Does gallbladder removal cause weight gain?



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2015
    I milked it for a whole week off. But mowed the lawn 4 says post. Easy surgery. Relatively. ;)

    @mhausler93‌ we must be from the same gene pool. Mine (& every female on my dads side) was the same way. Dang thing just quit.
  • just an FYI -- the gall bladder does not make the enzyme/secretion needed. It just acts as a storage tank. When it's taken out, the liver sends the bile directly into the small intestine. For me, I lost about 20 pounds in less than a week before having it out because I had totally stopped eating. Once I had it out, I was cautious for the first few days (food had become evil), but then my eating habits went back to normal. I gained back the 20 lbs. but I don't really count that. I didn't gain any additional weight.
  • caryb2015
    caryb2015 Posts: 38 Member
    I only gained weight, because food did not hurt me anymore but I felt millions times better after it was removed.

    This. I had been so afraid of the surgery that I had been eating extremely lowfat for nearly a year so as to not trigger any events. So once it came out I started eating high fat foods I had missed which did cause a weight gain. But once I got over the novelty of being able to eat without pain again I stopped overindulging.

  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    I would put the belief that weight gain following gall bladder removal is inevitable in the category of "Old Wives Tales" mother born in 1922 was spouting this predication to my Sister when she had hers out in the early 1990's......whilst it came true for her, the weight gain, truly it was because she was over eating, and this predication was her source of "Validation" for gaining.

    Had mine out very early in the 2000's and it hasn't stopped me being able to lose weight.

    Sadly, though I too fall into the 25% category another poster mentioned that continues to have dietary "issues" post surgery......Blah.

    In all seriousness though, the alternative (of ignoring the problem) is worse than going through with the Op.

    Wish you all the best, afterwards just follow Doc's orders on the types of foods to maybe avoid for a while and eventually you will adjust to life without your gall bladder. I REALLY hope you are in the group that has no ongoing issues with fatty foods etc.
  • I just had mine removed a month ago from yesterday. Only issue I had after was getting sick and no appetite. Finally got that sorted out. Still losing an average of 3.3lbs a week the entire time.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    For those who have had their gallbladders removed, please be aware that you may have a small increased chance of developing colon cancer, especially if you're a woman. This happened to my mother (6 years in remission now).
    I don't think it's anything to seriously freak about, but when you get told you're due for a colonoscopy, go.
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    I had serious Gallbladder attacks for almost 3 years, first attack, I couldn't breath and was crying in fetal position, felt like a heart attack and lasted for 30 minutes then just disappeared suddenly. I rang an ambulance but at the time all the ambulances were on call as i live in the city and the ambulance guy stayed on the phone with me as the pain subsided. I went to the doctor the next day and unfortunately he just said "you're overweight, it's obviously just gastritis" and prescribed me a daily tablet. Obviously this didn't help me and I suffered the same excruciating attacks every couple of months or so, like before they would come on out of nowhere and last for about 30 minutes and were so painful that I just wished someone would put me out of my misery :(. About a year later I suffered a next level attack, this one came on and just didn't leave, 12 hours of torture until finally I said to my partner that if I don't go to the hospital and get morphine I think I will die. I was so exhausted. I called an ambulance and they assessed me as needing immediate attention. They gave me an ultra sound and told me that I had gallstones, one of which was stuck in my bile duct and causing my liver to shut down so I needed emergency surgery. My point is that if it is left untreated it WILL GET WORSE! Trust me, no-one should ever ever be in that much pain so if anyone reading this is putting off surgery PLEASE DON'T. As for the OP's question, before surgery I was afraid of food but since it I can eat anything and everything and I have had no issue at all losing weight, don't be afraid of surgery.
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    For those who have had their gallbladders removed, please be aware that you may have a small increased chance of developing colon cancer, especially if you're a woman. This happened to my mother (6 years in remission now).
    I don't think it's anything to seriously freak about, but when you get told you're due for a colonoscopy, go.

