Tesco Ultra Slim shakes

Hi All,

Sorry I didn't know where to post this, I've just started the Tesco ultra shake diet, and was wondering if anyone else had any experience with this product before ?
any success stories out there ?
Last years I managed to control my diet for the whole year and lost 3.5stone just by calorie counting since then Christmas hit and I cant seem to get back into the habit again, so I thought I'd start this as a sort of detox and get my head back in the game,

would love to hear peoples opinions on this diet.

Thanks xx


  • MirandaKeeler
    MirandaKeeler Posts: 23 Member
    We don't have a Tesco in my town, but we have a Sam's club. Lol. I'm trying the same type of diet. 2 protein shakes to replace two meals, one balanced meal, and three small healthy snacks per day. I just started two days ago, so no progress for me yet, but my grandma is doing the same thing and she's lost 14 pounds in five weeks. :smile:
    Good luck to you! And congrats for trying to start again!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    My opinion: I hate drinking my food.

    Hope you get the jumpstart you need from this. You did not ask for advice but I am just going to tack on this tidbit for fun, don't rely on this long term, the only way to really be successful is to learn to eat properly.

    Also, just as a warning, if this thread takes off you may have opened a very interesting can of worms with the "detox" thing.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you want long term success then I'd recommend quitting the fad diets, and sticking to a sensible calorie deficit.

    If you are using the shakes, make sure you have a plan for maintenance once you stop using them.

    Meal replacement shakes help most people lose weight because they create a calorie deficit. Unfotunately, most people regain the weight as soon as they start eating solid foods again because meal replacments do not teach portion control.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I've not used the Tesco shakes... but if you want something to get you back into the swing of things, perhaps try Slimming World?

    I started my weight loss with SW, because it was the first time I've ever attempting to seriously lose weight, and I needed something to guide me, and some sort of structure to what I'm eating. I have about 2 months left of my online subscription, and then I'm moving to just calorie counting and eating healthy. I really have enjoyed it though as it taught me a lot, and I really like their programme. I've lost 51.5lbs so far, and feel like I'm eating a lot, enjoy my meals, and even can make food my skinny husband likes as well.

    If it's not for you... fine, but personally I'd recommend it if you need something to jump start a lifestyle change.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    If you want long term success then I'd recommend quitting the fad diets, and sticking to a sensible calorie deficit.

    If you are using the shakes, make sure you have a plan for maintenance once you stop using them.

    Meal replacement shakes help most people lose weight because they create a calorie deficit. Unfotunately, most people regain the weight as soon as they start eating solid foods again because meal replacments do not teach portion control.

  • hayzychick
    hayzychick Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All,

    thanks for your comments, Like I said before this is just a jump start diet, I've been on a year long calorie controlled diet and lost 3.5stone in total, and within about a month or two I hope to go back to a normal calorie controlled, this is just to get my body used to eating small amounts. I'm normally against fad diets, so just wanted to give this a go.

  • roystonmcgee
    roystonmcgee Posts: 7 Member
    Shakes work for me. Keeps my protein intake up and keeps me feeling full. One for breakfast and one for lunch.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    I don't think it's a sustainable lifestyle, but that's not your plan anyhow. I used to use the Slimfast shakes with great success, during the 10 yr period I yo-yoed between 130 and 118. I used them just as you propose to kick start things and I think they taught me great discipline in managing hunger levels.
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    Like everything else, use them in moderation. If a week of shakes is enough to break a pattern of eating that you are in, and you find you can stick to it, then sure, do it short term. Mind you, I would avoid any diet shakes, personally. The tend to be high on sugar, low on protein, and sell themselves on the nutrients they provide that you could just get from a cheap multivitamin.

    I have a diet protein shake for breakfast nearly every day. (USN diet fuel Ultralean, about 22 quid for 2kg on Amazon. Not the best protein powder at all, but cheap, tasty, filling and has a good amount of protein and fibre, and not too many carbs.) It's 300 calories once I've added fruit and extra fibre and so on, but it's a controlled portion of lots of good stuff that keeps me full until lunch. And if I've a big meal planned somewhere in the day, I'm sick of salad, and I'm craving sugar, I might have a plain 250 cal protein shake for dinner. There's a lot of hate for shakes on here, but only when they are used instead of learning how to eat sustainably and sensibly. Either way, I get about a pint of yumminess for not many calories. (If you look at my diary, you can see that I eat very sensibly most of the rest of the time.)
  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    I've used the TESCO shakes but like with all shake plans, can't stick to them for long.

    I do a lot of strength training and cardio so they really don't work for me, however sculptress shakes for a pick me up do the trick :)