Binge eating and how to stop.

Hello, I would like to talk about binge eating. Is there anyone who struggles with binge eating or have struggled and over came the awful eating disorder??
I was a weekend binge eater but I am getting over it now.
Would love to hear your stories.


  • cjam2213
    cjam2213 Posts: 3 Member
    I am not sure if what I do is considered Binge eating or not. I am always eating. At work I sit at a desk and I get bored so I just eat and eat and eat. I am hungry all the time. Nothing really satisfies me until later at night. What is this and how do I get over it? It has only been going on for about a month.
  • MHCooley25
    MHCooley25 Posts: 4 Member
    I currently struggle with it... But I feel like I'm so close to having a better relationship with food. I have a young daughter and I don't want her to gro up seeing such unhealthy behaviors.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Cjam, I think what u r describing is called "grazing.". I have that problem too. I find it is, for me, a response to boredom. When I am engaged, mentally and physically (even if it is no more than writing or texting) it doesn't bother me. So, I try to keep my hands & my mind busy. Who knows, I might actually accomplish something?

    As for binge eating, I did that, too. (I'm 73; there aren't too many dumb things I haven't gotten around to.). Like smoking, I did it because it was pleasant. At first. Then I started to really examine how I felt, and I found that it resulted from anger and feeling unable ( for one reason or another) to punish the other person. So I was turning my anger on myself and punishing myself. Once I fully realized that, binge eating lost its mastery.

  • spritziemae
    I eat good all day and then at night right before bed I binge eat! I work an early shift of 5:30 am and am on my feet all day so by the time I am off by 1 , ive already had most my calories for the day according to this app.
  • drepublic
    drepublic Posts: 180 Member
    edited February 2015
    My advice...Eat frequent balanced MEALS that hit your goals...and stop snacking. If you are having cravings it may be because the meal before was out of stomach became full but your brain was not satisfied. Also...remove the word BINGE eating from your vocabulary...and add the word "cheat meal" to your vocabulary. And remember that it is "cheat meal" and NOT "cheat day" there is a difference. Just have one cheat meal...once a week. For me it is Saturday night...takes the place of meals 5 and 6. It gives me something to look forward to and encourages family date night or night out with the wifey. For those with goals of weight loss...maybe back off the carbs and fat little on the day of the cheat meal.

  • stephaniemjones15
    Hey everyone! I thought this would be a good place to open up and receive guidance because I am really struggling with my dieting recently. My name is Stephanie, and I have had a difficult time controlling my eating for as long as I can remember. Luckily, I am athletic, so I don't appear to be as big as the scale says that I am, but I know it won't be this way for much longer. I have recently lost control so badly over my eating and I truly feel as though I have no power over my cravings or desires because I cannot remember the last time that I was able to talk myself out of eating something that I shouldn't. This is genuinely concerning me because (1) I really do want to be strong and become the healthiest version of myself possible, and (2) I am getting married in almost exactly one year and I have always dreamed of being in the best shape of my life for my wedding. I get so frustrated with myself because if I am eating healthy, I'm unhappy because I'm thinking of all the other food that I want- and if I'm eating what I want, I'm unhappy because I'm sabotaging myself. It's a lose-lose for me! Haha besides this, I truly feel as though I have everything that I could ever want in life so I want nothing more than to be able to control my binging and be proud of my determination as well. I guess what I am looking for from you guys is just opinions on how you started your journeys and stuck with it even when things got hard. I am a pro at making up excuses for why I deserve a certain snack or meal, and I am really just looking for ways to overcome the mental barrier that I have towards eating healthier. I tend to stick to my plans for literally a day (if I'm lucky), and fall off again the next day. Any starting points or ideas from you guys would be immensely appreciated :)
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Hello, I would like to talk about binge eating. Is there anyone who struggles with binge eating or have struggled and over came the awful eating disorder??
    I was a weekend binge eater but I am getting over it now.
    Would love to hear your stories.

    I started struggling alot with this late last year.

    There are days where I just cannot concentrate. I MUST eat. Its almost like an anxiety until I give in to it.

    I can eat massive amounts and sometimes feel sick afterwards. I often find that the food Im eating doesnt even taste that good - its just the act of letting go and eating without thinking that I crave.

    But I also feel disgusted, guilty, and ashamed afterwards. I also feel like a failure. I have done so well with my weight loss - its a like a dirty secret that makes me feel like a fraud.

    Im trying to control it - but last week was not good. Had threes days where I ate everything not nailed down..