    Having a stone stuck in a bile duct can kill you.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Definitely agree, Anarchy. What a terrible story. My mum was also left way too long and nearly died from the pancreatitis (?sp) that followed.
    If you need your gallbladder removed, get it done.
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah, I had the start of pancreatitus :neutral_face: glad to hear your mum is in remission :smiley:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    Having a stone stuck in a bile duct can kill you.

    I never had any gallbladder attacks or pain until this happened. Then I was suddenly in a LOT of pain. I never eat fried foods and have a pretty clean diet, so I had a hard time believing the diagnosis.

    Turns out I was completely packed with bright green stones. Usually they are yellow or brown. Apparently this is a genetic thing...lucky me!
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015

    I never had any gallbladder attacks or pain until this happened. Then I was suddenly in a LOT of pain. I never eat fried foods and have a pretty clean diet, so I had a hard time believing the diagnosis.

    Aw man, hope you feel better soon, my portion control was never too good but I always ate decent foods and hardly ever ate deep fried crap either. When you have stones anything can set off an attack, I once had an attack from drinking a glass of tap water, yes, TAP WATER ahhhhh. Now that my Gallbladder is gone though I feel great!
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    My mum used to be a size 24 (UK)
    She had her gallbladder out and in two years managed to get to a size 14 and stayed that weight ever since. Not exactly the best way to lose weight but it just fell off her.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    My older brother is the only person on my maternal side that still has a gallbladder (lucky him). I had mine out when I was 19, 10 days after I had my daughter. My mom (and the paramedics) thought I had a pulmonary embolism from child birth. When I got to the ER they did the ultrasound and my gallbladder had one giant stone that was actually tearing it apart. I had emergency surgery that night. Turns out femoral feeding tubes are pretty much guaranteed to cause gallstones (according to the surgeon) and with my family history it was a sure bet.
  • abk1968
    abk1968 Posts: 47 Member
    I lost a few pounds right after used to joke was the weight of the stones in the bladder
    Problem is during recovery you get appetite back so log all you eat
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    edited February 2015
    Got the surgery done on friday, recovering pretty fast :smile:
    Thought I'd gain few pounds after the surgery temporarily due to gas/bloating from anaesthesia but I didn't!
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Do you feel better?

    Recover well
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    lavendah wrote: »
    Got the surgery done on friday, recovering pretty fast :smile:
    Thought I'd gain from the surgery temporarily due to gas/bloating from anaesthesia but I didn't!
    Do you feel better?

    Recover well

    Thankyou and I kinda do.
    No more attacks! And my gallbladder looked soo distended and awful I'm glad I don't have it inside me anymore..
    I also used to have persistent slight pain in my sternum which I didn't even know was caused by mr. gallbladder..that is gone too :smile:
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    lavendah wrote: »
    Got the surgery done on friday, recovering pretty fast :smile:
    Thought I'd gain few pounds after the surgery temporarily due to gas/bloating from anaesthesia but I didn't!

    Yay :smiley:
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    edited February 2015
    My gallbladder was removed in 2007. I never had issues with gaining or losing weight because of it. I did have digestion/intestinal issues, like other posters have mentioned before me, and my doctor said I have IBS. I've always suspected it was because of the gallbladder, because it started shortly before mine was removed and worsened after the surgery. (My mother, who has since passed away, had the same issues as I did with the gallbladder and digestive problems--another reason why I suspect it isn't actually IBS). My best advice is to eat healthy foods and get the right amount of fiber, and you'll feel fine. That's the only thing that works for me. *Bonus: Eating healthy helps to lose weight. ;)

    Good luck with your surgery and I hope for a quick recovery!

    **Edit: Just saw your post that you had the surgery. Glad it went well. :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    lavendah wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I think the original theory is incorrect. The fats no longer will be digested because bile is no longer triggered by fatty foods. Its like having a fawcet on trickle all the time. So often times you will have an excess of undigested fats, which will not cause weight gain. Loose stools are common due to the unabsorbed bile salts. Follow your doctors reccomendations. I have IBS and take bile binding meds and an anticholenergic when needed.

