As Valentines Day is on the way...

onedayTHISYEAR Posts: 34 Member
Suggestions towards a 3 course meal.... (with recipes and calorie count :) )
I cant imagine that one can be created without missing out on most things that I like and would make it a special meal rather than a just get though the day limitations ...
- as so far alcohol has to be taken out
- bread has to be taken out
- an decent size piece of meat
Mainly left with salad and fruit salad and not much for a main...

For the whole day my max is 1200 and due to health exercise is VERY limited so I cant compensate that way either.

But suggestions for myself or others I am sure is welcome


  • sswanl
    sswanl Posts: 30
    Start with a small green salad topped with olive oil and lemon. Main course: grilled chicken with lots of seasoning, braised collard greens (if you can work in a 1/2 slice of bacon for calorie count, the taste will be anything but boring). Finish with a small fruit "ice cream" (no cream, no added sugar, basicly softly frozen pureed naturally sweet fruit.)
  • HnyB123
    HnyB123 Posts: 10 Member
    Shrimp is very low cal & high protein per serving. Maybe a shrimp with wheat pasta or just sautéed with lemon pepper.
  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    Unfortunately, I do not have the nutritional breakdown for this, but it could be run through the recipe builder to get an idea.

    Filets Mignons with Cranberry-Orange Sauce

    Weight Watchers Recipe

    8PointsPlus Value
    Prep time: 7 min
    Cook time: 22 min
    Other time: 0 min
    Serves: 2
    This speedy recipe with a sweet-tart cranberry and orange sauce just serves two.

    1/2 pound(s) uncooked lean and trimmed beef filet mignon
    1/2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
    1/4 tsp table salt
    2 tsp olive oil
    1 small uncooked shallot(s), or 1⁄2 small red onion, minced
    1 clove(s) (medium) garlic clove(s), minced
    1/4 cup(s) unsweetened orange juice
    1/4 cup(s) red wine, or beef broth
    3 Tbsp dried cranberries
    Pat the filets dry with paper towels; sprinkle both sides with the pepper and salt. Heat 1 teaspoon of the oil in a medium heavy skillet over medium-high heat until very hot. Add the filets and cook until well browned, about 4 minutes.

    Heat 1 teaspoon of the oil in a medium heavy skillet over medium-high heat until very hot.

    Add the filets and cook until well browned, about 4 minutes.

    Turn and cook until the center is slightly less done than you'd like, 2 – 3 minutes for medium rare (the meat will continue to cook when you take it off the heat).

    Transfer to a plate and loosely cover with foil.

    Heat the remaining 1 teaspoon oil in the same skillet. Add the shallot and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, until softened, 2 – 3 minutes. Add the orange juice, wine, and cranberries; bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring constantly, until thickened, 2 – 3 minutes. Return the filets to the pan and cook, swirling to coat them with the sauce. Serve at once.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited February 2015
    How about doing a small beef roast with a red wine glaze? Served with a spinach salad and balsamic vinegrette (or maybe one with strawberries and poppy seed dressing?). You said basically no bread, right? how about some rice or some kind of bread that's reeealllly fluffy (mostly air?). And maybe some Skinny Girl wine. I know it's just watered down, but it might still be nice to have! You might even find a recipe for a beef roast with a bit of a dark chocolate drizzle to valentines day it up. Use the recipe builder to find out the calories. But if you have fish for lunch, you should be able to manage a dinner like that on 1200 calories.

    Start with the salad, have the roast and some steamed veggies as the main (maybe bread). Perhaps serve a sorbet (try cranberry?) between and then finish with fresh berries served in a martini glass, layered with light Cool Whip and a few crumbled graham crackers.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    What about a broth-based fondue? They are delicious, they make for a wonderful evening meal / date because you spend so much time together at the table - lots of time for conversation. Prep time is minimal. You can fondue many different items (many of which can be low-cal, such as veg, shrimp). You can get beef or other meats in whichever quantity suits each of you, without either feeling like you're eating too little/too much.

    The time it takes for cooking each piece automatically slows down your eating, so your body has a chance to register your fullness before you over-do things.

    You can find or make low-cal dipping sauces as well.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Suggestions towards a 3 course meal.... (with recipes and calorie count :) )
    I cant imagine that one can be created without missing out on most things that I like and would make it a special meal rather than a just get though the day limitations ...
    - as so far alcohol has to be taken out
    - bread has to be taken out
    - an decent size piece of meat
    Mainly left with salad and fruit salad and not much for a main...

    For the whole day my max is 1200 and due to health exercise is VERY limited so I cant compensate that way either.

    But suggestions for myself or others I am sure is welcome

    Valentine's Day without alcohol?

  • onedayTHISYEAR
    onedayTHISYEAR Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for all of those, lots of different ideas :-)
    I love bread (and roll and butter for special meals, but does not fit into the count :-( )
    "Valentine's Day without alcohol?" unfortunately :-(
    I do like the odd drink but ended up with non for January as just again too many calories :-(
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    We are having tossed salad, grilled NY strip steak, baked sweet potatoes and a glass (or two), I will make sure it fits into calorie count for the day. This is our 40th Valentines Day together.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    A nice dessert that looks really fancy is chocolate covered strawberries. It sounds very decadent but is fairly low in calories. One strawberry is about 30 calories. You can always make a main course salad, lots of veggies and just a few slices of beef, shrimp, or other seafood and perhaps some crunchy veggies with a low cal dip for an appetizer.
  • rocardy
    rocardy Posts: 14 Member
    There are few days a year where it is nice to splurge or have a cheat day. As long as you are good leading up to and get back on track after I don't see why you cannot have the dinner you want. Just don't over do it. Even a doctor will tell you it's ok to have a cheat day, just don't make them too close together. Relax, otherwise you may be too focused on your lifestyle change and forget to love a little more tender.

    Have your daily count be 1600 for the day instead of 1200. Make a compromise with yourself to enjoy the day without added stress.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Last night I made Filet Mignon with a balsamic reduction and served with crab legs. I made a compound butter for the steak as well. It was decadent. Valentine's Day came early. When I've made this before, I served with roasted potatoes and green beans instead of the crab legs. So delicious!

    If I was doing 3 courses, I would probably do the crab legs as an appetizer, the filet and a vegetable for the main and then berries and cream for dessert.

    As far as the calories, I would bank earlier in the week and make sure I'm exercising so I don't go over calories. And most importantly, enjoy yourself!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    We're having steak and Sprite.

    We have a pretty disgusting case of baby fever, and I always tell him, before babies, we have to make sure we can afford to eat steak and Sprite several times a week for 9 months because I will crave it.

    So we're going to have steak and Sprite.

    And wine and chocolate.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Found this while I still had this screen open...

    Fish is brilliant.

    V-day is too fancy for chicken, but not fish.

    And fish is low-cal.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chicken can be fancy if you pound it kind of thin, lightly salt it, then cook in some already hot chicken broth with some lemon zest and a touch black pepper & salt, then a good squeeze of lemon juice at the end of cooking. Throw some capers in too if you like those. That's a little healthier version of chicken piccata. It basically takes the oil and flour out for breading and a light pan fry. While the chicken is cooking you can float a couple lemon slices in the broth and then use those as garnish. Since the chicken is thin, it won't take long to cook! Also, you just want enough broth to cook the chicken in, then a little left to pour over it on the plate. Have any side dishes basically already prepared.