2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    edited January 2015
    Olivia wrote: »
    Welcome to the 2015 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!
    New members
    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.
    ^ New members looking to be adopted, please note the above instructions and send a private message or friend request to volunteer mentors instead of posting to this thread. You will most likely get a quicker response via PM or friend request.

    @CyberTone‌ Thanks for helping new members find these instructions - so very helpful!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    The volunteer list is updated. Continued thanks to all the volunteers!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    I'm not sure I qualify as a "mentor" yet; but I'm a 53 yr old female, lost about 45 lbs and leading a much healthier lifestyle after being "scared straight" by a type 2 diabetes diagnosis two years ago which led me to MFP. Also been a shift worker for 25 years so learned to deal with eating well even at 3am lol. if I can pay it forward for all the help I've gotten from others here, happy to offer a helping hand.
  • krisbox2014
    krisbox2014 Posts: 24 Member
    This is great and I wish I had a mentor when I started. I'm willing to work with 2 folks.

    Just a little background: I've got 2 kids (6 and 2) and will be 40 in 1 month. I love to cook and make all of our meals. I love the challenge of walking in the door at 5 pm, seeing what I have in my fridge, google a recipe and have an incredible meal on the table in 45 min-1 hr.

    I started using MFP a year ago after the birth of my second child. A girlfriend had mentioned it to me sometime last summer and I finally got around to signing up Christmas of last year. I have always eaten "healthfully" and eaten a mostly Paleo diet for several years. I couldn't understand why I was stuck with the last 10 lbs. Then I started tracking and reading. It was an eye opener, and WOW was I eating a lot of fat! It really does come down to the cals! I have since lost the rest of the baby weight plus more. Now, after a year of a deficit, I'm working on finding my maintenance and maximize my activity levels.

    I'm an early morning exerciser (5:30 am most days)- if it doesn't happen before noon, it most likely will not happen for that day. As far as exercise goes, I love high intensity interval training and did Crossfit for years. When it comes to exercise, changing it up is what keeps it fun. I also love yoga and am a Registered Yoga Teacher. I'm currently working with a fellow MFPaler on a progressive strength training program and am amazed at how far I've gotten. I do not know anything about endurance training and HATE running. Gym is my happy place.

    I also love the science of nutrition and wellness in general. I have a Doctorate in Public Health, completing a certification with Precision Nutrition and about to start a certification with Wellcoaches. Just love this stuff and much of it is for my own personal edification.

    Love to help someone along to reach their goals!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Hi everyone! I would be willing to mentor a noob....maybe even a couple.

    I've lost large amounts of weight.....multiple times. I still struggle with the whole "maintain" thing. I like to play sports and lift heavy things but I think I like to eat even more. I am sarcastic but genuine. If you are truly have questions or are looking for help I will be the first to try and help you. If you are trying to act (or really are) dumb and ask silly questions (yes....there is such a thing as a silly question) I will call you on it. I don't like to sugar coat crap and I pretty much just call it like I see it.

    Yes - eating at a caloric deficit will make you lose weight
    No - Lifting weights will not make you bulky
    Yes - You can still eat sugar
    No - Carbs aren't the devil
    Yes - Shakeology is overpriced and overhyped
    No - The ItWorks wraps don't really work
    Yes - Crossfit is garbage
    No - You aren't a special snowflake who gains weight eating only 500 cals a day

    I could go on but you get the idea. If you are offended easily don't bother PMing....I will probably say something you will find offensive.
  • narfy88
    narfy88 Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to volunteer. I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I have been using MFP for the past 2 years, and one of the best and most motivating things is having an online community/buddy to bounce ideas off of and encourage each other.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Jacwhite22 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I would be willing to mentor a noob....maybe even a couple.

    I've lost large amounts of weight.....multiple times. I still struggle with the whole "maintain" thing. I like to play sports and lift heavy things but I think I like to eat even more. I am sarcastic but genuine. If you are truly have questions or are looking for help I will be the first to try and help you. If you are trying to act (or really are) dumb and ask silly questions (yes....there is such a thing as a silly question) I will call you on it. I don't like to sugar coat crap and I pretty much just call it like I see it.