  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm also struggling im much older than you all so you think I would have learnt by now but in all honesty my binge eating has got worse. Yesterday was horrendous, just couldn't control it feel really remorse today. Need help and advice.
  • itstimeRK
    itstimeRK Posts: 112 Member
    edited February 2015
    Do you eat enough fiber? Women need about 25g a day. If I don't eat enough fiber, I end up binging because I don't feel full, no matter what I eat. I need that fiber or else I'm a bottomless pit.
  • deedeeandboo
    Find a friend who will walk through this with you! Knowing you are meeting a friend to exercise or allowing your friend to see your food diary helps to hold you accountable! And...set small feasible goals...something you can reach in 1 or 2 weeks. When you meet your goal, set a new one.
  • deedeeandboo
    And get trigger foods out of the house completely! If I know one of my trigger foods is around somewhere, I obsess over it until I finally eat it!
  • VanessaFitForLife
    Good tip! If the food isn't there I don't want it!
  • VanessaFitForLife
    Get rid of the tempting foods in your house! Treat yourself once a week so that you don't feel deprived!
    george7527 wrote: »
    I'm also struggling im much older than you all so you think I would have learnt by now but in all honesty my binge eating has got worse. Yesterday was horrendous, just couldn't control it feel really remorse today. Need help and advice.

  • VanessaFitForLife
    I understand how you feel.. It's like you go on auto pilot and can't control yourself. The best thing I did was talk to someone, a friend or family member and ask them for help because I always found myself binging when I was alone. I wouldn't do it if others were around. I also gave up the idea of good food and bad food! Having a small serving of something you love will keep you from feeling deprived. Just take it one day at a time! You can get over this!
    Hello, I would like to talk about binge eating. Is there anyone who struggles with binge eating or have struggled and over came the awful eating disorder??
    I was a weekend binge eater but I am getting over it now.
    Would love to hear your stories.

    I started struggling alot with this late last year.

    There are days where I just cannot concentrate. I MUST eat. Its almost like an anxiety until I give in to it.

    I can eat massive amounts and sometimes feel sick afterwards. I often find that the food Im eating doesnt even taste that good - its just the act of letting go and eating without thinking that I crave.

    But I also feel disgusted, guilty, and ashamed afterwards. I also feel like a failure. I have done so well with my weight loss - its a like a dirty secret that makes me feel like a fraud.

    Im trying to control it - but last week was not good. Had threes days where I ate everything not nailed down..


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    And get trigger foods out of the house completely! If I know one of my trigger foods is around somewhere, I obsess over it until I finally eat it!

    This for me. My main weight gain has been due to periods of binge eating. I can binge for 2 weeks at a time and gain 14 pounds in 2 months. I have analysed my binges andf they are triggered by PMS and upset.

    If I know I'm gonna have a little 'treat' (TOTM usually) I can only buy a treat sized bar- even if a family sized one works out cheaper. I can't keep trigger foods around (liek if I plan to eat a tiny bit each day- doesn't work- I scoff the lots and then buy more).

    Also if I shop when I'm hungry or in a blood sugar dip I tend to buy chocolate and bread etc. that normally would'nt. I did this last month and ended up eating the lot over two days (to get rid of it-doh!). This week I felt the blood sugar crash and bought a tiny choc bar (95 cals) at the start of my shopping, ate it and then continued food shopping. I wasn't tempted to buy trigger foods after that.

    I am also VERY vigilant with my calandar and make sure PMS doesn't sneek up on me. That week I ensure that my meals are made up of higher carb foods than usual (still meeting calorie goals) which helps to lessen the chocolate cravings.

    I'm still learning to deal with stress as a trigger. I recently missed out on job I really wanted and went home and ate a huge entire chocolate fudge cake! This recent weight gain (14 pounds) is due to berevement. I'm finally seeing the light at the other end and hoping that losing the weight will give me back my confidence to socialise after a year of not really going out or seeing freinds.

    Finally- I can't have treats as ageneral rule. If I eat a slice of cake on Staurday- I'll be craving it right through the week and more likely to give in. I'm better off just cutting out trigger foods altogther- at least for now.
  • DeliVibes
    DeliVibes Posts: 67 Member
    I go through phases. I've just recently come out of a really bad phase of binge eating!
    Every evening after dinner my roommates would buy giant bags of potato chips, sweets and chocolate to share. Between the 4 of us I would eat half the junk.. I just can't stop myself once I get the taste!
    I stopped trying to eat the junk food but found myself sneaking in to the kitchen and eating buttered bread, slice after slice.
    I would go to bed uncomfortably full and disgusted with myself.
    I'd wake up in the morning have a relatively healthy breakfast and lunch and then BAM after dinner same thing would happen. I just get this uncontrollable urge to devour satisfying comfort foods.

    I haven't binged since January 31st. I feel so much better going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning.

    What's changed in the last 10 days?
    1. I told my roommates to keep their junk food to themselves and not share it. If I don't have access to junk food it helps.
    2. I used to have a really big breakfast in the morning (400cals) even if I wasn't hungry. Instead I have 200cal for breakfast and save the other 200 for a light snack after dinner/before bed. I have banana on toast because I think it's delicious so it's kind of a treat!
    3. I was on (optional) medication for the last few years and decided to stop taking it this month.. Perhaps this has helped curb my cravings?
    4. WATER WATER WATER I drink so much water. Hot water with lime is a great way to distract yourself.

