Machine, HRM, MFP

Ugh. Ok, so I know MFP is only a guesstimate in terms of calories burned during an exercise. But my question is this:
The machine at the gym and my HRM both tracked my heart rate within 1-2 beats of each other. But, in the 40 minutes I did the elliptical last night, my HRM (which knows my weight) said I burned nearly twice the calories as the elliptical (which doesn't know my weight, but I would assume that it would assume a higher weight than I am (I'm 142, I would think it would assume 150)). So what do I believe?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    what type of HRM (does it have a chest strap) and do you enter in age, weight, height, and gender? If so I would go with the HRM otherwise I would pick the lowest of all 2 options, just to be safe.
  • Peridotite
    Peridotite Posts: 66
    Oh my, the problem that I deal with everyday as well! And I still don't know the answer. There is a blog on this site about HRM and how good they are at determining calories burnt and I gather from what I read that unless you spent a butt load of money on your HRM is isn't accurate. So I use a website I found that uses uses your average heart rate to determine calories burned. I find it usually puts me in the middle between my HRM and the machine. The link is below and if you find the ultimate answer, please let me know :happy:
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    unfortunately i can't afford a good hrm at the moment, so i use the formula on this website:

    Seems to be pretty accurate as long as you can find your average heartrate, and seeing as you said the machine and the hrm get this pretty accurately, it might be worth comparing the results using this formula!

    good luck!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I have a Timex Personal Trainer, and yes, it has a chest strap. I entered in my weight but I don't think anything else.

    That calculator you posted put my calories closer to my HRM
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    Interesting website but this website cannot possibly be accurate. It says in 50 min that I am on the elliptical keeping my HR at 152 I burn almost 700 cals, crazy! My HRM (which is a cheap one that you have to touch to get a reading) usually says 470, the good/new ellipticals at my gym (the old ones say >100 cals more) say 530 and MFP says the same. I'll stick with the 500'ish numbers but thanks for the site!

    Hmmm, interesting enough though the post after yours with this site ;

    also says almost 700 cals as well. Could it be possible I can burn that much as a 138lb, 5'8 woman? Crazy! If either of those 2 sites are accurate, MFP is waaaaaaaaaaaay off and that's funny b/c I switched to this fitness site ONLY b/c it had calories listed for Turbo Jam.
  • pjbercot
    pjbercot Posts: 30 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 (Chest Strap) that I wear religiously while at the gym. It is always more than the machines. However I feel it is an accurate number. when I work my but off it is higher when I feel like crap it is lower. I especially like it for group fit.