    Yes - eating at a caloric deficit will make you lose weight
    No - Lifting weights will not make you bulky
    Yes - You can still eat sugar
    No - Carbs aren't the devil
    Yes - Shakeology is overpriced and overhyped
    No - The ItWorks wraps don't really work
    Yes - Crossfit is garbage
    No - You aren't a special snowflake who gains weight eating only 500 cals a day

    I could go on but you get the idea. If you are offended easily don't bother PMing....I will probably say something you will find offensive.

    How dare you blaspheme against the One True Way to Optimal Fitness (aka Crossfit)!

    You take it back! YOU TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!
  • keronkinara
    keronkinara Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a noob looking for a mentor :)

  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Jacwhite22 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I would be willing to mentor a noob....maybe even a couple.

    I've lost large amounts of weight.....multiple times. I still struggle with the whole "maintain" thing. I like to play sports and lift heavy things but I think I like to eat even more. I am sarcastic but genuine. If you are truly have questions or are looking for help I will be the first to try and help you. If you are trying to act (or really are) dumb and ask silly questions (yes....there is such a thing as a silly question) I will call you on it. I don't like to sugar coat crap and I pretty much just call it like I see it.

    Yes - eating at a caloric deficit will make you lose weight
    No - Lifting weights will not make you bulky
    Yes - You can still eat sugar
    No - Carbs aren't the devil
    Yes - Shakeology is overpriced and overhyped
    No - The ItWorks wraps don't really work
    Yes - Crossfit is garbage
    No - You aren't a special snowflake who gains weight eating only 500 cals a day

    I could go on but you get the idea. If you are offended easily don't bother PMing....I will probably say something you will find offensive.

    I love you! You know that... He really is a great guy to have around if you aren't overly sensitive and want real uncensored advice.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Jacwhite22 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I would be willing to mentor a noob....maybe even a couple.

    I've lost large amounts of weight.....multiple times. I still struggle with the whole "maintain" thing. I like to play sports and lift heavy things but I think I like to eat even more. I am sarcastic but genuine. If you are truly have questions or are looking for help I will be the first to try and help you. If you are trying to act (or really are) dumb and ask silly questions (yes....there is such a thing as a silly question) I will call you on it. I don't like to sugar coat crap and I pretty much just call it like I see it.

    Yes - eating at a caloric deficit will make you lose weight
    No - Lifting weights will not make you bulky
    Yes - You can still eat sugar
    No - Carbs aren't the devil
    Yes - Shakeology is overpriced and overhyped
    No - The ItWorks wraps don't really work
    Yes - Crossfit is garbage
    No - You aren't a special snowflake who gains weight eating only 500 cals a day

    I could go on but you get the idea. If you are offended easily don't bother PMing....I will probably say something you will find offensive.

    That's it! Here's my offer. If Jac will mentor me I will mentor one new MFP member. Like Jac I have lost weight multiple times but actually I find maintenance to be easy. It's the weight loss that for me is like moving mountains and I've been all over the place with my methods lately. @Jacwhite22‌ I definitely need mentoring with lifting (always have) and I like what you said about that. I also like what he said about Cross Fit and sugar and carbs, but especially Cross Fit. Any new member who chooses me will get that kind of philosophy on weight loss because thats what I know.

    @CyberTone, you don't have to tell me, I know the instructions say I must PM Jac directly.

    When I do and if I get my "yes" to mentor me in lifting from him, then I will choose a newbie to mentor if I have any applicants.

    I just added up all the times a pregnancy or surgery put weight on me and how much I've lost over the years and kept off and it totalled 106 lbs.

    I have silly questions and also like to play dumb and if anybody can suss that out and call me on it I think it's Jac.

    For newbies deciding whether to apply with me, I try to be kind, but I am also certain about some things regarding weightloss and exercise.

  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    Count me in. I'm not a nutritionist or a health advisor or any of those things.