    Feel free to add me for some support. Good luck!
  • VanessaFitForLife
    This is exactly the same problem as mine! I am on and off as well and the worse thing that triggers it is having potato chips and chocolate.. I can eat well all day but during the night when my friends and I may have a game night or something, I tell myself just a handful of chips will be ok but once I get the taste I can't stop.. It is awful.. Then once I've ate too much of that I would go home and binge on things from my cupboard mostly peanut butter and cookies or crackers I would go to bed feeling sick. I haven't binged in a while now either but it is definitely a hard thing to over come!
    Hey everyone! I thought this would be a good place to open up and receive guidance because I am really struggling with my dieting recently. My name is Stephanie, and I have had a difficult time controlling my eating for as long as I can remember. Luckily, I am athletic, so I don't appear to be as big as the scale says that I am, but I know it won't be this way for much longer. I have recently lost control so badly over my eating and I truly feel as though I have no power over my cravings or desires because I cannot remember the last time that I was able to talk myself out of eating something that I shouldn't. This is genuinely concerning me because (1) I really do want to be strong and become the healthiest version of myself possible, and (2) I am getting married in almost exactly one year and I have always dreamed of being in the best shape of my life for my wedding. I get so frustrated with myself because if I am eating healthy, I'm unhappy because I'm thinking of all the other food that I want- and if I'm eating what I want, I'm unhappy because I'm sabotaging myself. It's a lose-lose for me! Haha besides this, I truly feel as though I have everything that I could ever want in life so I want nothing more than to be able to control my binging and be proud of my determination as well. I guess what I am looking for from you guys is just opinions on how you started your journeys and stuck with it even when things got hard. I am a pro at making up excuses for why I deserve a certain snack or meal, and I am really just looking for ways to overcome the mental barrier that I have towards eating healthier. I tend to stick to my plans for literally a day (if I'm lucky), and fall off again the next day. Any starting points or ideas from you guys would be immensely appreciated :)
    DeliVibes wrote: »
    I go through phases. I've just recently come out of a really bad phase of binge eating!
    Every evening after dinner my roommates would buy giant bags of potato chips, sweets and chocolate to share. Between the 4 of us I would eat half the junk.. I just can't stop myself once I get the taste!
    I stopped trying to eat the junk food but found myself sneaking in to the kitchen and eating buttered bread, slice after slice.
    I would go to bed uncomfortably full and disgusted with myself.
    I'd wake up in the morning have a relatively healthy breakfast and lunch and then BAM after dinner same thing would happen. I just get this uncontrollable urge to devour satisfying comfort foods.

    I haven't binged since January 31st. I feel so much better going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning.

    What's changed in the last 10 days?
    1. I told my roommates to keep their junk food to themselves and not share it. If I don't have access to junk food it helps.
    2. I used to have a really big breakfast in the morning (400cals) even if I wasn't hungry. Instead I have 200cal for breakfast and save the other 200 for a light snack after dinner/before bed. I have banana on toast because I think it's delicious so it's kind of a treat!
    3. I was on (optional) medication for the last few years and decided to stop taking it this month.. Perhaps this has helped curb my cravings?
    4. WATER WATER WATER I drink so much water. Hot water with lime is a great way to distract yourself.

    Feel free to add me for some support. Good luck!

  • VanessaFitForLife
    What I find really helps me is to be in a group or organization to lose weight. Like when I was in weight watchers I knew every week I would have to go in to get weighed and go to the meeting. That gave me a lot of motivation, knowing that I had to weigh in front of someone! I wanted to be down on the scale to get the "awesome! You are doing great!" But after, once I stopped with that (I figured I could save some money and do it on my own) that's when the over eating/ binging occurred because I would decide to just not weigh myself if I knew I was going to be up.. I would tell myself "oh I'll start again tomorrow and weigh next week" but I was cheating myself.. So I would suggest getting a group of friends or co workers together for a healthy weight loss challenge! It doesn't have to be a competition but just to weigh in every week and discuss the progress and provide tips can really help! To have someone to be accountable to can make all the difference!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am not a binge eater and even when dieting I have not lost my love of food. Love it and respect it. I did attend classes that covered binge eating though and I kept those tips for reference.
  • JasonH_DFW
    JasonH_DFW Posts: 63 Member
    a good rule of thumb is if you think you're binge eating pause for about 15 mins, drink a bunch of water, and walk away from the sight of food for that time to see if you still feel hungry. Sometimes its dehydration or stress of the moment. 9 times out of 10 binging is because youre stressed and want distraction or youre not giving yourself time to register the food you've consumed.