Ladies, how do you get through it? (hope it's not TMI)

I am totally trying not to lose it today. PMS, cramps & cravings. How do you get through it? I want to eat everything, and then I want nothing. I'm sitting at my desk now trying to figure out what I can snack on. I'm trying to resist, but the cravings are strong. I'm even sitting here trying to figure out what to have for lunch - 3 hours from now! I do know that if I can can make it through this week I can keep pushing forward.

This is my 1st "vay-ca" since joining MFP and I know if I can pull through and manage to lose or maintain my weight this week I can win this battle. I'm just wondering how you ladies handle this time of the month while trying to remain diligent with your lifestyle change.


  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    Oh my gosh, it is such a struggle!
    I usually don't weigh myself on these weeks, or if I do, I just discount it. (Weight will go up due to water retention and all those lovely TOTM problems!)
    However, to make sure I don't just blow my diet simply because of cravings, I either allocate a few calories for a mini chocolate bar or Hershey's kiss. Or I get a coffee with real cream in it, or something that's a small splurge, but I leave the calories for it!
    I chew lots of flavored gum :)
    I know soup has a ton of sodium, but something about the hot liquid feels filling and it makes my cramps feel less intense.
    Also, still do your exercise, whatever it may be! Exercising helps with the pain (if you have that), gives you something to do, and gives you that cushion for the extra calories to have a little bit of whatever youre craving. yum. win-win.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    You can make it through! :) Good luck with your weight loss! Stick with it!
    Remember, if you have one bad week, it's not a bad month :)
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the ideas. I'm trying hard to make it through. I think if I make it through today I will be ok. Love the idea of warm foods (soup, chili, coffee, tea). Those always make me feel better. This wont be easy, but it is def worth it!
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    I try to keep exercising, even though that is extremely difficult with Stage 3 Endometriosis. But it distracts me from eating and misery whilst I'm doing it and enables me to eat more afterwards. I forget the macros and the micros, if I want to live on cake and chocolate and wine, fine. I find I'm close to despair, and particularly the 5 days before I will eat around 2300 cals per day, or I simply can't cope. Yet despite hefty over indulgence every month, giving into the cravings, frequently losing my purse and arguing with everyone and bursting into tears, I lose weight, I keep going, I keep going, I'm still here, my husband still puts up with me. 14 of these derailing monthlies now in my journey and the chart is still going down.
    We can beat these hormones. The desire and need to lose weight can be stronger than them and the days of normality outnumber them, thank god! Good luck it will pass!
  • I also do the mini chocolate bars or just a few M&ms, the peanut ones since there is more protein. I also take the first day of my period off from working out. That's my day to lay under a blanket and watch a chick flick and if the cramps are bad the next day I will take a stretching class at the gym. Hope this helps.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    popcorn, popchips, seaweed snacks, carrots, low calorie soup, rice cakes- all great to snack on because they'll take time to eat and they'll curb a 'salty' craving.

    For a 'sweet' craving, they sell those little chocolate rice cakes, or just splurge on a small piece of really good chocolate! Just fit it into your calories for the day. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    You're not alone! I drink lots of tea/hot liquids and keep telling myself that whether I give into my intense hunger or not, I'll still be miserable, so it's better to try to suck it up and move past the junk food so at least I can feel good about eating right. I also remind myself that I feel worse with a full belly during Tom than being hungry. And my digestion gets all messed up so watching what goes in helps in that department and relieve somewhat that symptom. I don't feel like working out usually, but for me walking is helpful. Standing feels better than sitting when I have cramps, and walking better than standing. But unfortunately these are only minor helps. The overall feeling is still ugh!
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks ladies. I'm trying not to pout, and I am getting through this 1st day literally minute by minute. I'm just counting down until 1:00 when I get my lunch break and I can go burn some calories walking around Walmart - away from the groceries!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    I try to keep exercising, even though that is extremely difficult with Stage 3 Endometriosis. But it distracts me from eating and misery whilst I'm doing it and enables me to eat more afterwards. I forget the macros and the micros, if I want to live on cake and chocolate and wine, fine. I find I'm close to despair, and particularly the 5 days before I will eat around 2300 cals per day, or I simply can't cope. Yet despite hefty over indulgence every month, giving into the cravings, frequently losing my purse and arguing with everyone and bursting into tears, I lose weight, I keep going, I keep going, I'm still here, my husband still puts up with me. 14 of these derailing monthlies now in my journey and the chart is still going down.
    We can beat these hormones. The desire and need to lose weight can be stronger than them and the days of normality outnumber them, thank god! Good luck it will pass!

