because you're working out? I've noticed I shed a lot when I wear ponytails a lot. Sometimes the warmer weather makes me shed more than usual too.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    My hairdresser told me that is normal when you lose a lot of weight. Her sister had lap band so she lots a lot of weight very rapidly. When i started losing weight she recommended that I take folic acid. That should help ya!
  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    that happened to me when i was under eating. like WAY under eating. i've heard that prenatal vitamins help
  • jpeebs88
    jpeebs88 Posts: 81
    Hey there,
    I also have a full head of really thick hair, but I loose a ton of it all the time, while eating plenty ~1600 cals and taking a multivitamin. It's been that way as long as I can remember. I'd say no big deal and try not to fret about it. If it starts coming out in clumps, that's when I'd consider seeing a doc.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I am not so sure the hair loss is from the weight loss. Have you been check by a physician? I have been losing hair for a while, but it started way before my weight loss. I hope you find out why this is happening. Take care of yourself. I personally would not judge you on anything. Nor, should anyone else. We are not perfect. Good luck to you.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Couple of thoughts. 1) there are some studies that say humans shed in the spring just like other mammals. Could it be coincidence? 2) are you getting all your nutrients? Hair loss is usually associated with a RAPID weight loss, not slow and steady. They a multi vitamin...
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    I've lost 100+ and had this problem - but partially to do with pre-menopause too ... My Dr. told me to take Prenatal vitamins and it has helped somewhat!
  • Aetarac
    Aetarac Posts: 135 Member
    could be because of the dieting in restricting Kcals, limiting fats, or generally not getting complete nutrition. I had that problem when I crash diet. fatigue, alopecia, dizzy... If you are limit might want to look into that if your getting good nutrition consult your doctor because don't think that is normal.
  • kjb0976
    kjb0976 Posts: 68
    You tend to lose hair by the hand fulls when you lose weight fast and not getting enough nutrients. Take a multi-vitamin and vitamin for your hair and nail growth. Additionally, you can use Nioxin which is a shampoo/conditioner that stimulates hair growth. I lost a ton of hair when I lost a ton of weight. It was about 6 months it fell out religiously. I went from thick to normal and my hair is mid back length. And once your body stabilizes with weight loss, it does thicken back up.

    Good luck!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Get your thyroid levels checked. And obviously, eat your exercise cals. Watch your nutrients, take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement. That's not a good symnptom. Get checked out by a doc. Preferably an Internist.
  • ksdamac99
    ksdamac99 Posts: 5
    Definitely take a close look at your diet. Its not simply losing weight that causes hair loss. Often its the restriction of fats that can cause hair loss, weakness of nails and a few other "complications".
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I have and I've read where hair loss is a common side effect to weight loss.

    I've lost 44 pounds so far and I noticed significant hair loss at around 20lbs lost. I have short hair but it is very thick--I haven't noticed my hair thinning but I do have a lot of hair come out when I wash my hair. It doesn't come out in clumps but when I wash my hair my hands have a lot of hair in them. I also have to clean the hair out of the shower floor daily. I'm wondering if I have a vitamin deficiency so when I go to the Dr next month I'm going to ask if there is something I can take or specific foods I can add to my diet to combat the hair loss. I'm planning on getting my hair cut soon as well and thought I would ask my hairdresser if she can recommend something.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I don't think this is you, but I'll tell the story anyway.

    My wife's best friend was going through a divorce and she turned to working out. I'm talking hard cardio (probably 2 hours) 5+ days a week. She also wasn't eating like she should (I think a low protein vegetarian diet). The result, she lost a lot of weight and her hair started falling out. When she slowed down on the exercising and started eating more, I think she really upped her protein, her hair grew back and she put on some healthy weight.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I experienced hair loss when I was severely anemic. You should check with your doctor. There are many medical reasons for hair loss. If you aren't already, take some multi vitamins that include iron to start. Good luck.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    have you had a baby recently? with both my kids my hair started falling out and thinning around the time they were 3 months old. i took a prenatal vitamin too, still do, but that didn't matter, it still got really thin.
  • TatysTurn
    TatysTurn Posts: 15
    Are you taking vitamins? if not look for wal mart -Hair,skin and nails vit. with biotin as much as 5000units.stress will do it to you.your weight loss will not .
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    Nobody should be judging you for having a genuine concern. I, like you, love my hair - I feel it's my best asset, and if it were to start falling out I would also be worried.

    There are so many reasons for why it might be happening, but I've never heard of weight loss being one of them (unless it's in those who seriously restrict their diet). It could be that you have inadvertently restricted a particular nutrient that helps keep your hair healthy, it could be you've changed your shampoo, it could be that you've been putting it up in too tight a ponytail, it could be stress... it could even be the hair fairies coming in at night and pulling it out... ;)

    If you are overweight then I wouldn't stop trying to lose more... you need to be generally healthy. However, what I would do is speak to a doctor and see what they have to say. They may decide to refer you to a dietician or even a trichologist to get to the root (no pun intended) of the problem.

    It doesn't matter what other people may think, if this is bringing you down then it's an issue. Just because you may feel it's not as serious as the issues other people are dealing with it doesn't make it all right.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    I haven't lost as much as you have (Congrats!) but when I started losing weight, I had the same problem. And I had the problem before, when I lost weight many moons ago. I also have long hair that I don't want to lose. What has made the difference for me is drinking the water. I didn't before and I didn't when I first started. I haven't built up to drinking as much as others (yet) but now that I consistently drink 4 -5 cups a day I have normal to less hair loss. Some of the other comments here have been very helpful also! But, DEFINITELY, if you want to save your hair, drink the water.