Nutrients and other help needed

Hi, I'm new to this type of dieting and I'm finding it difficult to completely grasp the concept of it.
I've noticed my sugar levels are going over the reccommended amount by quite a bit, but I'm getting all my sugars from a single banana and a single apple for breakfast.
Is this something I should change to promote weight loss? As I know(think) these are natural 'good' sugars, is it still something to watch?

I am wary of my sugars as due to some recent surgery I have undergone, I cannot excercise, nor have I been able to for a long period of time.

Also, on some days when I have had all of my meals and still have 300 or so calories left to be taken, I make up lost calories with a drink, like a glass of wine or a southern comfort and diet coke, this just seems utterly sinful!

Just looking for some clarification as to what is the best practice and how to get the best results.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me :)


  • sabl3
    sabl3 Posts: 39
    Don't worry about the sugars in an apple or banana. It sounds like you're only having one. If you're looking to control your sugar keep in mind that carbs are sugar too, just a different form of them. You could try to do a diabetic diet and that might help you control the frequency you have carbs and limit the amount that way you don't have large spikes in blood glucose. Check out the ADA (American Diabetes Association) website for information on diabetic diets and exchange lists. Also consider visiting the nutrition care manual website to learn about specific ailments and the diets the prescribe. There's a wealth of knowledge you just have to find it :) Good luck and i hope your healing process is speedy :)
  • sabl3
    sabl3 Posts: 39
    Don't worry about the sugars in an apple or banana. It sounds like you're only having one. If you're looking to control your sugar keep in mind that carbs are sugar too, just a different form of them. You could try to do a diabetic diet and that might help you control the frequency you have carbs and limit the amount that way you don't have large spikes in blood glucose. Check out the ADA (American Diabetes Association) website for information on diabetic diets and exchange lists. Also consider visiting the nutrition care manual website to learn about specific ailments and the diets the prescribe. There's a wealth of knowledge you just have to find it :) Good luck and i hope your healing process is speedy :)
  • StephanColes
    Thanks for the info!
    As long as I know that it's not a problem to be eating high sugar level fruits, but will this hinder my weight loss?
    And in respect to topping up my calories with an alcoholic drink but still being within my nutrient levels, is this okay? And again will it hinder any weight loss?

    I'm completely new to calorie counting!
    Does the time you eat come into play also?
    And are there any good tips for most efficient weight loss if you are unable to excercise?

    Thanks for your wishes - I hope so too!
  • sabl3
    sabl3 Posts: 39
    Nothing should hinder your weight loss as long as you are doing things in moderation. I don't know what surgery you had but do consider getting exercise through resistance training if you can. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while just sitting there. The alcoholic beverage may through off your fluid balance. I know if I drink I retain a lot of fluid and it does the same for many others. When stepping on the scale, the scale will say you gained some lbs and it makes you frustrated, that's all. If you really want booze try some red wine instead. It's known for its benefits in reducing the risks for heart disease.
    Time you eat doesn't really matter just eat when you're hungry. Try not to eat out of boredom but all of that is obvious. Most healthy people eat every 3 hours so try to stick to that and don't ever skip meals. You'll actually burn more if you consume food frequently but in small amounts.
    If I were you, I'd watch my calories so I have proper energy balance and I'd try to get some form of exercise even if its walking around the block or lifting a small weight. You don't want your muscle wasting to start. It will then slow your metabolic rate.
  • StephanColes
    Thanks alot, That's covered just about everything and given me some ideas for the future! Thanks alot :)