gain, lose, gain repeat

I'm here vowing to make a permanent lifestyle change this time. A year and a half ago I started this journey measuring 5' 3" weighing 170 lbs. I had a sedimentary lifestyle and had no clue about nutrition. I lost 20 lbs and kept it off for 5 months. I then stopped keeping track and by 11 months had gained back 10 lbs. I decided I needed to do something and signed up for a sprint triathlon. I tracked my exercise and trained and completed my triathlon last November. I never tracked my food or looked at a scale during training. The weight must have been coming off since I was getting more fit right? NOT...I got real after the new year I now weigh 168 lbs. I am looking for support to find balance, achieve my goals and keep the weight off permanently this time.


  • kaswwjd
    kaswwjd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I have have the same issues of gaining a losing. I always get into the, I'm going to workout everyday routine then lose it and the, eat super healthy routine and lose it. I'm going to try really hard this time! Nice to meet you fitmom, thanks for your post!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to you both :) Sometimes picking one goal at a time can help. Perhaps pre-logging your food for the day and as time goes on log it for a week ahead of time. Get feeling comfy with that and try the same with your workouts.

    Baby steps ...sometimes we overwhelm ourselves and end up beating ourselves up because we perceive it as failure when we slip up. Sometimes all it really is might be trying to start out with too many changes all at once.

    Good Luck :)