See a change??

I have been going to the gym twice a wk for the past month (1hr workout) but my question is when (on adverage) will I start to see a change in my body shape?? (I know everyone is different) many thanks :)


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    First, it would depend on what you’re looking for and how you’re looking. Along with what you’re doing at the gym and what you’re eating.

    If you’re just looking in the mirror, you may not see it (many of us have a way of seeing ourselves worse than we are). My advice is to measure yourself (neck, upper arms, chest, waist, stomach, hips and upper legs). If you’re doing the eating and working well, you’ll see changes within a few weeks.

    So, what do you do in the gym for an hour? On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you describe the intensity? The harder you work your body, the more it will have to do to adapt and the faster you’ll see change. That said, I wouldn’t go all out (7-9) all the time. Mix it up and find a good progression to better fitness.

    Finally, and this is the most important thing about going to the gym. What are you eating? And how much of it. You don’t want to over eat, but you should be just as careful to not under eat. Get good macros to support the work you’re doing at the gym. Think of food as fuel for your workouts and you’ll get much more out of them.

  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I do 10mins on cross trainer, 5mins fast walk then 8-10mins run on treadmill, I row 500m as fast as I can twice then do leg and arm weights then after that I do sit ups and a plank to finish (then obviously cool down stretches). Also once a week I will do a 10-15 min swim before I hit the gym.
    I am trying to be good with eating too.
    I am hoping to look better than now and get fitter (which I already have seen a improvement in).
    Hopefully I am not doing anything wrong :|
  • lottewiegeraad
    lottewiegeraad Posts: 64 Member
    I do 10mins on cross trainer, 5mins fast walk then 8-10mins run on treadmill, I row 500m as fast as I can twice then do leg and arm weights then after that I do sit ups and a plank to finish (then obviously cool down stretches). Also once a week I will do a 10-15 min swim before I hit the gym.
    I am trying to be good with eating too.
    I am hoping to look better than now and get fitter (which I already have seen a improvement in).
    Hopefully I am not doing anything wrong :|

    I would change your workout routine. Up the cardio and/or up to weightlifting (best is both). Start with the weightlifting, give it your all (try going heavier each week or so). After the lifting, do cardio for at least 30 minutes :smile: For me personally it doesn't benefit my weightloss when I jump from one machine to the other, so some workouts I use the treadmill and others the crosstrainer.
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for replying I will try and up both (bit of a weakling with weights lol) I only use a few different machines as I get bored if I use only one (maybe I am weird lol)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Consider changing your workouts to compound movements (squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows and overhead press). You’ll get a lot more results for your efforts. I’m also not a fan of doing cardio and weights on the same day. You can do a lifting day, two cardio days, a lifting day, two cardo days, followed by a rest day.