Banting(high fat, high protein, low carb diet plan)

Here in South Africa we have a new "fad" diet called Banting(high fat, high protein, low carb). People a putting scoops of coconut oil in their coffee to up their fat intake. Has anyone every tried a similar diet plan? How healthy is it? To be honest I'm a skeptic. I have lots if friends that have lost a lot of weight through this. How healthy is this way to eating?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Banting is not high protein. It is low carb/high fat.

    There are groups here that do something similar with adding fat to coffee.
    Try searches for Low Carb High Fat (LCHF).
  • LiveForTheWilderness
    Look up keto. I love it. Also look up bulletproof coffee (coffee, coconut oil, and perhaps butter).
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Everything I'm reading says go high fat, moderate protein, low carb. I'm worried I might be getting too much protein as it is, since I'm not a weight lifter or athlete. If the lecture I heard the other day is right and if I heard it right, any branched-chain amino acids the body doesn't use the liver has to deal with, and this might not be a good thing over the long haul.

    I just found this, as well:

    Don't eat too much protein. We cannot stress this enough. Banting is NOT high-protein eating. No more than 80 to 90 g of meat or fish is what you should be eating with any meal. [But don't be over-fastidious, to the extent that you feel deprived. If, on occasion, you eat at a steakhouse, choose the smaller option on the menu and don't fret. What is more, it is quite unnecessary to chop the pointy bit off the chicken breast!] Remember, the main thrust of banting is to cut the carbs from one's diet and increase your fat intake. The consumption of proteins should be unaffected or even reduced.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    @Jolinia, the science says high protein is nothing to fear, and does not affect your kidneys/liver *unless* you have a pre-existing problem. Rely less on blogs, and more on hard evidence.

    As for "Banting", Keto, etc, any named/proper noun diet is usually nothing more than a gimmick. Just eat in moderation, and you're fine. Using "tricks" is, in my opinion, effective, but does not teach you long term, sustainable solutions.

    Just eat less.
  • eatsyork
    eatsyork Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not sure what there is to be skeptical about. All of the research has been saying that low carb is as effective as low fat to lose weight. There isn't much of a debate about that. The only possible controversy is if you'll gain it all back if you change diets, and of course you will if you go back to eating the way that made you fat in the first place. Obviously some people like it and some people won't. If you hate meat you will have a challenge. If you love bread you will also have a challenge. I'm not following Banting per se but I eat LCHF and I've lost over 60 lbs since September. I have energy, don't feel hungry or deprived, and test results are good. It works fine for me.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    @Jolinia, the science says high protein is nothing to fear, and does not affect your kidneys/liver *unless* you have a pre-existing problem. Rely less on blogs, and more on hard evidence.

    As for "Banting", Keto, etc, any named/proper noun diet is usually nothing more than a gimmick. Just eat in moderation, and you're fine. Using "tricks" is, in my opinion, effective, but does not teach you long term, sustainable solutions.

    Just eat less.

    I did read an abstract that concluded that without a pre-existing condition it's not an issue, but other things I read may contradict that, depending on how accurate my non-bio-chem background understanding is.

    I wasn't using a blog for information, though, I was actually trying to read some abstracts after an MD in a relevant field mentioned it in passing. But even the abstracts seem contradictory. I suppose I won't let it worry me until there is something resembling a consensus.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    @eatsyolk I'm skeptical purely because of my ignorance I guess. I am reading more and more about it. I posted here because I wanted to hear other opinions about it.

    Thank you very much for the responses, they were very helpful.
  • JessDickman72
    JessDickman72 Posts: 26 Member
    Basically our body's are just one big scientific phenomenon. We know that our bodies use carbs first for energy. Then protein then fat. Give or take some. So if u have low carb, moderate protien and higher fat- your body burns through the first two quite quickly and the works on fat stores :) I am on a Paleo lifestyle now N have been loosing a pound a day. Everyone is different and need different things but one thing I do know is that LCHF and P work for me. Good luck :)
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    @Jolinia, the science says high protein is nothing to fear, and does not affect your kidneys/liver *unless* you have a pre-existing problem. Rely less on blogs, and more on hard evidence.

    As for "Banting", Keto, etc, any named/proper noun diet is usually nothing more than a gimmick. Just eat in moderation, and you're fine. Using "tricks" is, in my opinion, effective, but does not teach you long term, sustainable solutions.

    Just eat less.

    Keto is a way to eat less. Its not a trick, its eating in moderation.