My journey

Started at 156kg in November 2012. I currently weigh 84.9kg. I continue to exercise daily and am aiming to drop body fat, using the LDNM cutting guide version 3 (CGV3)


  • Vido_P
    Vido_P Posts: 93
    Wow that's amazing!!
  • royston_ashby
    royston_ashby Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks buddy!
  • bethouiseevans
    bethouiseevans Posts: 41 Member
    Bit late sorry but I found your post by searching for posts about LDNM guides! so yeah thats amazing progress, well done! How are you finding it? I'm doing the Bikini guide v3 :)
  • royston_ashby
    royston_ashby Posts: 71 Member
    That's ok. How you finding it? I'm noticing a drop in body fat and my appearance changing after 5 weeks. Not too fussed on my weight but have dropped 3-4kg. If you can gain strength and loss weight, then that's a massive success itself. Pretty decide guide and the lads are spot on with advice around the clock.