    I am a middle aged woman with a wife (If you are homophobic, I'm probably not the person to help you) and 2 disabled young men at home, my own business, a part time job, cats, a house part way through renovating and a long history with weight and a shorter, but realistic history with beginning to beat it.

    I won't tell you what to do, I will support you and cheer you on when it is going well, I will empathise when its not, and I will kick you up the rear when you are wallowing - that's what my wife does for me, so especially if you are on your own, or worse, you have dissenters in the camp, I am happy to talk. I will tell you what works for me and what doesn't, what works for my friends and family, but I will never preach (I hope!)
    I am 40, from the UK with Canadian heritage and have so far lost half what I need to, which in total is around 30 pounds. In the past I have used the gym to justify eating what I like, nowadays I will happily admit I should do more exercise to aid the food balances, but with my lifestyle - pass the shoe horn!

    So if you want a real person in your life, I'm your girl. I will commit to emailing you once a week without fail, and I want to hear about what is working well and what you are struggling with. I will share the same back the other way - I strongly believe that I can learn from you, whether you have been doing this for 5 years or 5 minutes.

    I would rather support women or gay men, but I will chat to anyone. I already have 4 ladies who I talk to by email regularly (I truly appreciate their support as well as trying to support them), so I would be happy to take on 2 more.
  • donnysoule
    donnysoule Posts: 1,185 Member
    I'd love to help out.

    I'm 47, work a full time job and own a business. I don't have a lot of spare time but I get to the gym at least 5 times a week and make the most of it. I educate myself based on my goals and I like challenges. I eat a pretty healthy diet that I don't think feels like a punishment and I like to listen and I'm free and kind with my advice. So, if there's a couple of people looking for someone like me, send them my way

  • Turbotez
    Turbotez Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2015
    Noob here. New to weight loss full stop. Would love someone to help me out and point me in the right direction etc.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Turbotez wrote: »
    Noob here. New to weight loss full stop. Would love someone to help me out and point me in the right direction etc.

    New members
    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.
  • Turbotez
    Turbotez Posts: 14 Member
    For some reason clicking in a username sends me to an error page so I can't add anyone?
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Turbotez wrote: »
    For some reason clicking in a username sends me to an error page so I can't add anyone?

    There is currently a bug that clicking on the names under the pictures causes issues. Clicking on the links on page 1 of this thread seems to work, as does searching on their name in the "Find Member" section in the top menu.
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 307 MFP Moderator
    Thanks to all the new volunteers! The list has been updated.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    @Olivia, @Michelle, @Rachel, please remove me from the list.

    Me as well, I've had many more people than I expected add me

    I think a useful practice would be for a mentor to set a limit on the number of mentees they will take on at a time, and then to move them to a separate list when they reach their max, so people do not seek them out after reaching capacity.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    ihad wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    @Olivia, @Michelle, @Rachel, please remove me from the list.

    Me as well, I've had many more people than I expected add me

    I think a useful practice would be for a mentor to set a limit on the number of mentees they will take on at a time, and then to move them to a separate list when they reach their max, so people do not seek them out after reaching capacity.

    Agreed... I don't like to deny noobs or make them feel unwanted, but it can be a bit much to accept them all...

  • bobsox
    bobsox Posts: 5 Member
    I'm willing to act as a mentor.

    I'm work for two local Churches, in all aspects but especially in youth ministry and Faith formation. I'm also vice-president of a local food pantry & resale shop as well as leadership in two faith based programs. I'm a musician, avid outdoors enthusiast and ham radio operator doing communications for the Navy/Marine Corp Auxiliary Radio Service.

    As you can see I've got an active life and that's why I love MFP. It makes it easy to be aware of your activity level and nutrition. I've been a user of MFP for a while and took some time away from workouts for a forearm injury and am working back into it. I'm also helping some friends develop good habits and would love to help others. MFP makes it easy to develop healthy lifestyle choices because it's balanced and real. Balance is the key because if it's too extreme you won't follow through.

    I'd love to share the journey, message me.

This discussion has been closed.