2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • eapple87
    eapple87 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey, noob here! I'm a 27 year old mom of two young girls. Looking to get strong and be a woman I feel good about them looking up to. I don't eat meat and try to limit my other animal product consumption which leaves me eating a lot of carbs to get that full feeling. I'd love a mentor to help me!
  • Hi all! I'm a 24 year old female who is at the heaviest I've been my whole life. I am looking to loose 40lbs by summer, and have never been successful with weight loss. I know I need help and someone to keep me accountable. I'll log for maybe 2-3 weeks in a row at best and then quit for months. Right now I'm at 173lbs and am 5' 5". It's a little out of my comfort zone to ask for help but I know I need it.

    I'd love to be able to run some races with my friends who are all super fit, but I also like unconventional exercise. I love canoeing, rock climbing and backpacking but haven't been much since college due to a crazy work schedule. I'm always looking for new and efficient excercises for weight loss and healthy snack options!
  • stephmw9
    stephmw9 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2015

    I'm also a 24 year old female who is basically the heaviest ive been my whole life. looking to lose some serious weight by summer and have been up and down/all around the past few years.
    I can't be your mentor but I would like to "friend you". Sounds like we're in the same boat.

    havent figured out how to just quote someones name....
  • LexDecember1988
    LexDecember1988 Posts: 176 Member
    Oh this is awesome I need a mentor, I been on MFP for a week, and it seems like the weekend s are a litle hard for me.. HEEEEeeelp :)
  • zraizam
    zraizam Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I recently just re downloaded mfp in hopes of shaking off 20 lbs before summer. Right now I am 165 lbs and 5'8". While I do love working out and everything, I am not as comfortable in my own skin. My UGW is to be 138 lbs and hopefully with the aid of mfp I can do it, and maybe even with guidance of a mentor. At least to get me started. I'm welcoming anyone wanting to help out a young adult.
  • MissD73x
    MissD73x Posts: 21 Member
    I am very happy to support a couple of people starting out on their MFP journey. I'm vegetarian and live on the south coast of England. I've been using MFP daily for just over a year and during that time I've lost a little over 1/3rd of my start weight. I reached my goal in November and am maintaining. I focus on diet, with exercise being light, mainly walking. I've tried many diets in the past with some success, but I tended to gain it again very soon after. Using the app I better understand how to balance bad days and plan for long term weight control. This is the first time I've felt positive about maintaining.

    Good luck in all your journeys.
  • I am a noob, I started tracking 20 days ago and have had some success I am 6'5" tall well overweight, people confuse me for linebackers all the time. If I moved to Japan they would make me a sumo wrestler as soon as I got off the plane. My goal is to lose 50lbs this year and 100lbs at least overall. I find that I am trying not to eat all of the calories the app gives me so I would have thought this would make the weight come off faster..? So maybe a mentor would be able to give me insight.


  • mariominustheo
    mariominustheo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a noob as well, starting logging and working out regularly only about a week and a half ago. I'm 24, 5'6", and at a starting weight of around 180 (i'm too nervous to step on a scale and check,) my goal weight would be around 140 or 130. I cant wait to start seeing and feeling results. Currently I only do cardio exercises (spinning, etc.) and yoga. I'm interested in starting to lift but don't have a clue where to start. I'm really excited about the recent changes I've made and can't wait to see what will come of them.
    I'd love to have a mentor just to check in with and help motivate me! I'm a little alone in my gym and diet life, so some company would be great. Thanks!

  • alwilkey
    alwilkey Posts: 14
    edited February 2015
    I'm a noob....that's weird to say.... anyone willing to mentor me? I just don't know how to choose.....
  • Hello! I am 24 years old, 5'7" and I'm a previous weight watchers account holder. Tracking my food and exercise helped keep me accountable - after losing 50 pounds last year, I quit WW. Now, after moving and a new job with different hours, I have not maintained my weight the way I should have and have gained back 15 pounds. I am looking for a mentor that can help keep me on track and meet my new weight loss and lifestyle goals. Thanks in advanced!
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Alykhan and I'm from Jacksonville, Florida. I am 31 and a data analyst in the health insurance industry. Because I'm a huge numbers person, I was naturally drawn to calorie counting. A few years ago, I lost 25lbs and have kept it off thanks to MFP. I have been tracking calories on this site for over two years without missing a day.

    I am also an active blogger and the founder of a couple of fitness websites - one of which is devoted to calorie counting! So I'm definitely passionate about this stuff! Over the last couple of years, I have learned how to make the most out of MFP and I want to share this knowledge with others and help them succeed in their weight loss and fitness journeys.