    I so agree with this quote. Intense exercise helps me tremendously during this time. I don't know why, I just know it works.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    If I increase my exercise in the days before, and continue on my normal routine it seems to be easier to get through the first couple of days. A couple of things that may help. If you really can't avoid the cravings, go up to maintenance calories for a day or two ( it will give you more to work with but won't derail your progress). My daughter swears that pickle juice helps cramps (I've always stuck to using Midol as I can't stand pickles). Heating pads also help with cramps, (if you can't have one at work look for those Therma Care heat wraps (you can wear it under your clothes without anyone knowing.
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    If you look at my diary you will see I have had a few nights with a cup of hot tea and a piece or two of dark mint chocolate because, alas, it is also my TOTM lol allow yourself these things but just make sure that they fit into your daily allowance. Also, I couldn't agree more with the exercise part either, I have upped my exercise for the last few days, it not only stops me wanting to eat as much during this time but has also lifted my mood and dulled any normal cramping I usually would have :smiley: Hang in there.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm going through this right now. My plan for today is to treat myself with McDonald's and a giant iced coffee from Starbucks.

    I feel like my generally angry feeling should burn some calories. Being annoyed by all of humanity must count for something, right?
  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    I just went through 1 1/2 weeks of PMSing, and I'm on day 4 of my period. It's hell for me. To be honest, I've just stopped focusing on losing weight and start worrying about maintaining. My weight on the scale has literally halted altogether for 2 weeks because of my horrible, awful period. I think that in the next few days I will see a 2-3 pound weight loss when I stop retaining water, though.

    I just try to stay as "normal" as possible when it comes to eating, in terms of calories. I don't allow myself extra food, but if I can squeeze it in I'll make a greek yogurt sundae or something else yummy. Chobani Flips, protein bars, and turkey jerky have also been a go-to for me. I have more convenience food around because I don't feel like doing food prep. I just make sure that my portions are in check.

    I also make sure to keep up with my exercise regimen, although I really, really don't want to. At least exercise makes me feel better for a little while.

    I also have acetaminophen for my cramps and try to drink extra water.
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I find that drinking a lot of water helps me to feel less bloated, and when I have cramps, I go on a brisk 10 minute walk and it's better than midol.
  • akoullias
    akoullias Posts: 18 Member
    If you chop and freeze a banana and blend it up with a little cocoa powder and a tablespoon of whatever milk you choose (I like almond) it is just like soft serve ice cream, low calorie and nutrient packed
    That holds my sweets cravings at bay
    And sometimes you just feel like you want to binge.. That's when I pull out the popcorn you can eat a shocking amount of it for very few calories
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I keep a stash of really good quality dark chocolate in my desk at work just for these occasions. It saves me from going to the cafe and getting something that will blow my calorie budget. The darker the chocolate, the better it kills the craving for me, and the less the fat/calories, too.

    I get extremely exhausted during PMS/TOTM so I will often dial it back a little bit in the gym. Maybe instead of lifting heavy things, I'll instead go for a moderate run on the treadmill - it really depends on how I feel.

