Gastric Bypass & Weight Loss Surgery

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel and I'm currently going through the process of having the RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. So I decided to create this discussion topic for everyone who is interested in WLS (Weight Loss Surgery), are going to have WLS, or veterans of the surgery themselves! Happy typing (:


  • jkramsey42
    jkramsey42 Posts: 22 Member
    I had WLS (sleeve) in December of 2013 and I've lost 145lb. Best decision I ever made.
  • sandradickie
    sandradickie Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Rachel! I am a veteran of WLS. I had the RNY gastric bypass on 12/20/2002. My Daughter is currently preparing and going through the process to have the surgery this summer. Things have definitely improved since my WLS and I am learning much along with her. Feel free to add me as a friend or to ask me ANY questions. My highest recorded weight was 486 but that was a month before my surgery date. I am SURE that I weighed much more as I treated EVERY meal as my last up until the surgery prep. I am not advising that! I wish you well on your journey. :)<3
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm having the RNY surgery on 2/19/15. I am going through the liver reduction diet right now and having a bit of a hard time. It's not being hungry, it's more the emotional side - missing certain foods, etc. Any advice from the veterans would be much appreciated! :)
  • rnlamar455
    rnlamar455 Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congratulations to you all for making this difficult decision! All of us are fighters!(: my highest weight was 471. So far I have lost 13 pounds. I'm very excited for June of this year! Much love to you all!
  • Maria544
    Maria544 Posts: 21 Member

    I'm also having bypass on 4/28/2015.
  • Hi everyone
  • 01megar
    01megar Posts: 10 Member
    Veteran, I had gastric bypass and have lost 250 lbs, and have kept it off, best decision I have ever made, went from a very tight XXX, DD bra, to a loose size 12, I am currently trying to tone up my muscles.
  • weetasmom
    weetasmom Posts: 2 Member
    I am a Verteran of WLS. Me and my husband had the RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery on the same day. We had our surgery on March 28th, 2014. I am 10 months out and to date I have lost 126 lbs. It is the Best decision I have ever made! I have not having any problems. I went from a couch potato to working out at the gym 5-6 days a week! I have been at a plateau for about 1.5 months now. It is normal to plateau but it is very frustrating!! Good Luck to all who are going through or thinking about taking the journey!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited February 2015
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm having the RNY surgery on 2/19/15. I am going through the liver reduction diet right now and having a bit of a hard time. It's not being hungry, it's more the emotional side - missing certain foods, etc. Any advice from the veterans would be much appreciated! :)
    Had my surgery this past June. Treat these couple weeks as a science experiment. You want that liver small for a low risk surgery. You will be able to eat the foods you love again in time. I have few intolerances though my portions have changed.
  • 01megar
    01megar Posts: 10 Member
    After 10 years since having my gastric bypass, I still have some intolerances, I can not eat too much protein all at once, I used to like chicken, not so much now. Little bites thats all I can do.
  • bakesb73
    bakesb73 Posts: 81 Member
    edited February 2015
  • hollym73e
    hollym73e Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to MFP. I came across this discussion and am glad I found you all! I had gastric bypass 12/11/2013. I've done well but am now struggling with eating enough calories to account for working out. I can use all the help I can get! And maybe I can help some of you all as well. :smile:
  • Barbsnow
    Barbsnow Posts: 6 Member
    I am also starting the process of GBS. I need to loose 20lbs in 6 months before surgery is approved. Looking for support.
  • eorel72905
    eorel72905 Posts: 4 Member
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm having the RNY surgery on 2/19/15. I am going through the liver reduction diet right now and having a bit of a hard time. It's not being hungry, it's more the emotional side - missing certain foods, etc. Any advice from the veterans would be much appreciated! :)

    I had RNY on 1/19/15 and am already down 40lbs. I was on a two week liquid only diet leading up to my surgery and it was hell. Had all sorts of cravings, but if you tough it out believe me you will be happy after you have the surgery. I am just 3 weeks out and I feel so much better.
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    eorel72905 wrote: »
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm having the RNY surgery on 2/19/15. I am going through the liver reduction diet right now and having a bit of a hard time. It's not being hungry, it's more the emotional side - missing certain foods, etc. Any advice from the veterans would be much appreciated! :)

    I had RNY on 1/19/15 and am already down 40lbs. I was on a two week liquid only diet leading up to my surgery and it was hell. Had all sorts of cravings, but if you tough it out believe me you will be happy after you have the surgery. I am just 3 weeks out and I feel so much better.

