Half a pound :(

keiraev Posts: 695 Member
I have been doing MFP properly for a week now and planned to only weigh myself once a week. I have a target of 1410 calories- I just couldnt stick to 1200- and I have been exercising nearly every day. There was only one day where I didn't eat all my calories and that was yesterday because I ate a huge fish stew for dinner which ended up being only about 400 cals and I genuinely didn't have room for any more. I thought this would be ok as a couple of days I went a bit over.

I weighed myself this morning and had only lost half a pound- should I be disappointed? It says I should be lose around 0.6 a week and I have a feeling this is gonna be a long low process. I have given up on diets before because I've either felt starving or not seen results fast enough.

I guess I just need to be pleased that the scale moved in the right direction- even if slightly :/ !


  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i have lost .6 for the last 2 weeks...it is frustrating, but in the end...it is a loss and not a gain. as long as the number is going down you gotta count it as a win and take all the little victories you can get to move forward.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if youve set it to lose half a pound a week and youve lost half a pound, thats great isnt it?? Shows its accurate for you.

    You may find once youve been doing it a bit longer, youll be able to cut your calories a little more too if you wanted to, or you may also find if youre only weighing once a week, that it might not actually be accurate and it could be a normally daily variation. You may have lost slightly more
  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    or you may also find if youre only weighing once a week, that it might not actually be accurate and it could be a normally daily variation. You may have lost slightly more

    This is why I weigh myself (but don't check in) every day. This way I can see what the actual variance is and the weekly weigh-in doesn't come as a surprise. Instead I can say 'oh, I am actually down since thursday' or whatever.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I only lose half a pound some weeks. And so far, I'm down twelve. Sometimes it is hard to be happy with that, but soon, I'll be down 25 then, 50. And yes, it's gonna be a long haul. Good luck.
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    those clever scientists have shown that weigh loss gradually is far more likely to stay off, and also the body can pull in all the excess skin as well.
    yes it would be nice to loose a lot of weight rapidly, but you would be more likely to put it back on and not be as toned.

    i know its hard, but keep it up
  • cocobeenie
    cocobeenie Posts: 98
    Don't be discouraged, you pretty much met your goal for the week! If you wanted to lose a little bit faster, you could decrease your calorie intake little by little, which might make it easier to adjust. For days that you want to eat a little more, do one or two you tube workout videos or something and boom! you can eat a couple hundred extra calories right there. Good luck with the rest of your progress! I know you'll make it if you stick to it!
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    There are a couple of things you need to make sure to answer first so we can all get the best idea about your progress:
    1. On MFP how many lbs per week do you have it set to lose?
    2. Did you acurately answer what your activity level is per day and if so what do you (normally) do each and what kind of job do you have?
    3. What exercise (extra above and beyond #2) do you do most days? Because I noticed MFP WAAAAYYY over estimates the amount of calories I burn doing the elliptical by aout double.
    4. Are you weighing yourself on the same scale at about the same time each time and in about the same amount of clothes?

    All of thses could factor into it and we just might be missing something >.< we don't want you to give up! And we all know you can do this! Also feel free to add me as a friend I would be more than happy to help you out and give you motivation when you need it! Good luck and hope to see your response to the aove so I and everyone on here can help you further!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    There's nothing wrong with losing half a pound in a week. Some people lose at a quicker rate. I know that's about how much I lose every week or so. Take a look at other factors such as medication. I have severe asthma and have to be on oral and inhaled steroids so I don't lose as quickly as others.

    Celebrate your victories even the small ones and don't be a slave to the scale. I used to be until mine broke. Now I see NSV (non-scale victories) happening all the time. I'm fitting into my 12s with little to no spillage, I bought a size 8 dress with a circular skirt, I finished a 5K obstacle course! I am very proud of those accomplishments and you should be too!
  • fraises
    fraises Posts: 16
    Perhaps it's water retention. Don't worry though, I see we are similar at weights/goals, I've also lost 0.5 pounds on some weeks yet I've had a loss of over 4 lb too. It all depends on sodium intake, exercise, alcohol, time of the month etc
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    I weigh myself after the loo and naked EVERY morning and I log the dips, it shows that weekly (or otherwise) weighing might give a 'false' reading, as the day before you may have lost 2 lbs, which incidentally is apx my daily fluctuation any way. I weigh more at night, and lose weight in bed :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Half a pound off is half a pound off, what is there to be disappointed about? Your signature says you have less than 20lbs to lose, you can't really expect to lose weight at the same rate as someone who has say 100lbs to lose, it generally gets slower the closer you are to goal. Chances are there will also be weeks you stay the same, it happens and the main thing is not to give up.

    Don't get discouraged about half a pound, better off than on and apparently the slower you lose weight the better your chances of keeping it off.
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    First week I did MFP I stayed the same.
    Second week I gained 300g (about 1/2 pound?) but lost 6cm from my waist.
    I'm now in my third week and although I don't weigh in until Friday I've lost about 3 pounds from last week.

    I also exercise most days, and I'm 99% sure that's what caused the gain the first few weeks - you may be in a similar position due to the amount of exercise. Hang in there, give it a month then re-assess if you don't think it's working well for you.