    I will do a lot of other self-care though. I take really scorching hot baths. I light candles. I watch indulgent TV or read trashy romance novels. I convince my boyfriend to rub me. All things that help me "feel" better without costing me any calories or money.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Some months are worse than others but I try to not go over maintenance. I really like dried roasted salted pumpkin seeds and some chocolate of course for snacks but try and up my protein around this time of the month because i do notice a difference in satiety. i get back ache and have to be careful exercising at this time and at ovulation but i do try and make sure i get at least 10,000 steps.
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    So man good suggestions. It's going to be interesting to see how I can get my exercise in. My flow is usually VERY heavy and it makes for a horrible time trying to work out. I may just climb my stairs at home for a work out. That way, if I have any "problems", I'm home and can take care of them.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    Not to get all TMI, but wearing a pad with a tampon helps. That way you don't have to feel quite as paranoid about a red spot on your shorts!
    For home work outs, definitely look at some online videos, or do squats, jumping jacks, jump rope, push ups...even a little bit helps.

    good idea with the stairs!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    edited February 2015
    SandyCoils wrote: »
    So man good suggestions. It's going to be interesting to see how I can get my exercise in. My flow is usually VERY heavy and it makes for a horrible time trying to work out. I may just climb my stairs at home for a work out. That way, if I have any "problems", I'm home and can take care of them.

    This is so TMI but WTH. I have super heavy flow the first 3 days of my period. So right before I leave for the gym I change my tampon (using the super ultra whatever its called, the giant ones), and I snag one of the overnight pads from my daughter (so just in case my tampon leaks, its not an embarrassing mess).
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    its tough - we all understand!!! 1)I give myself a break - I'm not scale focused, so when I see the numbers rise (which they do) I dont worry about it, and remind myself it's just water weight. 2)I give myself a break again! I allow myself to: eat closer to maintenance than to my weight loss goals; to exercise as little or as much as I want.

    I don't allow myself to behave in a way that will result in gains, but I'm ok with TOM being a little maintenance break instead of a losing week. This allows me less stress and a little extra feel-good food:)
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    If you suffer from really heavy flow, a menstrual cup is a godsend - I don't know how I'd cope with my heavy coil induced periods without one. Other than that, hugs and sympathy - cycle problems are horrid :(
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I was just going to suggest a menstrual cup. Its a lifesaver for heavy days. I usually have to change the ultra absorbent tampons every hour, but I can go 4 hours with a cup! And they are SO freaking comfortable.
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    Cups are great!
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    I try to keep exercising, even though that is extremely difficult with Stage 3 Endometriosis. But it distracts me from eating and misery whilst I'm doing it and enables me to eat more afterwards. I forget the macros and the micros, if I want to live on cake and chocolate and wine, fine. I find I'm close to despair, and particularly the 5 days before I will eat around 2300 cals per day, or I simply can't cope. Yet despite hefty over indulgence every month, giving into the cravings, frequently losing my purse and arguing with everyone and bursting into tears, I lose weight, I keep going, I keep going, I'm still here, my husband still puts up with me. 14 of these derailing monthlies now in my journey and the chart is still going down.
    We can beat these hormones. The desire and need to lose weight can be stronger than them and the days of normality outnumber them, thank god! Good luck it will pass!
    OMG. I needed to hear this! Thanks for this post, OP. I was coming to post the exact same thing. These last few days have been terrible and I was doing well and being consistent before this. It makes me want to give up to think of all the hard work I do all month (not eating perfect, but being flexible within my calories) for it to go off track now. I have extremely bad emotional PMS (it's actually called PMDD) so yeah, not fun times .

    I understand OP! I ate at maintenance one day and went over two. Drink lots of water to keep the bloating/ fatigue down and yes, I have kept exercising- about to get one in now.

    It's just hard when DH weight loss is progressing as normal, and I have this crazy week or 10 days when I'm just trying not to gain everything I loss.

  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    I just got started on changing my life right at this lovely time. Ha! I'm so glad that there's a community section here and ladies to commiserate with because yes, I've been hating my hubbys generous plan that he has to work with. Never before in my life have I eaten so many vegetables! it's just been a week but I think I may be able to do this whole changing my life thing. I cannot wait to see changes.