Quick vent- 'Good genes'

I just wanted to vent and I wonder if anyone else has this problem.

I have always been quite slim (its goes up and down within a range) and recently I was told for the umpteenth time- that I'm slim beacuse i have my Mum's genes. Yes, my Mum was slim most of her life- but that was only because she was very viligant about what she ate and kept and eye on her weight (and encouraged us children too do so, also). We are all very short and the excess calories add up quickly- so we have to be careful to offset treats etc.

My fathers side of the family are all morbidly obese (including all of the children) and they have the attitude that it's not what/ how much they eat- but 'bad genes', and that my siblings and I are only slim because we have 'good genes'. (Point of fact is that my Mum's side of the family are overweight also- but not the adult-kids as they are very sporty). I'm not sure what my point is - I'm not looking for a pat on the back from them, but thier attitude just irks me. Anyone else have this too?


  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    They are just using it as an excuse. I sure as heck didn't grow up knowing how to eat properly but at the end of the day I was overweight because I ate too much. They are obese because they eat too much. Be happy and proud of yourself for taking care of your body, they are most likely jealous.
  • JanBran1
    I so agree with you, it's very annoying when people think that you don't have to put any effort into loosing weight, when you are working hard to stay fit and within a decent weight range.
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    Good... Bad... who cares. If you consistently run a calorie surplus you will become fat.

  • itstimeRK
    itstimeRK Posts: 112 Member
    edited February 2015
    Not everybody will be on your side and sadly family sometime falls into this category. I think the important thing is that you don't let them get under your skin. When people judge others it usually says more about them then it does about you.

    Maybe next time you see them you have some sassy retorts lined up to put them in their place.