Anyone 5'2-4? GW and CW.

kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
edited February 2015 in Health and Weight Loss

Just wanting to be a bit nosy really to see what other peoples goals are who have similar stats to me. I've shared my deatils below and if you don't mind sharing I would basically like to know what is your current weight, goal weight, height, weight lost and if you have a deadline in mind?

My stats
Height - 5 foot 3
Deadline - May/June

Current weight - 163 / 11stone 9lbs
Goal weight - 140 / 10 stone
Weight lost so far - 12lbs
Left to lose - 23lbs

I eat on average 1200 cals a day and do a 2 miles walk on my lunches and some more exercise here and there. I eat more calories on a weekend as a treat but not too excessive.



  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited February 2015
    Mine are:

    Height: 5'4
    CW: 127lbs
    GW: 108lbs

    My GW isn't really a goal weight as such, it's more a minimum, I'm just gonna keep going either until I'm happy or I hit 108lbs (since that's the lowest healthy weight for 5'4). About a year ago I got down to 112lbs (from 167lbs) but still wasn't happy with how I looked, then stuff happened and I put some of the weight back on, so I'm trying it again now with more exercise & weight lifting. I eat 1200 a day + exercise calories which usually come to 300-400. I tend to eat a bit more on the weekends, too. I don't really have a deadline.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    SW-163 (I've been as high as 178 though)
    GW-Possibly 130 but I'm going into maintenance to try a recomp. If I can get the physique I want now, I won't need to get down to 130.
  • weightsnbakes
    weightsnbakes Posts: 34 Member
    I am:
    Height: 5'4
    CW: 222lbs
    GW: 199lbs
    Goal Date: April 30 2015

    I am setting my goals into chunks. Ideally, I would like to lose 1lb per week, or 5lbs per month. I eat calories set by MFP, 1300 per day. I'm not happy with how low that number is because I have come from a Paleo eating backround which discourages low calorie eating. However, Paleo did not work for me. I'm also an emotional eater but since I admitted that to myself, I am handling it better. I work out 5x a week, lifting weights 3 days and moderate walking 2 days.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member

    SW: 221 (212 when I started MFP) (been as high as 252, pregnant)
    CW: 193
    GW: 125.... or thereabouts. I would be ecstatic to hit 130.
  • fantasticelastic
    fantasticelastic Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Im

    Height: 5'3
    CW: 157
    GW: 126
    GW Date: Summer :)

    Hi Im doing low carb and so far so good. Started out at 165 after 5th baby.
    I walk and do yoga :)
  • joluck69
    joluck69 Posts: 9 Member

    I'm 5'0" female
    CW: 178 :-(
    GW:130 (for now)
    GW Date: as fast as possible!

    I lost 30 lbs last January and due to health concerns put it all back plus more. I lost it doing high protein/low carb. My Dr says I can't do that. So I'm trying some new things, including getting back to MFP. I need to exercise more. That's for sure!

    Good luck to all!
  • kellyclarkson1990
    kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Thanks for replying.

    My end goal is to get to around 9 stone 6/7 pounds-ish but obviously going to see how I feel about my look when I reach my target. I have quite wide hips and smaller waist so going down to 8 stone just doesn't look right on me or it didn't in the past anyways. I was 8 stone years ago when I was around 18 years old.

    I have mini goals set up just like Lakom2.

    My first goal is to lose 2 more lbs and then I've lost my first stone in absolutely ages.
    My second goal is to get to 10 stone so that I am at the top end of healthy for my height.
    My third goal is to get to 9 and half stone and then either change my calorie take to maintenance or lose more weight. I am hoping I will be happy at that weight.

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Height: 5'4"

    I started at about 145 lb a couple years ago, came down to 118 lb, and have maintained that for a couple years. I'm just now starting to lose another 5-10lbs for my wedding in May but it is slow going when you're fairly light already.
  • kellyclarkson1990
    kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry I meant to say 8 and half stone when I was 18 years old.
  • muse09
    muse09 Posts: 15 Member
    Height: 5'2
    CW: 120lb
    GW: 115lb
    Weight lost so far: 5lb
    GW ETA: 6 weeks - it seems like a long time, but taking it slow really helps to make the change permanent. Be sure that you're not losing more than the recommended 2lb/week.

    I eat 1,450 calories a day, and do weight training 5-6 days a week. I do not eat back exercise calories (because they are ridiculously inaccurate), and weigh all of my food meticulously.

    Once you get to a certain point, it's more about body fat % and appearance than it is about actual weight. Focus on making permanent changes and developing good habits, rather than instantaneous results so that you don't have to deal with loose skin and other problems. Good luck on your journey! :)

  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    edited February 2015
    Height: somewhere between 5'2" and 5'3"
    SW: 203
    CW: 176
    GW: 140 (will see how I feel at this point)

    I eat between 1100 and 1200, workout 5 days a week with walking and 30 day shred. gonna start insanity in the next couple of weeks, but will probably only do it 3 days a week and walk the other days.

  • IGotThis1992
    IGotThis1992 Posts: 18 Member
    edited February 2015
    SW - 252
    CW - 182
    GW - 150

    I eat between 1200 and 1350 calories per day
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I am trying to maintain but I keep losing, haven't found my sweet spot yet.
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    SW: 176lbs (but highest weight was 180lbs!)
    CW: 168.8 lbs
    GW: I have multiple goal weights. Lol. The first is to get to 150lbs, because that is the smallest I would have been since High School! Second is to get to 136lbs to get into a "normal" BMI range. Finally is to hit 125lbs, this is my UGW. I think it would be really great to say "I lost 50lbs!"
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Height - 5 feet
    Current weight - 138 pounds
    Goal weight - 117 pounds
    Left to lose - 21lbs

    I try to eat 1200 cals a day but have been going over :( I just started walking 3 miles uphill on my treadmill every day. I hope I can keep it up
  • kellyclarkson1990
    kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Muse09,

    That's exactly what I am trying to stick to, losing a max of 2lbs a week. :) Trying to make life changes rather than a quick fix. It's one of the reasons I've started going out walking on my lunches as I get an hour.

    One of my weaknesses is takeaways. They are far too easy to order and taste too good but I just think about the amount of money I'm saving by not getting them.

    I also have a problem with prawn cocktail pringles. I can literally eat a whole tub in one go so avoid buying them alltogether now.

    Does anybody else have any weaknesses?

  • kellyclarkson1990
    kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
    I think our goals are quite similar :) Have you set yourself a calorie intake? I am trying to go with 1200 weekdays and a little more at the weekend. I weigh myself on Saturday mornings as it gives me most the week to lose the weight.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    SW: 198 lbs
    CW: 183 lbs
    GW: 140ish

    I just started Stronglifts 5x5, along with yoga 2x/week and walking. I want a fit body and have a fairly muscular body type, so scale weight will be secondary once I get into the 150s.

    I eat between 1300-1600 cal/day and concentrate on fat and protein macros for satiety and preserving LBM.

    Going to my cousin's wedding in July and hope to be in the 160s by then. I'm tired of dreading photo occasions! After that, I don't have a goal date. My goal is to stick with it.
  • li1luna
    li1luna Posts: 6 Member
    I try to eat about 1300 cals. a day and I go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Mostly cardio(treadmill,elliptical,and bike),but ive started to lift some weights. I have little goal weights as i go. It helps keep me motivated and focused. But i want to be at 140 by Halloween of this year.
  • tabby_123
    tabby_123 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4'' and losing weight too.
    SW: 185
    CW: 171.6
    GW: 130

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend!