Bone Structure affecting weight?

vauleese Posts: 75
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Does your bone structure affect what your weight will be? I'm by no means petite bone wise so now I'm worried I will never be able to reach my goal weight without looking sick (and not in a good way).


  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I think it does. It's hard for me to tell what my bone structure looks like since I've never really been thin, but I do think about not being able to reach my goal weight. I had to start thinking about it like this. My weight is just a number. I'll be able to tell when my body feels the best and when I look the best. It may not be my goal weight, but it will be my ideal body weight, regardless of what any BMI index says :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Absolutely! You may need to shoot for the top end of your BMI range rather than the low end. I know for me, between not having been anywhere near a healthy weight in about 20 years and being more muscular/fit now than I was then, I'm shooting for that high end and once I get there I'll decide if I can reasonably lose another 5-15 pounds or if I'm fine where I am. If you're really not sure, get your doctor's input.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    You may need to shoot for the top end of your BMI range rather than the low end.

    Exactly! That is why the BMI range has about a 20lb "healthy range". Doctor's imput is always a good idea too!
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm around 5'10" and the height weight chart for males says a heavy weight for me is 179 pounds. On the day I walked out of army bootcamp 20 years ago I was slim, muscular and in excellent physical condition...and I weighed more than 179. I think it's different for everyone. I believe it depends on bones structure, muscle mass etc. I'm going to try to get near the range but am looking more toward fitness goals than specific weight.
  • vauleese
    vauleese Posts: 75
    You may need to shoot for the top end of your BMI range rather than the low end.

    Exactly! That is why the BMI range has about a 20lb "healthy range". Doctor's imput is always a good idea too!

    All the doc's I see keep telling me I need to be in the 160's....I can tell that with my bone structure I would look like someone who is starving themselves to death if I were that low. I am of norweigen decent with a large bone build, part of me keeps hoping my hips will go in after I drop more weight but I dont know if that's ever going to happen.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Try this link to help you determine your frame size and ideal weight range.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    As you get healthy, look at other factors other than what the scale says. Have your body fat tested. Anyone can be at a healthy weight range yet be unhealthy when it comes to body fat percentage. You can be higher than what the weight chart says is your optimal weight and be healthy as well. Your body doesn't care as much about how much it weighs, it cares about being healthy. The best way to do that is to eat right, exercise, get good sleep, reduce stress . . . those and a healthy body fat level will make your body (heart, organs, brain) happy.
  • kjb0976
    kjb0976 Posts: 68
    Cool link.. thanks!! I always thought my frame/bone size was large.. now I know!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Your body "frame" should be taken into consideration when deciding what your ideal weight will be. I am 5'2 140lbs, a healthy weight but way to much for my small frame....the lower end of my healthy weight range is 110 or so...way too small so I'm shooting for 125.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I would second getting body fat tested.

    When I had mine tested last year I had a bmi of 24 however a body fat of around 21% which is fairly low for a woman. My structure is not small so body fat is a good judge.
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    that is a really cool link! really making me evaluate my goals again.
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    I was looking this up the other day as my scales put me about 13lb over the top end of my healthy BMI yet my hips are already starting to stick out so if I go much further than the very top end it will look awful!

    I also found a site that said to measure circumference of the wrist but that won't do much good for me, I have unusually thin wrists and giant childbearing type hips and a large ribcage!
  • sam23030
    sam23030 Posts: 76
    Just out of interest, how has that link reflected other peoples views of their bone structure?

    I always thought I had a very small bone structure but that website seems to think mines large and has recommended for my 5'2" height I should weigh 128 to 143 lbs. I've never weighed 128 pounds before and I know judging by my current body image that my frame cannot hold much weight (or fat I should say) at all. In the past, to look healthy and without excess fat I have had to weigh 105 pounds.
  • BillieBrink
    BillieBrink Posts: 15
    Try this link to help you determine your frame size and ideal weight range.

    Cool site, I never really thought about frame size. I still don't think I can make the weight that they recommend....
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    Many of us have gone through life thinking we were "big boned", when we really aren't. This website has a way to calculate your ideal weight range that takes into account small, med, and large frames. Make sure to scroll to the bottom, it gives an way to determine your actual frame size. Try it out to determine a more realistic weight goal if you are concerned. I've always thought I was big boned, when I really have a small frame with a lot of extra padding!

    Hope this helps:)
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Try this link to help you determine your frame size and ideal weight range.

    This is fantastic. Thanks for posting it!
  • rachpiper720
    rachpiper720 Posts: 204
    I would ignore BMI all together. It is completely flawed and was never intended to be used on an individual basis, but across large populations. Just go with what you personally feel is healthy. If you are concerned about any number, get your body fat tested and go from there.
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