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! Today is the best I've felt. I was shocked to weigh myself and see I dropped 13 pounds from Thursday. That's a real motivator!
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Barbsnow wrote: »
    I am also starting the process of GBS. I need to loose 20lbs in 6 months before surgery is approved. Looking for support.

    Hi Barb! It's hard at first but it's already getting better for me. I went through some wicked caffeine withdrawal and sugar withdrawal. I did it cold turkey, but you have the time to do things gradually, which is great! (I ate like a field hand right up to starting my liver reduction diet last Thursday - LOL! Not a good move!) You will do it!
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm having the RNY surgery on 2/19/15. I am going through the liver reduction diet right now and having a bit of a hard time. It's not being hungry, it's more the emotional side - missing certain foods, etc. Any advice from the veterans would be much appreciated! :)
    Had my surgery this past June. Treat these couple weeks as a science experiment. You want that liver small for a low risk surgery. You will be able to eat the foods you love again in time. I have few intolerances though my portions have changed.

    Thank you! I am really trying to focus on the long term. It's great to have your insight!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've heard about prospective patients having a "last meal" before surgery. That idea just didn't appeal to me. A giant meal would not satisfy; I would be stuffed afterwards. It just doesn't honor the food IMO. I indulge by eating slowly, and I can continue to indulge after surgery, as long as the portion is small enough.

    Besides, you want that liver shrinkage before surgery to make it as risk free as possible.
  • ldobkins0513
    ldobkins0513 Posts: 2 Member
    I just had lab tests done thru a Vitality Program at work last Thursday. The results came in today and it really made me stop and wake up. I knew I was unhealthy. I have diabetes that doesn't seem to stay in healthy ranges no matter what I do, I'm severely overweight (obese), I knew my cholesterol had to be bad. But actually SEEING the numbers made it all seem so real. After fasting 12 hours, my blood glucose was still 290! My cholesterol (both good and bad) were at alert levels. I really HAVE to do something and change. I have 3 children at home that NEED me, I can't let them down.
    My sister and I have been talking about going to a seminar for the gastric bypass surgery and seeing what it was about for months. Well, we ARE scheduled to go this Wednesday. I really hope I am able to do this.
    What are some of the requirements in order to get the WLS? Did you have supportive spouses/family that helped make the life changing decision easier? Any thoughts/comments are appreciated. Thank you.
  • jenny0599
    jenny0599 Posts: 4 Member
    I had gastric bypass surgery 9/22/14. I am down 60 lbs and couldn't be any happier with my life changing decision. I am 39 and had uncontrolled type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease...I was not going to be around for my son, if I didn't make some changes. This is a major surgery and along with that comes risks. You hear about people that can't physically tolerate the changes to their body and systems to the people that are thrilled with their's a 50/50 chance. I am happy with my results so far and not bothered by the things that are happening with my body and diet. The things I have sacrificed is well worth the exchange of being healthy and feeling alive. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I've heard people say "you took the easy route"...they are so dead wrong!!! I have to have more self control now more than ever before my surgery. I can't drink carbonated drinks, certain meats/veggies/fruits, etc., if I do, I will get physically sick. Before surgery, yeah I could intake these things and run the risk of gaining weight. I would just tell myself, "I'll start eating and exercising better Monday", well Monday would come and go and no changes. After surgery, you learn to adjust and figure out what foods work for you. I have more will power now than I've had my whole life. The surgery is not a fix, it's a tool to "jumpstart" your weight loss journey. You have to make the permanent diet changes and you must eventually start exercising and once you've made the changes, you must stick with them the rest of your life or you can go back to your pre-surgery weight, and then some; I've witnessed this first hand with people around me and it scares the crap out of me!!!

    I had a major strep infection on one of my incisions a week after my surgery and it set me back a month. Pre-surgery, my family and I always ate out, we would eat fast food and go to regular sit down restaurants. This was one of the harder things to change in my family, they still wanted to eat fast food and go out to eat but in time, they've learned that I can't and don't want to eat the things outside my home that I choose. I can go to a sit down restaurant on special occasions. I pretty much have my usual tolerable meals at each of the restaurants now. My new body doesn't tolerate alcohol that well (I have dumping) so I limit my intake to only a few when out with friends on special occasions. I have been exercising the last two months and find myself feeling very guilty and missing my workouts if I miss a few days in the week (used to NEVER workout before this and had chronic leg and back pain, still do but it's minimal now). With all this, you learn to adjust the small things in your everyday life and it is so worth it!!!