Runners- Indoors or Out?



  • keepkickingbutt
    keepkickingbutt Posts: 49 Member
    Both have pluses and minuses - I would agree with the folks who recommend at least a bit of outdoor running before your race. I would say try outdoors, and if you like it (I'm sure you will!) mix it up a bit and do a bit of both. Be safe on your outdoor runs - depending where you go might be a good idea to not wear headphones or jog with a buddy (human or canine!). I love the "jog with a mission" too - like a route which ends you up at a coffee shop near your house / where you parked your car, so you can jog to your reward! :D
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    The couple times I've run outside -- it was murder on my knees and spine. I have steel rods in my back and a bulging disc in the un-fused part, so running on ground that won't give at all doesn't work for me. As much as the treadmill bores me, I'd rather do that and be able to run than try and do it outside and hurt myself. Since I don't see myself ever doing any kind of marathon or anything -- I don't see a need for me to put myself at risk. My running is strictly for cardio.
  • rcochnar
    rcochnar Posts: 11
    I like the treadmill because it's easier to fine tune the workout. I'm not great at pacing myself outdoors. Also allergies :/