    I have a busy schedule and I want to make sure I'm able to give full personalized attention to the people I work with so I'm willing to mentor up to three noobs for now, but I am only interested in serious inquiries and I ask that you be willing to track calories daily and share your numbers with me every week.

    Feel free to message me if you think we'd make a good fit! Please include a little bit about yourself and what you want to accomplish in terms of weight loss by working with me.

  • MoreFabbLessFlab
    MoreFabbLessFlab Posts: 60 Member
    Looking to get adopted! 47 year youngster, quiet and well trained. Has let herself go the last few years and needs a friendly push to keep motivated. Resides in Orange County Calif, has the stamina to do the Curves circuit and would love to be able to walk a stretch of beach again without her knees giving out. Has 100 plus to lose. Loves cats, music and positive quirky people. (*)
  • DarcG
    DarcG Posts: 51 Member
    I'm available to be a mentor. I am a competitive natural bodybuilder who is also a certified as personal trainer. Willing to help anyone accomplish their goals.

    Care to be my trainer to help me kick my full of exuse back into gear? I know what I want and how to get it. I just need that extra and could use more tips and advice for sure
  • bigjack69
    bigjack69 Posts: 12 Member
    bigjack69 wrote: »
    Im jack.
    Im 45 years old and ive been working out and watching what i eat all of my adult life.ive converted my garage into a gym and i train in there 7 days a week.i mainly train with weights but also do a fair bit of running, walking and cycling. im more than happy to mentor somebody new to diet and exercise.

    I’m still here if anyone wants help and support.
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd be happy to serve as a mentor for anyone looking for motivation and that extra push to succeed.

    I'm a full time working mom of two so I totally understand the challenges of fitting fitness into a busy schedule. I do a combination of a number of workouts. I started out with Focus T25 - moved on to Insanity Max30, but also do BodyPump, PiYo, Spinning, Bootcamp Circuits and TurboKick!

    I'm also an AFAA Certified Group X instructor.

    I'm a clean eating proponent - getting fit is 80% diet, 20% exercise! LET'S GET FIT! :)
  • fabiru2013
    fabiru2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to get adopted!! I dont know why but my gym skills are not good =(, I need to tone my body and to stay in track to loose the last 15 pounds. Anybody??
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    Would love to connect with a knowledgeable mentor!

    I'm 5' 6", and approx 134 pounds. My goals don't lie so much with weight loss as they do with strength. I plan on doing Tough Mudder this fall with my boyfriend. Currently my running ability leaves much to be desired, as does my upper body strength (which are the two most important things for an OCR like TM, I'm told). Currently working on revamping my workout routine, and thanks to some amazing MFP folks, I've constructed the following:

    Sunday-- Yoga
    Monday-- Jogging [C25K]
    Tuesday-- Weightlifting [Stronglifts 5x5]
    Wednesday-- Jogging [C25K]
    Thursday-- Weightlifting [Stronglifts 5x5]
    Friday-- Jogging [C25K]
    Saturday-- Weightlifting [Stronglifts 5x5]

    Would love any suggestions, and/or someone to just kick me in the rear when the going gets tough! PM/Add me!
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited February 2015
    This mentor has adopted several noobs and is no longer available. Thanks!

    Over the past ten months MFP has given me the support and knowledge I've needed to become a healthier more confident person. I've met great new friends, shared successes and setbacks and had a lot of fun along the way. I think it is time I returned some of the good that I have received.

    I would like be a mentor and hopefully help someone have the same success I have had here on MFP.

    I log in daily, track my food and exercise, check in with my friends and spend a little time on the message boards and groups. My definition of support is not blindly hitting the “like” button on every auto-update that MFP generates and moving on. I like to hear how my friends are doing, what has been easy this week and what has been challenging. Found any new recipes or workout ideas? I’d love to hear about them. My family needs to eat a gluten-free diet so any GF topics are always welcome. I do not have any food biases so clean eaters and junk-food-junkies are both welcome.

    Because of my schedule and personal preference I work out at home. I do light cardio and both body weight and machine weight training. When the weather allows I walk and hope to start running eventually.

    Look at my profile or send me a private message if you would like to know more about me or how I got to where I am now. If you send a friend request please send a note along so I know why you think I might be a good addition to your friends list.

    Have fun and enjoy your time here on MFP. It has changed my life forever and I hope it does the same for you.
  • Bkq15
    Bkq15 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for a mentor, I made a post in getting started that says most of what I would put here. I love cross fit and not sure how to add the calories from the work outs we do. Not sure how I go about this as I just started roaming the forums couple of hours ago.
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have plenty of mentees. Will gladly accept FR though!!
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