    I've had mine out for about 7 years. My daughter had her out about a year ago. I think all the internet opinions are bunk. You'll be fine.

    Discuss your concerns with your doc- you'll get asinine opionions on the internet.

    Already asked the doctor,he said it has nothing to do with weight gain but I was still skeptical.

    Stop the googling.

    Your doctor is correct.

    How would the resulting reduced fat digestion and reduced absorption actually increase weight gain? Doesn't even make sense.

    People are willing to blame anything for their overconsumption of food. Ate the toxins got fat. My neighbor bought a car, I got fat. It's my babies fault. The food makers. My gall bladder. My medication (very rarely legitimate). No, you stopped moving and you ate all the food in sight.
  • I had my gall bladder removed when i was about 22 or 23 years old. I am now 41. I did not have any weight gain from it. I did have issues like others have mentioned in that when eating fats, I had to go to the bathroom, like super fast. Or if I had not eaten all day then ate something (even if healthy), I had to be by a bathroom. I will also say it does not last forever :) I no longer worry about eating and having to make sure a bathroom is nearby. I hope this helps some!
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    Just read the thread and found this interesting. I am having tests regarding my gallbladder and hope to have it removed. I am glad it does not cause weight gain!
    Good luck with the op. x
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed a year and a half ago. First, I never felt better since having it taken out. I no longer have that pit in my stomach. Second, I'll echo what other posters have said : be wary of high fat foods. Since the gallbladder aids in digestion of fats, and you're removing it, you may have issues. Personally, if I eat high fat foods I'm running to the bathroom within a few hours. So, I no longer eat those foods and I gained no weight post surgery.

    Hopefully you have no complications and heal quickly. Just to warn you, laughing post surgery will hurt!
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    lavendah wrote: »
    lavendah wrote: »
    Got the surgery done on friday, recovering pretty fast :smile:
    Thought I'd gain from the surgery temporarily due to gas/bloating from anaesthesia but I didn't!
    Do you feel better?

    Recover well

    Thankyou and I kinda do.
    No more attacks! And my gallbladder looked soo distended and awful I'm glad I don't have it inside me anymore..
    I also used to have persistent slight pain in my sternum which I didn't even know was caused by mr. gallbladder..that is gone too :smile:

    I always sort of feel like I need to send my surgeon holiday cards for taking the pain away. After all was healed up. That pain free feeling is awesome.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I no longer have my gall bladder. It didn't cause me to gain weight at all, other than the fact that I didn't have an attack every time I ate a cheeseburger or a milkshake. I fluctuated a few pounds here and there but ultimately gained my weight when I couldn't control myself around food while pregnant.

    I think the things that you read had more to do with the fact that people like to make excuses for gaining weight rather than taking responsibility for it and doing something about it.
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    Just to warn you, laughing post surgery will hurt!

    OMG! It hurt real bad for the first 2 days haha,I kept begging my brother and friends not to say any funny *kitten*

  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ok so I hadn't gained any weight from the surgery immediately,but now it has been 4 days since the surgery and my weight is constantly increasing by 0.2 - 0.6 lbs everyday :( I have gained a total of 2 lbs now and since I'm so obsessive when it comes to the number on the scale,it's really bothering me.I'm really not eating that much,like 1600/1700 calories at most which is less than maintenance for me.

    Is this normal and when will it stop omg.

    Also,my belly still looks swollen and fat,when will it go back to normal?
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    The only way people would gain weight is by eating too many cals. My mum did exactly this, her gallbladder made so Ill she only ate mashed potato, bananas and yogurt for most of the time. As soon as she had it out, she was eating fish and chips high fat foods she couldn't eat before because of the gallbladder, and of course, put on weight.
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    Did you have the surgery laparoscopically? I did have some swelling afterwards, simply because you have to remember you had instruments inside of you, pulling and tugging and whatnot. I wouldn't be concerned right now.